This page comprises the full verbal transcript of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.
- Jobs are ordered according to the jobs menu found in-game; they do not always have to be done in the order listed.
- After completing a set of jobs, a Chalk Talk will play in which the next set of jobs are previewed. The transcripts of all Chalk Talks can be found under the section of the last job whose completion is required to view the slideshow. Because jobs in a set can be completed in any order, the last job in a set is determined by the Jobs menu.
- Lines might not be copied verbatim from subtitles, as subtitles may have errors in capitalization, punctuation or spelling, and also may not match the actual words being spoken. Instead, dialogue is transcribed according to rules of standard American English, as well as the audio. This should have no effect on the meaning of the lines.
The Setup[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): I should probably just start at the beginning. The name's Sly, Sly Cooper, and I'm a thief... from a long line of thieves. In fact, thieving is the family business, and business was good. Although, until recently, I consider myself retired. Having hung up my mask and cane, I was enjoying life on the other side of the law... in the company of a certain lovely INTERPOL agent named... Carmelita Fox. She and I had a history, which generally involved her trying to lock me up. So, I should mention our current situation was only possible because she thought I had amnesia. I didn't. It was great to finally enjoy each other's company without a shock pistol being involved, and we quickly put the past behind us, but as time went on, the old itch came back, and I knew I needed to pull a heist. I should also mention that as a master thief, I only steal from other thieves. So it took me a while, but I finally found what I was looking for. My target was an upstart art mogul, a real hotshot collector. He seemed respectable and even opened a new museum, but I could smell a rat. Reliable sources told me he was dealing in black market antiques worth millions. So I felt he should share the wealth. I was working on a plan when one night, as if on cue, Bentley showed up. Bentley was the brains of our operation, the mastermind. We grew up in the same orphanage where we bonded over stealing cookies, our very first heist, and we've been best friends and partners ever since. We haven't seen each other for a while, but I knew immediately that something was up.
Bentley's Lab[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): Bentley had been enjoying his time off too, building a new lab from scratch with his girlfriend and fellow tech wiz, Penelope. She'd join the team on our last caper, and the two of them had really hit it off. Apparently, they just finished work on a top-secret project when Penelope had simply vanished. Bentley was worried sick. He searched frantically but found nothing. Then, he noticed something that completely stunned him. In his spare time, Bentley had been researching the Thievius Raccoonus: the master thieves handbook passed down through the Cooper family for generations, its pages overflowing with the exploits and secret techniques of my esteemed ancestors. Only now, those pages weren't so full. In fact, they were disappearing right before Bentley's eyes. Realizing there was no time to waste, he gathered his gear and raced off to Paris.
The Murray Demolition[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): The first thing Bentley did was track down Murray, the third in our trio. Murray was our enforcer, the muscle... and the guy who'd eaten all the cookies we stole back in our orphanage days. Through the years, the three of us had become an unbeatable team, and we were more like a family now than a gang. Murray had been living his dream on the pro driving circuit, where his van had become famous... or rather infamous for all the crashes he'd caused. Eventually, he was unable to find a sponsor due to his high insurance premiums, and he moved into demolition derby, where he remained undefeated. When Bentley showed up, however, Murray dropped everything to help out, especially when Bentley explained that his van was the key to the whole plan. With Carmelita distracted by a new assignment, I took the opportunity to slip away, and met up with the guys at our old Paris hideout. Bentley launched into one of his elaborate presentations, and I saw the whole scary picture. Someone or something was literally erasing Cooper history. Then, to our amazement, Bentley revealed that he already had the solution: time travel. It turns out his top-secret project was constructing a time machine, and now he modified the design to fit into Murray's van. We were going to travel back in time, stop those responsible and fix the damage they'd done. Bentley explained the only catch was that in order to travel to a particular time, the machine required an object from that era. We knew from the changes to the Thievius Raccoonus that our first stop was Feudal Japan. So here we were, about to steal a priceless 17th-century samurai dagger from the same museum I've been casing. Funny how things work out sometimes.
I Smell a Rat[]
(Saxophone Playing)
Bentley: Okay, you both remember the plan, right?
Murray: Of course! My mind is like a steel cap!
Sly Cooper: Uh, that's "trap," Big Guy. And everybody relax! We've been over it a million times. What could possibly go wrong?
