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Avast, lubbers! Didn't think ye could steal from the smartest man on the Seven Seas and not taste the repercussions! Har, har, har!
― LeFwee to the Cooper Gang on Dagger Island[src]

Captain LeFwee was a parrot and pirate captain from Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves. He was the self-proclaimed "Smartest Man on the Seven Seas" and the main antagonist of "Dead Men Tell No Tales".

He was voiced by David Scully.


Captain of the pirate vessel Death's Head, LeFwee stole the map to Reme Lousteau's diving gear and had stolen loot from Black Spot Pete. This got him the attention of Sly Cooper and his gang, notably Lousteau's grandson Dimitri. LeFwee proved himself to be a dangerous foe, booby-trapping the map's container with dust to temporarily blind Penelope and later kidnapping her on Dagger Island.[1][2] He is said to be the smartest man of the Seven Seas.

Lefwees fate

LeFwee's fate

Returning to Blood Bath Bay with Penelope as his prisoner, LeFwee found himself besieged by the Cooper Gang. After his ship's mast was wrecked, LeFwee tricked Sly into going after Penelope, when it was, in fact, a bomb made to look like her. Sly escaped, and the Guru brought in the giant squid Crusher. Bentley freed Penelope, but got knocked to the deck, with LeFwee preparing to kill him. However, Penelope confronted him and engaged him in a sword fight, knocking him overboard and feeding the overzealous parrot to the sharks.[3]


Physical appearance[]

LeFwee was a small orange parrot with a beard made of feathers. He had an eyepatch over his left eye, and wore a purple coat that reached down to his feet, along with a black belt around his waist. He wore one purple shoe, and had a wooden leg. Instead of a sword, he had one hand replaced with a multi-purpose hook, similar to an army knife.



Captain LeFwee on his ship

Captain LeFwee was incredibly self-centered, thinking himself as infallible. It was actually a mask for his insecurity, as he would quickly grow angered whenever it was suggested that he is second to anyone in anything, particularly in terms of intelligence (one reason why he hated Bentley so fiercely). He was also intolerant of failure or opinions that differed from his own among his underlings, and demonstrated this by putting them to death when displeased. He was also extremely furious and insulted when Sly made fun of his pirate talk and criticized his creativity in an attempt to trick him into revealing where he hid Penelope.[4] More of an intellectual than most pirates, he would be rather refined were it not for his behavior and use of pirate slang.

Captain LeFwee was also known to be attracted to Penelope, having taken her captive and forced into a dress, even referring to her as his "sweet pirate flower". His hope was that once her teammates were gone, she could eventually come to feel the same for him (and become a pirate like him). However, she didn't feel the same way, as demonstrated by her facing him in a duel. Apparently, his affections for her were not entirely genuine (or his rather short patience came into play), as he engaged her atop the ship's masts, and would sardonically bid her farewell, mocking her fighting skills if the player lost that duel. LeFwee was also not above complementing his opponents. After the Crusher ambushed the Death's Head, LeFwee jumped aboard the Cooper ship and, upon realizing Bentley was the mastermind behind the trap, compliments him on his planning skills, tells him that he tips his hat to the handicapped turtle, and tells him that he was "the cleverest man whom he's ever had the pleasure of beating".[5]


Captain LeFwee was a brilliant strategist, having earned himself the title "Smartest Man on the Seven Seas." Prior to the Cooper Gang's arrival, he had never been bested, or even equaled in intelligence. However, for all his skill, he met his match in Bentley, who was pitted against him not only because of their roles as strategists, but because of their feelings for Penelope.

He was also a master swordsman, surprisingly deadly despite his small stature. His sword itself was a formidable, oversized, broad-bladed cutlass. LeFwee's left hand has been replaced by a hook and, though it was never shown in the game, promotional art shows the hook to possess interchangeable gadgets such as a sword blade and a corkscrew, similar to a Swiss Army knife.


  • He was one of the few criminals not arrested by Carmelita Fox. The others were the Contessa, Jean Bison, and Arpeggio.
  • He was very strong and agile, despite his small stature and scrawny looks
  • It's interesting to note that although LeFwee is an Eclectus Parrot, only the females of the species are blood red with black beaks. This implies he is transgender.
  • He was the first "minor" (not present in a final episode) villain in the series to die. The second was Toothpick. LeFwee was also the only minor villain who was actually killed upon defeat, as Toothpick died in an accident later on.
  • LeFwee and the Mask of Dark Earth are the only villains (and major characters) in the series to not appear in a cinematic cutscene. However, a cinematic version of LeFwee can be seen in the art gallery for this episode.
  • LeFwee's voice actor, David Scully, also voices Dimitri Lousteau, Rajan, and Octavio.
    • In Japanese, he is voiced by Houchuu Ootsuka.
  • LeFwee and Raleigh are the only two major pirate villains in the series.

