Sly: That explosive had some kick.
Bentley: It was a child compared to this ferocious beast! Don't dilly-dally with this one, it's got a longer fuse but you've got farther to run.
Sly: "Ferocious beast"?
Bentley: Run, Sly! Run! Fear the beast!
― Discussing the second explosive[src]
"Run 'n Bomb" is a job for Sly Cooper in "An Opera of Fear" of Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves.
To advertise his Carnevale opera recital, Don Octavio tied up several balloons around town. Sly and Bentley planned to destroy these balloons. Without the advertising, the Don wouldn't have an audience to see his opera recital, and therefore he would have no reason to sink the Venetian landmarks as a demonstration.
Bentley takes over a fireworks stand and starts putting together some explosives to free the balloons, while Sly meets up with him at the stand. Bentley explains that the explosives have relatively short fuses, so Sly will have to carry the explosives and sprint to the balloons before they explode. The first balloon is at Octavio's opera house. Once Sly destroys the mooring, the balloon flies off into the sky. Sly returns to Bentley, who gives him a more powerful explosive with a longer fuse, as he has farther to run. Sly runs the bomb to a balloon near the police headquarters and blows it off its moorings. In the process of it flying off, Bentley explains phase two of the explosion: the wind will carry the balloon into an advertisement hoisted onto a tower. When it crashes, the combustible gases from the balloon will ignite and blow the sign to pieces. Unfortunately, the wind dies down, and instead of causing "Hindenburg part 2", the balloon's rope gets caught on the sign. Sly climbs up the tower to dislodge the rope manually, which leads to the sign exploding.
Bentley then tells Sly to return to the stand, as he has an even more powerful bomb to use. However, just as Bentley is about to finish the instructions, he is interrupted by someone trying to break in. Alarmed by his sudden calls for help, Sly rushes to Bentley’s aid and finds him in the hands of Octavio who reveals that his mole cops in the police headquarters picked up Sly's pictures of him polluting Venice's water supply[1] before the real ones saw them. After Octavio gets unsuccessfully threatened, he decides to take Bentley hostage and eventually kill him. Sly chases him across town until they reach the opera house, at which point Octavio surrenders Bentley and flees into the building. Octavio promises that they will pay for attempting to foil his plans. With Bentley relatively unharmed, he and Sly return to the safe house.
- ↑ Episode: An Opera of Fear; Job: "Octavio Snap".