Sly Cooper Wiki

This page includes the controls for Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. Originally released for the PlayStation 3, the game was later ported to the PlayStation Vita. As such, the controls for the standard DualShock controller and those for the Vita are included. This page also incorporates hacking controls from Bentley's Hackpack.

Sly Cooper[]

Sly Cooper is one of the main characters the player controls for most of the gameplay, be it on foot or in a vehicle.

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Sly moves around.
View compass/waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player views the compass and pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Camera right analog stick The camera moves around in any direction.
Binocucom r3 tbr Sly opens or closes his binocucom. left analog stick also allows him to zoom in or out.
Jump x Sly jumps once.
Double jump x + x Sly jumps twice, while in the air, to gain extra height.
Swing cane square Sly swings his cane.
Cane Swat Combo square + triangle Sly performs a Cane Swat Combo (only possible after the move has been purchased.)[notes 1]
Interact/pickpocket circle Sly interacts with an object marked with a holographic marker. When behind an enemy, he pickpockets.
Ninja Spire Jump circle Sly performs a Ninja Spire Jump to land on small points, ropes, vines, etc.
Special attack triangle (hold then release) Sly performs his special attack.
Dive x + triangle Sly performs a dive slam.
Jump attack x + square Sly jumps and swings his cane down for an attack.
Stealth Slam/Silent Obliteration triangle + square Sly performs a Stealth Slam (or Silent Obliteration) when behind an enemy.
Run/paraglide r1 (hold after jumping) sr (hold after jumping) Sly runs, and activates his paraglider while in the air. Pressing square while gliding over a nearby enemy triggers Sly's Paraglider Dive Attack.
Take photos r1/x (in binocucom) sr/x (in binocucom) Sly takes photographs with his binocucom when targets are available.
Smoke Bomb l1 sl Sly throws a Smoke Bomb.
Costume l2 sl The player brings up the costume select screen. After releasing the button, Sly switches into the currently selected costume.


Bentley is one of the main characters the player controls for most of the gameplay, be it on foot or in a vehicle.

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Bentley moves around.
View compass/waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player views the compass and pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Camera right analog stick The camera can be moved in any direction.
Binocucom r3 tbr Bentley can open or close his binocucom. left analog stick also allows him to zoom in or out.
Jump x Bentley jumps once with a single boost from his wheelchair.
Hover pack x, x (hold) Bentley activates his hover pack.
Wheelchair spin square Bentley spins his wheelchair for an attack. He can also use this to kick bombs after Bomb Kick is purchased.
Interact circle Bentley interacts with an object marked with a holographic marker.
Bomb triangle Bentley drops a bomb.
Range finder triangle (hold then release) + left analog stick The player triggers Bentley's range finder, allowing for pinpoint accuracy.
Run r1 (hold) sr (hold) Bentley sprints in his wheelchair.
Sleep darts r1/x (in binocucom) sr/x (in binocucom) Bentley shoots a sleep dart.
Aim and throw Trigger Bomb l1 (hold), triangle Bentley aims and throws a Trigger Bomb.
Select ammunition l2 (hold) tbl (hold) Bentley selects ammunition for his darts.
Detonate r2 tbr Bentley detonates bombs (after purchasing Trigger Bomb).


Murray is one of the main characters the player controls for most of the gameplay, be it on foot or in a vehicle.

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Murray moves around.
View compass/waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player views the compass and pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Camera right analog stick The camera moves around in any direction.
Binocucom r3 tbr Murray can open or close his binocucom. left analog stick also allows him to zoom in or out.
Jump x Murray jumps once.
Double jump x + x Murray jumps twice, while in the air, to gain extra height.
Punch/throw square/circle (throw only) Murray swings his fists. He can also throw when holding an object or enemy.
Interact/Stomp/Grab circle Murray interacts with an object marked by a holographic marker, and stomps the ground near an object or enemy he can pick up.
Thunder Flop/El Drop'o/El Drop'o a lo Macho x + square Murray performs a Thunder Flop (or El Drop'o/El Drop'o a lo Macho)
Special attack triangle (hold then release) Murray unleases his special attack.
Run r1 (hold) sr (hold) Murray runs.
Select gloves l2 (hold) The player accesses Murray's power-up grid. Murray switches into the currently selected type of gloves.

Carmelita Fox[]

The player controls Carmelita Fox on several occasions, in which they are able to control her shock pistol as well.

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick Carmelita moves around.
View compass/waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player views the compass and pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Camera right analog stick The camera can be moved in any direction.
Binocucom r3 Touch screen (center) Carmelita opens or closes her binocucom. left analog stick also allows her to zoom in or out.
Jump x Carmelita jumps once.
Double jump x + x Carmelita jumps twice, while in the air, to gain extra height.
Swing square Carmelita swings her weapon.
Aim/shoot l1 + r1 sl + sr Carmelita aims her weapon and shoots.
Aim, dodge-roll l1 + circle sl + circle Carmelita aims her weapon and does a dodge-roll.
Interact circle Carmelita interacts with an object marked with a holographic marker.
Run r1 (hold) sr (hold) Carmelita runs.
Select ammo l2 (hold) sl (hold) The player accesses Carmelita's power-up grid. Carmelita equips the selected type of ammunition on her weapon.
Super Jump (after purchasing) r2 (hold) + x sr (hold) + x Caremlita does a Super Jump.

