Sly Cooper Wiki

This page includes the controls for Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves. Originally released for the PlayStation 2, the game was later ported to the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita as part of The Sly Collection. As such, the controls for the standard DualShock controller and those for the Vita are included.

Sly Cooper[]

Sly Cooper is one of the main characters the player controls for most of the gameplay, be it on foot or in a vehicle.

Name Input (PS2/PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Sly moves around. He can also control the direction in which he throws objects.
Waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Camera right analog stick The camera moves around in any direction.
Binocucom r3 Touch screen (center) Sly opens or closes his binocucom. right analog stick also allows him to zoom in or out.
Jump x Sly jumps once.
Double jump x + x Sly jumps twice, while in the air, to gain extra height.
Swing cane square Sly swings his cane.
Jump attack x + square Sly jumps and swing his cane down for an attack.
Stealth Slam/Silent Obliteration triangle + square Sly performs a Stealth Slam (or Silent Obliteration) when behind an enemy.
Dive x + triangle Sly does a dive slam.
Charged cane spin triangle Sly charges up his cane (up to three times).
Spin Attack triangle Sly performs a Spin Attack after his cane is charged.
Push Attack circle Sly performs a Push Attack after his cane is charged.
Jump Attack x Sly performs a Jump Attack after his cane is charged.
Interact/pickpocket circle Sly interacts with an object marked with a holographic marker. When behind an enemy, he pickpockets.
Ninja Spire Jump circle Sly performs a Ninja Spire Jump to land on small points, ropes, vines, etc.
Cane juggle triangle Sly juggles enemies with his cane.
Run/paraglide r1 (hold) sr (hold) Sly runs, and activates his paraglider while in the air.
Take photos r1/x (in binocucom) sr/x (in binocucom) Sly takes photographs with his binocucom when targets are available.
Activate gadget l1/l2/r2 sl Sly activates gadgets assigned to any of these buttons.
Gadget Grid select The player accesses Sly's gadget screen.

Bamboo battle[]

Name Input Effect
Jump x Sly jumps and glides straigt in the air.
Switch direction x + x Sly switches directions in the air with his double jump.
Attack square Sly attacks his opponent with a single cane swipe.
Land circle Sly lands on a point using his Ninja Spire Jump.


Bentley is one of the main characters the player controls for most of the gameplay, be it on foot or in a vehicle.

Name Input (PS2/PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Bentley moves around. He can also control the direction in which he throws an object.
Waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Camera right analog stick The camera can be moved in any direction.
Binocucom r3 Touch screen (center) Bentley can open or close his binocucom. right analog stick also allows him to zoom in or out.
Jump x Bentley jumps once with a single boost from his wheelchair.
Double jump x + x Bentley gains extra height with a second boost from his wheelchair.
Wheelchair spin square Bentley spins his wheelchair for an attack.
Interact circle Bentley interacts with an object marked with a holographic marker.
Bomb triangle Bentley drops a bomb.
Run r1 (hold) sr (hold) Bentley sprints in his wheelchair.
Sleep darts r1/x (in binocucom) sr/x (in binocucom) Bentley shoots a sleep dart.
Activate gadget l1/l2/r2 sl Bentley activates gadgets assigned to either of these buttons.
Gadget Grid select The player accesses Bentley's gadget screen.


Murray is one of the main characters the player controls for most of the gameplay, be it on foot or in a vehicle.

Name Input (PS2/PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Murray moves around.
Waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Camera right analog stick The camera moves around in any direction.
Binocucom r3 Touch screen (center) Murray can open or close his binocucom. right analog stick also allows him to zoom in or out.
Jump x Murray jumps once.
Double jump x + x Murray jumps twice, while in the air, to gain extra height.
Punch/throw square/circle (throw only) Murray swings his fists. He can also throw when holding an object or enemy.
Interact/stomp/grab circle Murray interacts with an object marked by a holographic marker, and stomps the ground near an object or enemy he can pick up.
Pickpocket circle (while holding an enemy) Allows Murray to pickpocket.
Uppercut triangle Murray does an uppercut.
Thunder Flop x + square/x + triangle Murray performs a Thunder Flop.
Roundhouse Punch triangle + square Murray does a Roundhouse Punch.
Run r1 (hold) sr (hold) Murray runs.
Activate gadget l1/l2/r2 sl Murray activates gadgets assigned to any of these buttons.
Gadget Grid select The player accesses Murray's gadget screen.


