"Anatomy for Disaster" is the eighth and final episode of Sly 2: Band of Thieves. After sneaking aboard Arpeggio's blimp, the Cooper Gang needed to find a way to stop Arpeggio from reassembling Clockwerk. The main antagonist is briefly Arpeggio, before being replaced by Neyla as Clock-La,
The Setup[]
It's only a matter of time before he puts them back together, and when that happens... Well, I'm not going to let that happen.
― Sly Cooper, referring to Arpeggio's possession of the Clockwerk parts[src]
Sly, Bentley and Murray sit inside the depleted northern light battery, being carried eastbound across the Atlantic Ocean on a massive airborne fortress as stowaways. Though time is short, they review everything they had on Arpeggio.

Arpeggio studies the anatomy of Clockwerk.
At a young age, Arpeggio was a student at a prestigious boarding school, where he excelled in all academic subjects. However, he could never physically keep up with his classmates, as his small wings never allowed him to fly even as he matured. Not content with his underdeveloped wings, he searched for a cure, studying the works of the Italian Renaissance masters for a way to fly. Eventually, his ambition drew him to a life of crime, and he became the Klaww Gang's chief inventor.
Sly comes to the conclusion that Arpeggio must have been the one responsible for finding a way to retool the Clockwerk parts for the Klaww Gang's united and individual schemes. With Arpeggio currently in possession of all of the parts, it is only a matter of time before he can reassemble Clockwerk. Knowing the consequences of Clockwerk's resurrection, Sly vows to not let this happen.
Job name | Completed by |
"Blimp HQ Recon" | Sly |
Sly sneaks his way into Arpeggio's blimp headquarters to take recon photos so he can figure out a way to stop Clockwerk's reconstruction, but there are shocking twists in store. | |
"Charged TNT Run" | Sly |
Sly needed to disable a locked-down engine room using a TNT barrel. However, he also needed to attach three magnetic chargers to the barrel in order to create a large enough explosion. | |
"Murray/Sly Tag Team" | Murray, Sly |
Sly needed to get inside an engine room on the left side of the blimp, but first, Murray needed to disable security stations around the blimp. | |
"Sly/Bentley Conspire" | Sly, Bentley |
Sly and Bentley needed to team up to disable an engine room on the right side of the blimp. In order for Bentley to get inside the engine room, Sly needed to pickpocket five keys from a few guards. | |
"Bentley/Murray Team Up" | Bentley, Murray |
Bentley and Murray needed to team up to disable an engine room on the right side of the blimp. Disabling this engine required Murray's strength, but he could not get inside until after Bentley hacked the three stations that controlled access to the room. | |
"Mega-Jump Job" | Sly |
Carmelita Fox had called for a truce with the Cooper Gang to take down Clock-La, but in order for her to locate the blimp, Sly needed to send her a radio signal using Bentley's latest invention: a Mega-Jump pack. | |
"Carmelita's Gunner" | Sly |
Once Carmelita reached the blimp, she took Sly onboard her chopper so that he could shoot down Clock-La before they could reach Paris. | |
"Showdown with Clock-La" | Sly, Murray, Bentley |
After sustaining so much damage, Clock-La crashed into the blimp, eventually causing it to scatter it into many pieces. The angry mechanical owl grabbed hold of the northern light battery with Bentley and Murray inside. Sly needed to make his way across the scattered pieces of the falling blimp to reach her and save his friends. |
The Getaway[]
The menace of Clockwerk would never again rise to threaten me, or my children.
― Sly Cooper[src]

The gang stares at the degraded Clockwerk parts.
The gang stands at the end of the road, looking at how Clockwerk's body is all spread out in burning heaps, yet they all remained pristine despite the explosion; it is as if nothing can ever hurt them. Carmelita arrives and, disappointed at not getting a few shots in on Clock-La, takes it out on the Clockwerk Hate Chip, crushing it to pieces. The gang then watches as all of the parts begin aging in moments, as if time has finally caught up with Clockwerk. Sly finds it ironic that Carmelita, a police officer, would be the one to lift the Clockwerk curse on the Cooper Clan, but he knows that Clockwerk's menace will never again rise to threaten him or his future children... if he'll ever have any.
Carmelita, true to her nature, informs the gang that they are under arrest. However, Sly realizes that with Bentley's leg injury, his friends are in no shape for a quick getaway. Therefore, he agrees to go peacefully in exchange for letting his friends walk free. Despite knowing the bruises they take through all of this, Sly is more shocked than surprised when he sees Bentley and Murray leave their gear behind as they walk away. Their wounds are deeper than Sly imagined.

Carmelita takes Sly onboard the police chopper.
Carmelita is found by the police and her boss, Inspector Barkley, who reinstates her and even gives her a well-deserved promotion. On the helicopter flight over to Police Headquarters, Sly and Carmelita just sit across from each other in silence, trying to read each other's thoughts. As the reality of Sly's capture begins to sink in, Carmelita starts to relax, and the two talk and share stories. Carmelita shows Sly a special bottle of champagne that she has been saving for the occasion of his arrest. The moment ceases when Carmelita suddenly realizes that the short flight across town has taken over 2 hours (a fact that Sly kind of clues in after seeing the Eiffel Tower float by 17 times). As she checks the now empty cockpit, thanks to Bentley and Murray, Sly slips out of his handcuffs and glides out of the chopper with Carmelita's champagne, much to her chagrin. She shouts to Sly that she will find him before saying with a wry smile: "I'll be seeing you soon... ringtail!".
Hours later, after Carmelita returns to her office, she notices that Sly's calling card and the bottle are sitting on her desk. At this point, Sly's current whereabouts are unknown, but Carmelita was determined to find him.[1]
The vault is located inside the engine room that Sly disables. By dialing in 7-2-5, Sly will receive the Shadow Power move.
Trophies earned in Episode[]
PS3/PS Vita[]
Image | Name | Requiremnet |
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You Look Great in Pink | Purchase the Diablo Fire Slam from ThiefNet. |
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Tick-Tock | Defeat Clock-La. |
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Bird Dentist | Use Murray's strength to open Clock-La's mouth. |
Image | Name | Requiremnet |
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Thievius Sneakius | Open the vault in this episode. |
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Make Me a Steel Omelet | Destroy 5 metal eggs. |
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No Challenge Too Daunting for the Cooper Gang | Obtain all power-ups. |
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Master Thief | Sell 50 unique pieces of loot. |
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Victory, but at What Cost? | Complete all jobs in this episode. |

- ↑ Sly 2: Band of Thieves; Ending credits.