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Murray, there are only 119 computers up there, and these fire slugs seem intent on getting to them before us. The first one to 60 computers wins!
― Bentley warning Murray about the fire slugs[src]

"Burning Rubber" is a job in "The Cold Heart of Hate" of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus.


After crossing the perilous, volcanic road, the gang found themselves inside a cavern, which had several computers suspended from its ceiling. In order to venture further through Clockwerk's fortress, they had to analyze sixty of the computers. Since Murray destroyed the van's turret as they passed through the cave, Bentley had to hack the computers' connection couplings to make them fall.

Murray began running over the computers with the van in order to collect them. However, the cavern quickly began swarming with fire slugs that were trying to collect 60 computers before Murray could. There were only 119 computers suspended from the ceiling, therefore Murray had to beat the fire slugs at collecting 60 computers. Once Murray won, the fire slugs retreated back into the lava, and Murray drove Sly up to the entrance to the control room for Clockwerk's death ray.

