Sly Cooper Wiki

Bentley: Sly, come in! Sly, do you read me?!
Sly Cooper: Yeah. I read you. Loud and... very loud.
― Once the mission begins[src]

"Police Headquarters" is the prologue episode, as well as the first job in Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus. It was also the first job overall in the Sly Cooper series.

Sly Cooper and his gang needed to break into Police Headquarters in Paris and steal a case file on him and a gang of villains that attacked his home and stole pages from the Thievius Raccoonus.


Police Headquarters gameplay 3

Sly uses stealth auras for the first time.

The story began as Sly crossed the rooftops in Paris to get on top of Police Headquarters. With him in position, the mission began, with his friend Bentley expressing anxiety about breaking into a police station. He pointed Sly to an air vent as a point of entry. While making his way there, Sly noticed some blue lights lining the lower ledge of the roof's water tower. Bentley's research revealed them to be stealth auras, sparkles that would allow Sly to perform sneaky moves, such as sneaking around ledges in this instance. Sly used these auras to guide himself around the tower, and made it to the air vent.

Police Headquarters cutscene 3

Carmelita Fox is introduced.

Once he broke his way in and bypassed the security, Sly found Carmelita's office located behind a locked red door. After entering through a window, he approached Carmelita's vault and cracked its code, taking the file and leaving behind a calling card. As soon as he set foot on the fire escape, he was spotted by Carmelita, who appeared on a rooftop nearby. After a brief banter between the two, Sly rushed to the van, with Carmelita firing at him continuously, destroying the fire escape and many police cars in the parking lot. Once Sly jumped in through the van's back doors, he and his friends drove off, leaving the fox furious.



Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus - Introduction