The player controls Carmelita Fox on several occasions, in which they are able to control her shock pistol as well.

Name Input (PS2/PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Carmelita moves around.
Waypoint l3 The player pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Camera right analog stick The camera can be moved in any direction.
Binoculars r3 Touch screen (center) Carmelita can open or close her binoculars. right analog stick also allows her to zoom in or out.
Jump x Carmelita jumps once.
Double jump x + x Carmelita jumps twice, while in the air, to gain extra height.
Kick square Carmelita does a kick.
Mega-jump circle (hold then release) Carmelita performs a mega-jump.
Strafe mode triangle The player toggles strafe mode on or off.
Fire r1 sr Carmelita fires her shock pistol.

The Guru[]

The Guru is one of the supporting characters the player controls on several occasions.

Name Input (PS2/PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad The Guru moves around.
Waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Camera right analog stick The camera moves around in any direction.
Binocucom r3 Touch screen (center) The Guru opens or closes his binocucom. right analog stick also allows him to zoom in or out.
Jump x The Guru jumps once.
Double jump x + x The Guru jumps twice, while in the air, to gain extra height.
Run r1 (hold) sr (hold) The Guru runs.
Transform l1 (hold) sl (hold) The Guru transforms into objects found within the environment.
Pounce x + circle The Guru jump onto an unsuspecting guard.
Attack (with guard) square The Guru triggers a guard's attack.
Jump off circle/triangle The Guru jumps off the guard he is riding on.

Lupus Gigantormus[]

The player takes control of the Guru riding on top of the wolf, Lupus gigantormus, in the mission "Giant Wolf Massacre."

Name Input Effect
Move left analog stick The wolf moves around.
Jump x The wolf jumps once.
Play square The wolf plays, attacking enemies.


The player controls Penelope only once in the game, during the final segment of "Operation: Reverse Double-Cross."

Name Input (PS2/PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Penelope moves either left or right.
Jump left analog stick (press up)/x Penelope jumps once.
Duck left analog stick (press down)/circle Penelope ducks.
Uppercut triangle Penelope uppercuts her enemy.
Attack square Penelope attacks her enemy with a simple sword swipe.
Run r1 (hold) sr (hold) Penelope runs.

Panda King[]

Panda King is one of the supporting characters the player controls on a few occasions.

Name Input (PS2/PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Panda King moves around.
Waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Camera right analog stick The camera moves around in any direction.
Binocucom r3 Touch screen (center) Panda King can open or close his binocucom. right analog stick also allows him to zoom in or out.
Jump x Panda King jumps once.
Double jump x + x Panda King jumps twice, while in the air, to gain extra height.
Attack square Panda King swings his flaming fist.
Load/launch l1 (hold then release) sl (hold then release) Panda King loads, then launches fireworks.
Run r1 sr Panda King runs.

Dimitri Lousteau[]

Dimitri Lousteau is only controlled during underwater missions, such as "Deep Sea Danger" and "The Dark Current."

Name Input (PS2/PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Swim forward triangle Dimitri swims forward.
Swim backward x Dimitri swims backward.
Swim right circle Dimitri swims to the right.
Swim left square Dimitri swims to the left.
Aim left analog stick Dimitri aims his harpoon gun.
Shoot r1 sr Dimitri fires his harpoon gun.
Power stroke l1 sl Dimitri does a power stroke

RC car[]

The player controls Penelope's RC car on several oncassions, such as "King of Fire," "Down the Line," "Dynamic Duo" and "Bump-Charge-Jump."

