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Bentley: A-ha! A perfect feral specimen of Lupus gigantormus.
Sly: So let me get this straight again. You plan on stalking that thing, drugging it, putting the Guru on board and setting the two free to smash up the guards?
Bentley: An air-tight plan I agree, it's simplicity itself. By channeling the wild destruction housed in that blood thirsty creature, we should be able to thin out the Black Baron's ranks... which of course means fewer enemy pilots flying against you in the finals.
― Discussing the plan[src]

"Giant Wolf Massacre" is a job for Bentley and the Guru in "Flight of Fancy" of Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves.


To even the odds, the gang has to make use of a giant wolf to even the odds in the finals.


Bentley gets a good feral specimen of Lupus gigantormus. He has filled his sleep darts with heavy doses of Skunk Balm, which is enough to pacify the beast. He just needs to make sure the wolf did not catch his scent first. Unfortunately, the darts require a close range of a few meters to work.

Once the wolf is put to sleep, it is now up to the Guru to ride the wolf and take down the Black Baron's pilots. Once he successfully takes out 15 pilots, the Guru seizes possession of the wolf, and the wolf returns to its territory. With all of those pilots down and out for the count, the gang now stands a better chance of winning the finals.


  • If you wait long enough while tagging the wolf, it will eventually wander out of its territory and into the fields.
  • After the wolf is sedated by Bentley, if the Guru waits for a few moments before possessing it, the beast will wake from its slumber for a few seconds and sniff the ground around it before nodding back off.