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Cane Swat Combo is a power-up for Sly Cooper, as well as a default ability for Sly's ancestors, in Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. It can be purchased for Sly in "Turning Japanese" for 200 coins.


The Cane Swat Combo allows a Cooper to follow up any cane swing with a more powerful ranged attack, provided the user is not in the air. The move is performed by pressing triangle immediately after pressing square. The actual follow-up attack varies for different users.

Sly Cooper[]

Sly will swing the cane as if it is a golf club, creating a damaging construct resembling the hook of his cane that expands a few feet forward. Sly is the only Cooper whose Cane Swat Combo needs to be purchased as a power-up.

Rioichi Cooper[]

Rioichi's version is called the Shuriken Slice Combo. Rioichi will spin around, separate his cane into dual canes with multiple shurikens attached to them, and throw the shurikens forward using the canes. The shurikens spreads out horizontally with distance, and can hit opponents relatively far away from where they are thrown. However, they are thrown at a slightly downward trajectory, preventing the shurikens from reaching far unless Rioichi is standing on elevated ground.

"Tennessee Kid" Cooper[]

Tennessee's version is called the Crook Blast Combo. Tennessee will fire a large, missile-like bullet from his cane straight forward. Like Rioichi's version, the bullet can hit opponents far away from where it is fired. Unlike Rioichi's shuriken, however, the bullet has homing properties; it targets the first guard that is relatively close horizontally to the bullet, but not more than several levels from it. Unfortunately, this does not take into account potential obstacles like buildings, so it is possible to instead hit buildings and other structures that happen to be in the way.

Bob Cooper[]

Bob's version is called the Oogasmash Combo. Bob will jump while holding his weapon vertically over his head before slamming the weapon into the ground. The slam causes a damaging, yellow, glowing crack to spread a few feet forward. The crack disappears soon afterwards.

Sir Galleth Cooper[]

Sir Galleth's version is called the Lotalance Combo. Galleth will grab his cane by the base end in one hand and point it forward, rapidly jabbing with it while taking a step forward.

Salim al-Kupar[]

Salim's version is called the Sandwave Combo. Salim will spin around and hold his hands out in front of him, using magic to spray a blast of sand a few feet forward.


  • During Tennessee's Cane Swat Combo, the force of the shot causes his hat to dip forward, momentarily obscuring his vision. Tennessee will then flip the hat backwards, causing it to return to its original position.
  • Salim's Cane Swat Combo is the only version that does not incorporate the cane into the follow-up attack.
  • Murray has an equivalent to the Cane Swat Combo called the Elbo El Drop'o Combo.