Ah, the three musketeers! One step behind as usual. May you never change!
― Cyrille Le Paradox taunting the Cooper Gang[src]
"All Rolled Up!" is a job for Carmelita Fox, Bentley, Murray and Sly Cooper in "40 Thieves" of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.
The Cooper Gang, along with Carmelita and Salim, entered the lamp shop to discover what was hidden behind the large, strange door.
As Bentley goes over the plan for the heist, he explains how Miss Decibel has been creating false royal documents for Le Paradox, which will make him an esteemed member of royalty in the present day. After Bentley inspects some of the documentation, he warns everyone that if Le Paradox is to get away with this, his wealth and power would make him unstoppable.

Carmelita dressed up in her dance outfit
As part of Bentley's plan, Carmelita needs to put on a purple silk costume and distracts the apes guarding the door in the lamp shop by... doing a belly dance, much to her discomfort and Sly's satisfaction. Once the gang enters the shop, Carmelita is dressed in the outfit, and she approaches the two guards, grabbing their attention. With the apes distracted by Carmelita's dance, Salim and the Cooper Gang sneak around them–one by one–to reach the door.

Bentley bringing out the RC car
It takes all four of them to get it open, and once done, Salim offers to stay behind and "watch over" Carmelita. Sly goes on with Bentley and Murray. And to their surprise, the trio comes across a private underground docking station for Le Paradox's blimp. Since their way further into the station is obstructed by two green laser fences, Bentley devises a quick plan to lure the guards away from the control room nearby, using his mouse-mobile. By using the security cameras, he is able to guide the car to the guards' positions and attract their attention. He then lures them to the other side of the room to a ventilation shaft.
Once the RC car is inside the heavily-secured vents, Bentley needs to guide it to the power supply that controls the first laser fence. Once it is destroyed, the coast is clear to the control room. Murray and Sly wait at the second laser fence, while Bentley goes to the control room to hack the terminal. After doing so, the second laser fence shuts down, and Sly and Murray passed through, but seconds after, a fail-safe system triggers, causing the lasers to reactivate and activating two gas cannons that continuously sprays gas along their path forward. Since they cannot wait for Bentley to resolve the problem, Sly and Murray fight their way through a bunch of rat troopers. Murray uses them to destroy the cannons so that they can confront Le Paradox before he can make his escape getaway.

Le Paradox with Salim's cane
The gang then confronts Le Paradox, who is in his blimp preparing for his getaway. He taunts the gang, claiming he has already won. Miss Decibel then shows up behind the gang, carrying an unconscious Salim. However, Le Paradox is uninterested in him, as he only wanted the cane, which he already has in his possession, along with the false royal documents. He is also intent on leaving behind Miss Decibel, but she tries to catch up with him. After Bentley warns Sly of the dangers they will face if Le Paradox was to return to the present, Sly battles his way through Miss Decibel to reach the skunk himself.

Le Paradox with Carmelita captured
Hanging on by a rope, Miss Decibel begs Le Paradox to let her on board. However, he claims that they have already reached maximum weight capacity, as he reveals that he has also captured Carmelita. Decibel continues to beg him, reminding him of who makes him the forged documents, and his promises of romantic nights with her on the Riviera. While Le Paradox is thankful for the documents, he expresses his true feelings for her, saying their relationship will never work out, as he never favors her big nose, and also revealing his hatred for her music, comparing it to his own stench. An angered Decibel then sees him as the lying deviant he really is. After she falls down to the floor, Le Paradox escapes with Carmelita on board, with his blimp rising out of the dock and disappearing. Salim then walks up to Decibel and placed a cork in her trunk.
Hold... That... Blimp![]

The gang putting their hands together, determined to stop Le Paradox.
After Miss Decibel is defeated, she is placed behind bars in the present. However, the gang still fails to stop Le Paradox from escaping and are therefore on the ropes. Le Paradox holds all of the cards: his fake pedigree, Carmleita, and most of the canes. Despite their disappointment, the gang is still determined to return to Paris in the present day to stop Le Paradox, as there is too much at stake: the lives of everyone they cared about and their own existence. They know that no matter what happens, they will make things right.