Bentley: The radio transmitters have all been tagged in their mouths. You'll have to sneak up and pickpocket it while they're yawning.
Sly Cooper: Sounds "safe".
― Discussing the first objective[src]
"Bearcave Bugging" is a job for Sly Cooper in "Menace from the North, eh!" of Sly 2: Band of Thieves.
In order to bug Bison's house, Sly needed to place radio transmitters around his base of operations.
Sly began the mission by crawling into a nearby bear cave, where he needed to steal six transmitters off of sleeping bears. However, with the devices being tagged in their mouths, Sly needed to pickpocket each one while they were yawning.

Sly places the final transmitter on the roof of Bison's house.
Having acquired all six, Sly exited the cave and began the next task: placing the transmitters in specific locations around the hub. Meanwhile, Bison addressed his guards via the loudspeaker about last month's tree-cutting progress and commended them on their efforts.
Once the final transmitter was in place, the array was up and running, allowing the gang to listen to Bison's conversations.