Sly Cooper Wiki

Bentley: The magnatronic support field for the death ray got destroyed as you were making a run for your cane. You'd better hurry, this whole thing is about to fall apart!
Sly: I'm on it!
― At the start of the mission[src]

"Sinking Peril" is a job in "The Cold Heart of Hate" of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus.


After recovering his cane, Sly made his way to Clockwerk's death ray, where Carmelita Fox had stashed her jetpack before Clockwerk captured her. Unfortunately, the magnatronic support fields for the death ray have been destroyed due to Carmelita's shooting, and the whole machine was about to fall apart soon. Sly had to reach the jetpack before the lava destroyed him.
