Sly Cooper Wiki

This is a list of all known cheats, exploits and glitches for Sly 2: Band of Thieves.


Gadget Name Code (Press start before entering) Gadget Effect Notes
TOM d pad left d pad left d pad down d pad right d pad left d pad right Attracts guards to itself
Time Rush d pad down d pad down d pad up d pad down d pad right d pad left Speeds up the clock
Mega Jump d pad right d pad left d pad right d pad left r1 d pad left Makes you jump very high Must reach 100% completion
  • There will be a sound cue indicating that you entered the code correctly.
  • These are all specific to Sly.

The way to access these videos is the same; the episode number just changes. To access a video, complete the corresponding episode (beat the boss or complete the final mission; vaults are not necessary), then go to the episode menu and hover over that episode. After a few seconds, a small blinking police badge icon will appear in the bottom right corner and start blinking, along with an icon representing square. Press square and the screen will go black for a moment before playing the bonus video.

The videos for episodes 3, 5, and 7 are not available in The Sly Collection.

Retreat to safe house
Episode # Code
Restart current d pad left r1 d pad up d pad down d pad up d pad left
Tutorial d pad right d pad left d pad up d pad up d pad up r1
1 d pad down r1 d pad left d pad right r1 d pad down
2 r1 d pad left d pad right r1 d pad left d pad down
3 d pad up d pad left d pad right d pad left d pad down d pad up
4 d pad up d pad right d pad right d pad up d pad left d pad left
5 d pad left r1 d pad down d pad down d pad up d pad right
6 d pad down d pad up r1 r1 d pad left d pad down
7 d pad left d pad left d pad left d pad down d pad down r1
8 d pad down d pad up d pad left d pad left r1 d pad right
Level Select

Note: You must have a new game file or have not yet started the game. Load your highest % file and go to any of the highest episodes. After you exit the safe house, pause the game and enter: d pad right r1 d pad down r1 d pad down d pad down

After that, start a new game, complete the tutorial level, and you will have all episodes and all purchaseable power-ups and gadgets.


Multiple episodes[]

Murray's grab move

This may take several tries, but there is a glitch with Murray, where you can toss a guard off a ledge, then quickly use his stomp move to grab them after they do their falling animation.

Glitch high jump

As Sly, hold square to start a spin attack and simultaneously press x to jump. The spin attack will start in mid-air, creating false "ground" that Sly is able to jump off of. This can be used to essentially "triple jump." If you see a puff of smoke appear in the air and the camera moves up, you have done it correctly.

Jobless developer map

Entering the restart episode code and having it activate during a loading sequence, such as going into or exiting a building, will load all the assets from the job in the level. This can be done by exiting the pause menu and activating the loading sequence (since there is a delay between the code input and activation). If done correctly, you will be taken to the "jobless developer map." You can interact with most job elements, but you cannot finish the job since not all of the assets are loaded. In "The Predator Awakes," the level will be flooded due to the operation involving the dam getting destroyed, however it is still playable, especially when you have Sly's Mega Jump power-up.

Binocucom paraglide clipping

In jobs that require you to take pictures of the Klaww Gang members, you can clip through the walls that disappear when the binocucom is open for taking the pictures (such as the window that disappears while photographing Dimitri's printing press room). Press r3 to bring up the binocucom, jump and paraglide during the animation of Sly pulling out the binocucom to paraglide through the wall that normally disappears while in the binocucom.

Paraglider clipping

In the HD versions, paragliding into tight corners will sometimes make you clip through the wall, launch you very far away or occasionally crash the game.

Table clipping

As Sly, press and hold square to perform a charge attack while near a crawl space. At the same time, press circle repeatedly to clip through the table or vent. This is commonly used in speed runs to get past crawl spaces faster and could even be used to go through loading triggers much faster. It got its name from clipping through one of the tables in the wine cellar in Paris. One of the tables there can launch you through the map and into a black void, though it is used to bypass the Murray cutscene near the beginning of "Breaking and Entering."

Episode reset glitch
  • Episode 3

If you enter the building where "Spice Grinder Destruction" took place in Episode 3 and then die, the episode will reset from that point, so you will have to do all jobs from the Spice Grinding Facility to the boss battle with Rajan to regain your percentage.