Bentley: Famous last words! Look, we're only going to get one shot at this, so we can't mess up!
Sly Cooper: All right, no messing up allowed. Now stop worrying! This is going to be a piece of cake. I'll see you both inside. Now let's get going!
(Sly gets into position and moves forward, then a chopper rises up.)
Sly Cooper: Whoa!
Bentley (binocucom): Careful, Sly! Those security choppers are bad news.
Bentley (binocucom): I suppose I don't have to mention you can jump using the button?
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, don't forget you can double jump. Just jump then press the button again while you're still in the air.
Sly Cooper: Right, just another one of my many talents.
Bentley (binocucom): If you find the need to adjust your perspective on things, you can move the camera around using the stick.
Sly Cooper: Excellent. It's perfect for peeking around corners.
Bentley (binocucom): Press the button while jumping to interact with blue sparkling objects.
Sly Cooper: I remember. That's how I pull off some of my best moves.
(A chopper spotlight appears.)
Bentley (binocucom): Avoid those choppers, Sly. If they see you now, we're busted.
Sly Cooper: I think I can handle that.
(Sly Rail Walks on a wire when he sees Murray riding on top of a truck.)
Sly Cooper: Hey Bentley, was truck surfing part of Murray's entrance strategy?
Bentley (binocucom): Of course not, Murray's approach route is through the back alley. Why do you ask?
Sly Cooper: Uh, no reason. Anyway, it looks like he's in position now.
Bentley (binocucom): Make sure you stay on these cables, Sly. You can't risk going down to street level right now.
Sly Cooper: Not a problem, Bentley. A good thief prefers to stay above the action anyway.
Sly Cooper: Looks like the perfect night for a heist.
(Sly climbs up a pole, but it falls sideways.)
Sly Cooper: Whoa!
Bentley (binocucom): Security is getting tougher, Sly. Steer clear of the guards with lights. Avoid sprinting around the guards too. They'll hear your footsteps.
Sly Cooper: I'll be a ghost. I promise. Sure feels good to be back in business.
Bentley (binocucom): Looks like security is really beefed up tonight!
Sly Cooper: Okay, that was too close!
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, that flagpole looks like it leads right to the roof.
Sly Cooper: See, I told you it would be a piece of cake.
(Sly slides down a wire and climbs on a pipe, then the pipe splits and falls down.)
Sly Cooper: Wha...?! (hangs onto the pipe) Guess I'm a little out of practice.
Bentley (binocucom): You say something, Sly?
Sly Cooper: Uh, no. All good here, Bentley.
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, looks like you're going to have to find another way up. Use that ledge to move around to the front of the museum, and stay out of that security light!
Sly Cooper: I think I can handle that.
Sly Cooper: I can't believe the security of this place. This better be worth it.
(Sly sneaks around the ledge; here Le Paradox can be heard speaking through the window.)
(Sly climbs up to the roof and approaches the skylight.)
Sly Cooper: Easy does it.
Sly Cooper: It sure looks like someone spent a fortune on this place. I wonder what kind of surprises they have inside.
Bentley (binocucom): Careful now, that's the skylight we want, but it's locked. My instruments are showing that guard has the key.
Sly Cooper: Don't worry, Bentley. This is going to be as easy as pie.
Bentley (binocucom): Move slowly until you're right behind him.
Bentley (binocucom): When you're close enough, press the button to pick his pocket. You might have to try several times until you get the key.
(Sly pickpockets the guard and gets the museum skylight key.)
Bentley (binocucom): To perform a stealth slam, sneak up behind an enemy and press the button to juggle him, then press the
button to finish him off.
Sly Cooper: Right, I'll make sure he never knew what hit him.
(Sly performs a stealth slam on the guard.)
Bentley (binocucom): Great, Sly. Now use the key to unlock the skylight.
(Sly whistling as he unlocks the skylight, then opens it to see the dagger in the room below.)
Sly Cooper: Okay, Bentley. I'm in place. Let me know when you shut down the security system.
(Bentley makes his move in the sewers.)
Bentley: Patience, Sly. You can't rush greatness, and I'm about to code a hacking masterpiece!
Bentley: Interesting, the last time I was in these sewers, I was just a teenager.
Bentley: Man, this place is disgusting!
