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Bentley: This Muggshot certainly isn't shy. Okay, so we know he's here somewhere, but how are we supposed to find him? Mesa City is a big place.
Sly: Given that he's a bulldog... it seems only reasonable to assume he'd choose to live in a giant fire hydrant.
― At the entrance to Mesa City[src]

"Muggshot's Turf" is a job and hub level in "Sunset Snake Eyes" of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus.


From here, Sly Cooper can visit all the other areas in this episode. After infiltrating Mesa City, Bentley wonders how they will find Muggshot, considering how huge the city is. Sly then reasons that since Muggshot is a bull dog, it will be reasonable to assume he resided within a giant fire hydrant that's on top of the Boneyard Casino.

Sly then moves on to the next set of areas to collect 3 more treasure keys to activate a car's engine. Upon doing so, the vehicle rammed into the building, breaking down the wood blocking the entrance into Muggshot's casino. Once inside, Sly comes across a huge Muggshot door, which has an elevator hidden behind it. Sly needs to find the last 3 treasure keys to unlock it and confront Muggshot.