  • Episode 7

The same thing also happens if you die in the building where the "Laser Redirection" job starts. You will have to redo all of the missions from "Laser Redirection" to the boss battle with Jean Bison to regain your percentage.

Safe house glitch
  • Episode 1

In Episode 1, walk towards the peacock sign and turn toward the safe house. There should be three windows. Go toward the middle window, and mega-jump into the top left-hand corner. You should be able to walk under the roof, and fall in to the safe house. You can leave by going out the door.

  • Episode 2

In Episode 2, mega-jump onto the arch by the left of the safehouse. Mega-jump onto the cliff, and walk left until you are under a cave (the safehouse). Jump or mega-jump off the cliff as far as you can, and paraglide in a circle back into the cave. To exit the safehouse, walk down the pathway until you get to the second to last step. You will be teleported into the safehouse. Bentley can also get in Episodes 1 and 2 safehouses as well, but not in Episode 7. To get into the safehouse in Episode 1, you need to have the Hover Pack equipped. Go to the same place you went with Sly and use the hover pack to get close to the window. Use the hover pack again to get inside by the window. In Episode 2, do the falling through the ground glitch with Sly, come back to the safehouse and pick up Bentley. Bentley will do a mega jump to the top of the safehouse. Walk to the place you went with Sly and use your hover pack to get in.

  • Episode 7

In Episode 7, walk under the safehouse and there should be cleats (you will need full health to do this glitch). Jump on one cleat, then jump in the water. You should be inside the safehouse. To exit go out the door. Note that you might have to attempt this several times.

A Shadow from the Past[]

Explore Cairo

You must use Sly to do this glitch. There are two methods for doing this glitch: having 100% and using the Mega Jump and Knockout Dive gadgets (easiest), or using glitch high jump (harder, see above).

First method: use the level warp cheat for Cairo (d pad right d pad left d pad up d pad up d pad up r1). Then, use the Mega-Jump cheat (d pad right d pad left d pad right d pad left r1 d pad left). Go to the power-up menu and equip the Mega-Jump gadget and the Knockout Dive gadget. If you face away from the front of the lobby (where the large glass windows are), you can see a wall light to the right of the stairs. Mega jump above it, and you will land on top of the wall. Face the wall and use the Knockout Dive gadget. Sly will pop out of the room and into empty space. You can now explore freely, though there are many places that you can still take fall damage or get stuck.

Second method: either use the level warp cheat for Cairo (above) or start a new game (as this method doesn't require power-ups). Go up the stairs and jump onto the pot for the right tree. Glitch high jump towards the top-middle of door and mash x. If done correctly you will jump off the top of the door frame and ledge grab on the edge of the ceiling. Now ledge grab jump along the top of the wall towards the right. At the bend in the wall you will be able to stand. Stand in the middle of the wall above the wall light, face towards the camera (away from the wall), and then hold r1. Now press x, x and square quickly, all while turning away from the camera (towards the wall). If done correctly you should clip through. Alternatively, if you have Knockout Dive you can use that while facing the wall.

The Black Chateau[]

Printing press room glitch

When taking pictures of the money printing room, if you use the "Restart Current Episode" cheat (d pad leftr1d pad upd pad downd pad upd pad left), you will spawn in the money printing room. This will allow you to walk around the room. With some clever jumping, it is possible to reach Dimitri. When attacked, the boss battle sequence will start, though the game will crash shortly after.

A Starry Eyed Encounter[]

Guard glitch

When as Murray in Episode 2, if you have the Atlas Strength, you can actually take a guard into the safehouse and when you do this, the guard ends up on Murray's head and sometimes can be in the background of the safehouse.

The Predator Awakes[]

Rajan blueprint glitch

In Episode 3 when doing the job, "Leading Rajan", you can place a bomb next to Rajan right before you steal the last blueprint, and then it says "Job Failed", but you can't continue or complete the job, since Rajan already ate the last watermelon. However, Rajan will continue to walk around and you can still fail by getting caught by him.

