Sly Cooper Wiki

I tell ya, Bentley. It's going to be a real pleasure robbing this nightclub.
― Sly Cooper, excited about the upcoming heist[src]

"Satellite Sabotage" was a job for Sly Cooper and in "The Black Chateau" of Sly 2: Band of Thieves. It is the first job in the episode.


The gang's first task was to gain access to Dimitri's database by redirecting 3 satellite dishes.


After exiting the safe house, Sly climbed to the roof for a brief binocucom chat with Bentley, expressing his excitement in bringing down Dimitri's nightclub. Before they could pull off such a heist, they needed to gather some reconnaissance work. Bentley showed Sly the antenna he installed on top of their hideout, which would help them with their first task: hacking into Dimitri's satellite array. He then directed Sly to the location of the job beacon, which was near the water tower.

Satellite Sabotage cutscene 2

The gang's antenna downloads information from Dimitri's database.

His job was to go around town and reposition three satellite dishes to point at their safe house antenna. This would allow Bentley to hack into Dimitri's communication array, which would give them access to his database. Once done, Bentley downloaded the data from Dimitri's mainframe, and then pointed Sly to his next destination: a wine cellar that would lead him into the nightclub.