Name Input (PS2/PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Steer left analog stick The car steers
Gas x The car accelerates.
Reverse square The car reverses
Shoot r1 sr The car fires its turret.
Bumpers l2/r2 sl/sr The car activates its bumpers. This can only be done in "Bump-Charge-Jump."

Gondola boat[]

The player controls a gondola boat in the missions "Canal Chase" and "Operation: Tar-Be Gone!."

Name Input Effect
Steer left analog stick The driver steers the boat.
Jump x The player can do a jump with the boat.
Shoot square The player fires the boat's gun.

Murray's raft[]

The player controls Murray on a raft during the missions "Frame Team Iceland" and "Operation: Turbo Dominant Eagle."

Name Input Effect
Steer left analog stick Murray steers the raft.
Row forward x Murray rows the raft forward.
Row backward square Murray rows the raft backward.

Big truck[]

The player controls a big truck in the mission "Big Truck."

Name Input (PS2/PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Steer left analog stick The truck steers.
Gas x The truck accelerates.
E-brake/flip truck r1 sr The truck E-brakes/flip.
Brake/reverse square The truck brakes/reverse.

Super Claw 10,000[]

The player controls the Super Claw 10,000 in the missions "The Claw" and "Operation: Moon Crash."

Name Input Effect
Move left analog stick The claw moves left or right.
Pick up/drop x The claw lowers and picks up objects or enemies. Pressing x again drops them.
Throw circle The claw throws objects or enemies.

Hacking program[]

Hacking segments appear in the missions "Windmill Firewall," "Grapple-Cam Break-In," and "Laptop Retrieval." The player controls Bentley's avatar in each.

Name Input Effect
Move/steer left analog stick The avatar moves and can be steered.
Aim/shoot right analog stick The avatar aims, and fires missiles.


The player controls Sly's biplane in the missions "ACES Semifinals," "Operation: Turbo Dominant Eagle" and "Danger in the Skies."

Name Input (PS2/PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Steer left analog stick The plane steers
Shoot r1 sr The plane fires its cannon.
Missile l2 (hold then release) sl (hold then release) The plane fires missiles.
Brake square The plane brakes.
Throttle x The player activates the throttle, gaining extra speed.
Barrel roll left analog stick (pressed right or left) + circle The plane does a barrel roll.
Flip left analog stick + circle The plane does a flip.
Aim right analog stick The player aims the gun.
Shoot r1 sr The player fires the gun.

RC chopper[]

The player controls Penelope's RC chopper in the missions "Cooper Hangar Defense" and "Tearful Reunion."

Name Input (PS2/PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Steer left analog stick The chopper steers.
Cable x The chopper drops its cable.
Thrusters r1 sr The chopper activates its thrusters.


The player controls Murray driving a jollyboat in the mission "Jollyboat of Destruction."

Name Input (PS2/PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Steer left analog stick The player steers the boat.
Row forward x The player rows the boat forward.
Row backward square The player rows the boat backward.
Charge/shoot r1 (hold then release) sr (hold then release) The the player charges the cannon up for a shot, then fires it.

Pirate ship[]

The player controls a pirate ship in the mission "X Marks the Spot" and uses it to navigate to the remaining missions in Blood Bath Bay.

Name Input (PS2/PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Steer left l2 sl The boat steers to the left.
Steer right r2 sr The boat steers to the right.
Cannon/start battle circle The player fires a cannon. When sailing, pressing circle when prompted begins a ship battle.


The player controls Crusher during "Operation: Reverse Double-Cross."

Name Input (PS2/PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move tentacles left analog stick/right analog stick Crusher moves his tentacles.
Smash l1/r1 sl/sr Crusher pounds his tentancles onto the surface.


These are general controls that the player can utilize at almost anytime in the game.

Name Input Effect
Pause start The game pauses, and the Pause menu appears.