That blimp looks like the most secured location on this boat. If Raleigh's really as smart as the police file suggests, then that's where I'll find him.
― Sly, upon entering Raleigh's hideout[src]
"Prowling the Grounds" is the main hub of "Tide of Terror" in Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus.
Sly follows the path to a large, open area where he finds Raleigh's boat. Sly takes another look at the storm machine and assumes it was the most secured location on the boat, and it will be where he will find Raleigh. While Bentley believes it is a good idea, he points out the flaws in his plan. First, Sly will need to destroy an electric generator that is powering an electric tube, which will lead him to the other side of the boat. However, the generator is locked down and to destroy it, Sly will first need to find at least two more heavily secured treasure keys. Bentley then directs Sly to one of his holographic markers, which will mark the areas Sly had to explore.

Sly unlocking the generator
After exploring the first set of areas and gathering up more keys, Sly unlocks the generator and destroys it. He then passes through the tube and reaches the other half of the boat. Bentley then informs Sly of a plan he hatches to help get him up to the storm machine. The only way Sly can get up there is by shooting himself out of a locked-down cannon, something he is eager to do. It requires all the 7 keys to be unlocked. If Sly is determined to retrieve his family's Thievius Raccoonus, he gathers the remaining keys and unlocks the cannon. Once he hops inside, he is launched up to the storm machine to battle Raleigh.