Sly Cooper Wiki

Jackpot, Sly! Look at all this stuff! Must be worth millions! And you know what that means... tighter security. You're going to have to be extra sneaky to get the treasure key here.
― Bentley advising Sly to be sneaky[src]

"High Class Heist" is a job in "Tide of Terror" of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus.


Sly entered into Raleigh's personal quarters, where the frog stashed a bunch of expensive items. With items at such great value, the area was heavily secured with lasers and spotlights. Sly had to be extra sneaky if he wanted to swipe another treasure key.


There are 30 clue bottles to collect in this level, and the vault is located to the right of the statue with the security lasers beaming from its eyes. The vault's combination is 4-3-6.

Whoever thought this code up knew what they were doing. Dial in 4-3-6.
― Bentley[src]

Behind the scenes[]

This level was originally named "Moolah Museum."[1]

