Sly Cooper Wiki

Bentley: Oh my gosh, that's awful! That poor village just got buried in freezing snow!
Sly: The rocket came from that giant statue, and you can bet the Panda King lit the fuse. I've got to find my way up there fast before that lunatic squashes another town.
― Witnessing the destruction of Hinkau village[src]

"A Perilous Ascent" is the first job in "Fire in the Sky" of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus.


Sly proceeds through a snowy, mountainous region in search of the Panda King's compound. Along the way, he and Bentley witnessed a rocket fire from a giant panda statue, striking a nearby mountain and causing an avalanche that buries the village below in freezing snow. Knowing that the Panda King is responsible, Sly knows he has to make his way up there fast before another town gets freeze.


There are 30 clue bottles to collect in this level, and the vault is located in the building with the three overlooking gorilla guards, as well as the two red fireworks. The vault's combination is 5-7-8.

I got a real headache figuring this one out. Input 5-7-8.
― Bentley[src]