Rioichi Cooper[]

Rioichi Cooper is one of Sly's ancestors the player controls in "Turning Japanese" and the Paris Epilogue.

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Rioichi moves around.
View compass/waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player views the compass and pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Binocucom r3 tbr Rioichi opens or closes his binocucom. left analog stick also allows him to zoom in or out.
Jump x Rioichi jumps once.
Double jump x + x Rioichi jumps twice, while in the air, to gain extra height.
Swing cane square Rioichi swings his cane.
Shuriken Slice Combo square + triangle Rioichi performs a Shurkiken Slice Combo.
Interact/pickpocket circle Rioichi interacts with an object marked with a holographic marker. When behind an enemy, he pickpockets.
Stealth Slam triangle + square Rioichi performs a Stealth Slam when behind an enemy.
Run r1 (hold) sr (hold) Rioichi runs.
Special attack triangle (hold then release) Rioichi performs his special attack.

"Tennessee Kid" Cooper[]

"Tennessee Kid" Cooper is one of Sly's ancestors the player controls in "Go West Young Raccoon" and the Paris Epilogue.

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Tennessee moves around.
View compass/waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player views the compass and pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Binocucom r3 tbr Tennessee opens or closes his binocucom. left analog stick also allows him to zoom in or out.
Jump x Tennessee jumps once.
Double jump x + x Tennessee jumps twice, while in the air, to gain extra height.
Swing cane square Tennessee swings his cane.
Crook Blast Combo square + triangle Tennessee performs a Crook Blast Combo.
Aim/shoot l1 + r1 sl + sr Tennessee aims his weapon and shoots.
Aim/Crackshot l1 + l2 sl + sl Tennessee aims his weapon/enters Crackshot mode.
Aim/dodge-roll l1 + circle sl + circle Tennessee aims his weapon and does a dodge-roll.
Interact/pickpocket circle Tennessee interacts with an object marked with a holographic marker. When behind an enemy, he pickpockets.
Special attack triangle (hold then release) Tennessee performs his special attack.
Run r1 (hold) sr (hold) Tennessee runs.

Bob Cooper[]

Bob Cooper is one of Sly's ancestors the player controls in "Clan of the Cave Raccoon" and the Paris Epilogue.

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Bob moves around.
View compass/waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player views the compass and pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Binocucom r3 tbr Bob opens or closes his binocucom. left analog stick also allows him to zoom in or out.
Jump x Bob jumps once.
Double jump x + x Bob jumps twice, while in the air, to gain extra height.
Swing cane square Bob swings his cane.
Oogasmash Combo square + triangle Bobs performs a Oogasmash Combo.
Interact/pickpocket circle Bob interacts with an object marked with a holographic marker. When behind an enemy, he pickpockets.
Special attack triangle (hold then release) Bob performs his special attack.
Roar l2 sl Bob does a loud roar.
Jump and attach x + circle Bob jumps and attaches to an ice wall.
Pound wall square Bob pounds the wall.
Ascend/descend l1 + left analog stick (hold up or down) sl + left analog stick (hold up or down) Bob ascends or descends an ice wall.
Run r1 (hold) sr (hold) Bob runs.

Sir Galleth Cooper[]

Sir Galleth Cooper is one of Sly's ancestors the player controls in "Of Mice and Mechs" and the Paris Epilogue.

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Galleth moves around.
View compass/waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player views the compass and pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Binocucom r3 tbr Galleth opens or closes his binocucom. left analog stick also allows him to zoom in or out.
Jump x Galleth jumps once.
Double jump x + x Galleth jumps twice, while in the air, to gain extra height.
Swing cane square Galleth swings his cane.
Lotalance Combo square + triangle Galleth performs a Lotalance Combo.
Interact/pickpocket circle Galleth interacts with an object marked with a holographic marker. When behind an enemy, he pickpockets.
Special attack triangle (hold then release) Galleth performs his special attack.
Catapult Crash r2 + x sr + x Galleth performs his Catapult Crash technique.
Run r1 (hold) sr (hold) Galleth runs.

Salim al-Kupar[]

Salim al-Kupar is one of Sly's ancestors the player controls in "40 Thieves" and the Paris Epilogue.

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Salim moves around.
View compass/waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player views the compass and pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Binocucom r3 tbr Salim opens or closes his binocucom. left analog stick also allows him to zoom in or out.
Jump x Salim jumps once.
Double jump x + x Salim jumps twice, while in the air, to gain extra height.
Swing cane square Salim swings his cane.
Sandwave Combo square + triangle Salim performs a Sandwave Combo.
Interact/pickpocket circle Salim interacts with an object marked with a holographic marker. When behind an enemy, he pickpockets.
Special attack triangle (hold then release) Salim performs his special attack.
Climbing Cobra r2 (while on a pole) sr (while on a pole) Salim performs his Climbing Cobra technique.
Run/Rug r1 (hold) sr (hold) Salim runs/activates rugs while in mid-air.


