Sly Cooper Wiki

Doberman pinschers (also known as Vinnie the Pincher) were enemy guards encountered in "Sunset Snake Eyes" of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus. They were employed as Muggshot's flashlight guards and main security force in and around his casino to protect it from possible intruders.


They were cigar-puffing brown doberman pinschers dressed as typical 1920's gangsters. They wore a black coat concealing a white-collared shirt with a black tie, as well as gray pants and white spat covers.

With a flashlight-mounted machine gun as their weapon of choice, they were seen patrolling Muggshot's casino or the neighborhoods and alleys surrounding the base of operations. If intruders were caught within their light, they would pursue them to open fire. If they were successful, they would howl triumphantly while firing at the sky before rushing around the vicinity to search for more intruders. Oddly enough, if the Decoy move is used twice against these guards, their attacks will also target and damage Sly, even if the player is not within their sight.

According to Sly's binocucom, they are casino enforcers.

Job Appearances[]