Bentley's barrel glitch

In Episode 3, you have to play as Bentley in the "Spice Grinder Destruction" area. When you are at the beginning, there should be TNT barrels nearby. Simply throw a Trigger Bomb either on top the barrel, or on the chute where the barrels come out. Jump in, and double-jump out immediately. This should trigger Bentley to fly out of the map. When this happens, you have to wait for a 2-10 minute period until the map reappears, but far away. Try to aim your landing so that you fall on the map, otherwise, you will go into limbo.


Bentley kills the Contessa

To do this glitch you must have the jetpack. As Bentley, head up to the first mission of the episode, "Eavesdrop on Contessa." The mission starts on top of a satellite dish, which must be reached by bouncing on a spider web. While you are in the air above the dish and the job beacon, drop a bomb by pressing triangle, then land on the beacon. The video for the mission will play, and when it is over, Bentley will no longer be using the binocucom, and he will have fallen off of the satellite dish, allowing free movement. Use the jetpack to fly over and on top of the wall, where the Contessa will be. Wait until she lands in front of Bentley, and then attack her how you like. Eventually, the Contessa will die.

He Who Tames the Iron Horse[]

Train jump

In Episode 6, go outside as any character and go to a train track. Wait for a train, and when one comes, jump on it. When you are approaching the end, (the train tunnels cut off by an electric wall) fall through the gap between cars. When you reach the electric wall, you will be squished between the electric wall and the train car, and due to the collision detection, you will be sent flying up in the air. You will sometimes die, but you will usually fall back to the area. If playing as Sly, you can use the paraglider, and fly all over Canada.

Bentley's super jump

This glitch requires you to be Bentley. In Episode 6, there is a boat near the safehouse. Walk towards it and there is a gap between the boat and the dock. Jump in the gap. Due to the programmed animation, it will be as if Bentley is jumping out of water. However, since he isn't, he will instead jump to a great height. Note that you might have to attempt this glitch several times.

Carmelita "dancing" glitch

Select the Music Box power-up as Sly and throw it within range of Carmelita. Rather than falling asleep like the guards do, she will appear to take damage, as there is no instance where Carmelita would need to fall asleep. This will continue as long as the music box is active.

Scared Carmelita

In Episode 6, if you bring Carmelita to the hideout door, and as fast as you can, you switch to Murray and use Guttural Roar, Carmelita will run. If before she stops running away you switch to Sly, she will not attack you at all. Switch back to Murray and she will run away from him. Use the power-up again to deactivate. Also works in Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves.

Menace from the North, eh![]

Infinite loot exploit

While not a glitch, there is an exploit that can be used in the mission, "RC Combat Club," to obtain an infinite amount of loot.

As soon as Murray hides in the barrel and you take control of Sly, pick the pockets of the three guards that are on the ground floor. On average, two of them will have loot in their pockets, which will be either the medium nugget, large gold bar, sapphire, ruby, medium necklace or large necklace. Since the mission is based around stealth, walking into the guards' flashlights will fail the mission, resetting the guards and the loot in their pockets, but after completing the mission and going to the safehouse, you will have all of the loot you pickpocketed.

Note: After completing the mission, you can continue to do the exploit, but since you will no longer be playing a stealth mission, you must exit and re-enter the cabin to reset the guards and their loot.

Anatomy for Disaster[]

Jumping off Clock-La

In Episode 8, During the "Mega-Jump Job" to activate the radio towers, you can jump on top of Clock-La. While on top of her, she will fly all around and below the blimp. When she is under the blimp, you might get hit by the lower portion of the propeller centered in the blimp and will cause you to fall off of Clock-la (or for this to work you could just jump/walk of off Clock-la when she is under the blimp). When this happens, you will occasionally reappear to the very spot under the blimp where you fell off, and endlessly fall into a void of emptiness as the blimp vanishes from sight. You will have to abandon the job or return to the main menu to restore yourself.

Invisible Mega Jump

In Episode 8, after you beat the second to last job, if you access your power-up menu, you can see the assigned button where the Mega Jump power-up should be, but the Mega Jump icon is not there. If you exit out of the power-up menu and press the "assigned button," you can still Mega Jump. If you die during "Carmelita's Gunner", however, Mega Jump will not be available for you when you have to ride the debris to Clock-La.