A total of five costumes are used by Sly, each coming with their own unique abilities.

Samurai costume[]

The Samurai Costume is used during missions in "Turning Japanese."

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Sly moves around.
Waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Swing shield square Sly swings the samurai shield.

Jailbird costume[]

The Jailbird Costume is used during missions in "Go West Young Raccoon."

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Sly moves around.
Waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Throw ball square Sly throws the ball straight forward.
Ride ball r2 + left analog stick sr + left analog stick Sly hops onto the ball to ride it.

Sabertooth skin[]

The Sabertooth Costume is used during missions in "Clan of the Cave Raccoon."

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Sly moves around.
Waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Cyclone Pounce r2 + x Sly does a cyclone pounce on nearby enemies.
Play dead r2 (hold) sr (hold) Sly plays dead.

Archer Costume[]

The Archer Costume is used during missions in "Of Mice and Mechs."

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Sly moves around.
Waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Swing bow square Sly swings his bow.
Interact circle Sly interacts with a bucket of arrows.
Aim left analog stick Sly aims the arrow.
Shoot r1 (hold then release) sr (hold then release) Sly shoots the arrow.
Ninja Spire Jump circle Sly performs a Ninja Spire Jump on small points, ropes, vines, etc.

Thief Costume[]

The Thief Costume is used during missions in "40 Thieves."

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick/d pad Sly moves around.
Waypoint l3 Rear touchpad The player pings a waypoint, and the HUD display appears.
Interact circle Sly interacts with a bucket of arrows.
Swing weapon square Sly swings his weapon.
Slow r2 sr Sly slows down time.
Sword triangle Sly swings the sword.
Ninja Spire Jump circle Sly performs a Ninja Spire Jump on small points, ropes, vines, etc.

Bentley's RC car[]

The player controls Bentley's RC car in the missions "Tiger Tail," "Saloon Bug" and "All Rolled Up!." While in the chicken disguise, the car can only drive and reverse, but you cannot shoot or boost until removing the disguise.

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Drive x The car accelerates.
Reverse square The car reverses.
Boost l1 sl The car gains a short boost of speed.
Horn circle The car's horn triggers.
Shoot r1 sr The car fires its cannon.
Chicken disguise l2 sl The chicken disguise activates.

Shell Code[]

The Panzer Code is controlled in System Cracker hacking minigames.

Name Input Effect
Move left analog stick The avatar moves.
Shoot right analog stick The avatar fires its weapon.

Panzer Code[]

The Panzer Code is controlled in System Cracker hacking minigames.

Name Input Effect
Move left analog stick The avatar moves.
Shoot right analog stick The avatar fires its weapon.

Speeder code[]

The Speeder Code is controlled in System Cracker hacking minigames.

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick The avatar moves.
Shoot right analog stick The avatar fires its weapon.
Laser loop left analog stick + r2 left analog stick + sr The avatar creates a laser loop.

Alter Ego[]

Alter Ego is one of the hacking minigames that appear occasionally throughout the game.

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick The avatar moves.
Shoot right analog stick The avatar fires its weapon.
Logic Bomb l1 sl The avatar fires a Logic Bomb.

Spark Runner[]

Spark Runner is one of the hacking minigames that appear occasionally throughout the game.

Name Input Effect
Move Tilt SIXAXIS in any direction The player moves the ball in any direction.
Switch wires left analog stick (in any direction) The ball switches wires.

Fishing magnet[]

The player controls Bentley's fishing magnet in the mission "Something's Fishy."

Name Input Effect
Move Tilt SIXAXIS in any direction The player moves the magnet in any direction.
Yank fish x The player yanks out a fish.

Sarsaparilla bar[]

The player controls Bentley serving drinks in the sarsaparilla bar in the mission "Saloon Bug."

Name Input Effect
Move left analog stick Bentley moves left or right.
Slide x Bentley slides a sarsaparilla drink to the customer he is facing.


The player controls a cannon (as Murray) during the missions "Cooper for Hire" and "Copy Cats."

Name Input Effect
Move/aim left analog stick The player moves and aims the cannon.
Fire x The player fires the cannon.

Moat Monster suit[]

The player controls Bentley inside a Moat Monster suit in the boss battle in "Operation: Mousetrap."

Name Input Effect
Move left analog stick The player moves
Punch square The player punches.
Overhead attack r1 The player does an overhead attack.

RC chopper[]

The player controls Bentley's RC chopper during the mission "Up in Smoke."

Name Input (PS3) Input (Vita) Effect
Move left analog stick The chopper moves.
Boost l1 sl The choppers gains a short boost of speed.
Smoke bomb r1 sr The chopper drops smoke bombs.


These are general controls that the player can utilize at almost anytime in the game.

Name Input Effect
Pause start The game pauses, and the Pause menu appears.
Map and status select The player brings up the map of the current area, which also shows the current status.


  1. All of the ancestors' versions of this move are default abilities and do not need to be purchased.