Sly, I've been talking to Salim, and it's obvious that outfit is the key to his success. He claims the outfit was made by a real genie, and that it can actually slow time. Fascinating! I wonder if it somehow influenced your ancestor Matthew de la Coopeur's slow motion technique.
― Bentley[src]
"Open Sesame" is a job for Sly Cooper in "40 Thieves" of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.
After losing a small fortune betting on the camel races, Salim al-Kupar has to pawn his Thief Costume. The shopkeeper of the pawn shop only accepts payment in the form of three flawless gemstones, so if Sly is to obtain the outfit and gain Salim's trust, he will have to collect those gemstones. Sly collects the three red gems from the camel statues on the city walls, which are the only places that they can be found.
Sly returns to the shop and the two barters for the costume. Using the three gems, he purchases the Thief Costume and puts it on. Almost immediately, a guard spots Sly and runs toward him. Sly inadvertently uses the costume's ability of slowing down time to defeat the guard. Bentley speculates that one of Sly's ancestors, Matthew de la Coopeur, may have been influenced by the Thief Costume when he developed his slow motion technique.
Bentley tells Sly that Cyrille Le Paradox is currently meeting with Miss Decibel, and Sly decides to eavesdrop. The two discusses the forgeries that Salim's gang members are producing (which will make Le Paradox royalty in the present), but despite the high quality, Decibel's guards are running out of supplies to feed them. Le Paradox promises to sent a delivery boy with the desired delicacies and Sly takes the opportunity to impersonate one in order to obtain the location of Salim's friends.
Using the Thief Costume and his fake Italian accent that he developed while in Venice,[1] Sly enters the tent where Le Paradox and Decibel waited and proved that he is sent by the delivery service by reciting the usual orders (which he learns by eavesdropping). Believing he is genuine, they give Sly the delivery locations.
- ↑ Episode: An Opera of Fear; Job: Guard Duty.