Goodbye My Sweet is a bonus video that can be unlocked in two parts while playing Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves. The first part is unlocked after completing Beginning of the End, the second part is unlocked after attaining a 70% completion rating.
It shows a heist that the Cooper Gang pulled off involving the world's most expensive chocolate and Carmelita Fox's attempts to protect it.
Part 1[]
At the safe house in Paris, things are pretty quiet. Bentley is working on his inventions, Murray is working out and Sly Cooper is busy scoping through the local newspaper. He soon comes across "The World's Most Expensive Bavarian Chocolate" which is being sent to a museum by train with Inspector Carmelita Fox and her ape mercenaries on board as security. Obviously eager to take a shot at the chocolate, Sly goes to the Thievius Raccoonus for tips. He comes across his Victorian Londoner ancestor Thaddeus Winslow Cooper III, who has a section in the book called "Disguise, Deception and Charm." The Cooper Gang plan out their train robbery and set off to the train station where the chocolate and its guards are boarding.
As Sly recons on the unknowing guards below him, he spots Carmelita holding a briefcase, most likely containing the chocolate. As Sly changes into his disguise and prepares to fool Carmelita, Murray and Bentley disguise themselves as a married couple and they all board the train undetected. On board the train, Carmelita takes a seat and places the key protecting the chocolate in her jacket pocket. Sly enters the carriage that Carmelita is in, he suavely takes her hand and kisses it, then walks off as if nothing ever happened. Confused for a brief second, she watches him leave, then realizes that her pocket has a flower in it and the key is missing. Turning towards Sly's direction, he points out he has the key and closes the door behind him. Shocked for a brief moment, Carmelita slowly begins to smile as she prepares to chase her prey...
Part 2[]
Bentley and Murray are very close to the carriage that has the chocolate on board. Pretending to pose for the guard that's at his post outside, they quickly take him out. After Bentley hacks the carriage controls and deactivates the laser security, the gang grabs the chocolate and Sly leaves his infamous calling card. Carmelita breaks the door down with her ape mercenaries and spots the calling card. Sly and Murray leap on top of the train carts, while Bentley stays by the carriage controls. Carmelita and her apes climb on top of the train as they enter a dark tunnel. As the train leaves the tunnel Carmelita realizes that all her guards are knocked out and Sly and Murray are standing tall. Bentley quickly detaches the train cart that he, Sly and Murray are attached to. Carmelita watches in anger as they part.
The gang head back to Paris to enjoy the chocolate, while Carmelita is shown in the newspaper being badgered by the paparazzi for her failure to protect it.
- Chronologically, the heist could take place either sometime before or directly after An Opera of Fear. This is based on two things; one, Bentley is in his wheelchair, so it takes place sometime after the end of Sly 2: Band of Thieves and after he was taken from the hospital by Sly and Murray in The Adventures of Sly Cooper, issue 2; and two, Murray is part of the gang (though there are no additional members, barring it from being anytime after Rumble Down Under). Therefore, it takes place either between Bentley's rescue and Murray's departure, or between Murray's rejoining the gang and desiring to gain permission to leave his dreamtime training from The Guru.
- In the opening scene, there are several callbacks to Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus and Sly 2, including the hat that belonged to Raleigh, a slot machine from Mesa City, a chicken voodoo doll from Mz. Ruby, a box of fireworks from the Panda King, a forged painting of Dimitri Lousteau, a turban with a ruby that belonged to Rajan, and several clue bottles.
- This is the second culinary heist the gang has undertaken, the first being the cookie heist during the Cooper Gang's childhood at the Happy Camper Orphanage.
- In the last frame of the newspaper shown before Sly and the gang eat the Bavarian Chocolate, a paragraph includes an employee's complaint of having to work on the cutscene over his Christmas break.
- The car Carmelita is first in is shown to be next to a car with a log, but when Sly leaves the car, it is shown to be another car with a door.
- After stealing the chocolate, Sly and Murray are shown just jumping off the car where it was first stored. However, Carmelita is then shown jumping from the left despite being in the car where the chocolate was stored seconds earlier.
- When Bentley finished hacking, it was supposed to be at the train car where the chocolate was stored but when the train car detaches, it was seen as another cargo train.
- Strangely enough if paid attention closely, the train doesn't have locomotives on it.
- When Sly and Murray comes out from train car, there are three train cars as a gap between them and Carmelita and her unit but before entering the cave, the gap suddenly close in to where they can fight hand-to-hand.