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Despite it's temple-like facade, this place is really some sort of training ground. Stay on your toes.
― Bentley advising Sly to be careful[src]

"Flaming Temple of Flame" is a job in "Fire in the Sky" of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus.


Sly entered a temple-like area, crossing a broken bridge before sliding down a rope onto a cliffside. Bentley advised Sly to stay on his toes, as this temple appeared to be some sort of training ground, despite its temple-like facade.


There are 25 clue bottles to collect in this stage, and the vault is located in the last room before the key, on the left side of the floor lasers. The vault's combination is 9-3-2.

Lucky for you, I'm versed in chaos theory, otherwise this code would have been unsolvable. Input 9-3-2.
― Bentley[src]


  • Deep within the temple itself, multiple monkey guards can be seen training on top of pillars that can be knocked around with attacks, but ultimately cannot be fully toppled over nor will the guards ever be fazed. The guards also have an active hitbox via their nunchucks that can inflict damge to Sly should he ever get in range of their swings. Even then, they will pay him no mind and be immersed in their training regardless as they are also seemingly invincible to damage.