Sly Cooper Wiki

The Rage Bomb is a vault power-up for Sly Cooper in Sly 2: Band of Thieves, and a purchasable power-up for Bentley in Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves.


When the Rage Bomb is equipped and activated, Sly or Bentley will throw it, and when it contacts something, it will attach to the given object or person. It will then act as a normal bomb, with a flashing light that indicates how large the radius is, which will continue to flash more quickly until it detonates in a puff of green smoke. Any guards caught in the blast radius will gain insanity, causing them to attack other enemies. If no other enemies are in the immediate vicinity, they will either run to find another enemy or continue their patrol as normal. If an unaffected enemy is attacked by an affected enemy, they will also gain insanity. The effect wears off after a short amount of time. Despite the explosion having a soft sound, the guards are able to hear it as if it was a normal explosion.


  • The Rage Bomb has a melee attack equivalent called the Insanity Strike.
    • In both Sly 2 and Sly 3, the character that can use the Rage Bomb is also the character that can use the Insanity Strike.