Sir Galleth: As I told you, Bentley, a loathsome creature does indeed guard the castle!
Bentley: Well, if that's true, advanced geological theory indicates the only place this "Moat Monster" could hide is inside that cavern.
Sir Galleth: Forsooth! Perhaps also because it is the only cavern in the area?
― Discussing the Moat Monster's existence[src]
"Mechanical Menace" is a job for Sir Galleth Cooper and Carmelita Fox in "Of Mice and Mechs" of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.
Sir Galleth investigates rumors of a Moat Monster in a nearby cave.
Galleth tells Bentley of the Moat Monster, a vicious beast residing in the area. Bentley is skeptical of its existence, so Galleth ventures into the nearby cavern to slay the monster and quell Bentley's disbelief.
Sly is resting on a bridge as Galleth enters the cavern. Carmelita shows up, and tells Sly that she is keeping a watch on Galleth, leading Sly out of jealousy to say that he does not recall her ever doing that to him. Carmelita admits that despite Galleth's stubbornness and goofiness, she finds him to be a charming gentleman. She then enters the cavern to pursue Galleth.
Inside the Moat Monster's lair, Galleth walks down a long tunnel. Upon emerging, he faces a massive artificial structure. Galleth uses his Catapult Crash technique to scale the structure, avoiding all the hazards along the way. At the top, he sees what the Moat Monster really is—a huge robotic dragon. Robot or not, Galleth is determined to defeat the monster.
He makes his way to the rear of the dragon and disconnects the cord that is apparently powering it. However, the cord is not used to power the Moat Monster; it was used to charge it, and when Galleth disconnects the cord, the beast awakens. The three-headed dragon angrily looks at Galleth before swallowing him whole. Carmelita reaches the top of the structure and sees Galleth just as he was eaten. She attacks the Moat Monster, and after destroying all six of its eyes, brings it down. Galleth is freed from the creature's body and thanks Carmelita for saving him.