(Bentley approaches a wall blocking his path.)
Bentley: My bombs should make short work on that grate. I just need to press the button to place one.
(After blowing the obstacle.)
Bentley: Well, that was a blast! He-heh!
Bentley: Who says turtles are slow?
(Approaches a large gap.)
Bentley: That's a big jump. I better use the Hover Pack here. If I jump and press and hold the button while I'm in the air, my jets will let me glide a long way.
Bentley: Thank you, technology!
(Upon reaching another obstacle.)
Bentley: Great, that platform is blocked! I'll have a throw a bomb to clear it off. If I press and hold the button, I can bring up my range finder, then I can adjust the range of my throw by pressing forward or backward on the
stick. Once I find the right distance, I just press the
button to toss a bomb with pinpoint accuracy.
(After blowing the obstacle.)
Bentley: That's a direct hit!
(While hovering over the gaps.)
Bentley: Agh! If I fall in that filthy water, I'm buying a new shell!
(As he presses on.)
Bentley: Why didn't I wear my rubber gloves?
(Bentley reaches the entrance to the control room.)
Bentley: Hmm, according to the schematics, the control room is right underneath me. All I have to do is find a way in. Some explosives should do the trick.
(Blows the hole open, leading to the area below.)
Bentley: And voila! Instant shortcut!
(Bentley jumps down through the hole.)
Bentley: Aah! (leaps forward over the lasers) Agh! Phew! Talk about your close shaves!
Sly Cooper: How's that security system coming, Bentley?
Bentley: Uh... great! Perfect! I'll be done in a jiffy!
Sly Cooper: Uh-huh...
Bentley: Next time, I'm giving Sly the sewer job.
(Upon reaching the security system.)
Bentley: Now for a patented Bentley hack attack.
(When the hacking begins.)
Bentley: Hello, old friend. We have to reach the main docking gate before the security code flushes us from the system. The stick should navigate the ship.
(Reaching the second section.)
Bentley: The stick should control the Bit Cannon! The Bit Cannon can blast right through that firewall!
(Upon shooting the first time.)
Bentley: Bit Cannon performing well, moving while firing is key to cracking this system.
(Upon reaching the third section.)
Bentley I need to use the data key on that lock to defeat the firewall.
Bentley: Hmm. This lock requires a data key.
Bentley: Bingo. This data key should fit that lock
Bentley: This oughta do the trick.
(Reaching the fourth section.)
Bentley: Dang it! This reinforced firewall is too strong for the Bit Cannon. If I use that upgrade slot, I can engage my Panzer Code.
(Upon switching to Panzer Code.)
Bentley: Oh yeah, time to bring out the big guns, baby! These Gigabomb shells will crush those firewalls!
Bentley: Security drones! I can either dodge them or blast them!
Bentley: All right! I can use this data key to disable that firewall!
(After completing the hack.)
Bentley: And that's the way the codebase crumbles!
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Murray, you're on!
Murray: "The Murray" is always on, Bentley!
Bentley (binocucom): Okay Murray, we need to get you back in fighting shape. Why don't you warm up with a few basic attacks? Press the button to punch.
Murray: Oh, yeah! The old muscle memory is really kicking in!
Bentley (binocucom): Press and hold the button to charge up, and release it for a wicked spinning attack!
Murray: Yes! Nobody can withstand the pink tornado!
Bentley (binocucom): To perform a Thunder Flop, jump then press the button while in the air.
Murray: Oh, Thunder Flop, how I've missed you!
(While fending off the guards.)
- Is that the best you got?!
- You chumps are no challenge!
- Who wants a piece of "The Murray"!
- I almost feel sorry for you guys.
- You guys should've taken the night off.
- I'm getting bored here!
- My knuckles are just getting warmed up!
- You clowns don't know when to quit!
- You punks better call for backup!
- I call that the "Major League" combo. Cause it's three strikes and you're out!
- You'll learn not to fool with "The Murray"!
- Mess with "The Murray", and you're going down!
- You fools don't stand a chance!
- You little guys, you're just not tough enough!
- Come on! I was expecting a tough fight!
- Let the beatdown commence!
Bentley (binocucom): Alright, make your way to the loading dock. You gotta take out all the guards before I can open the gate.
(Murray enters the loading dock and spots a rat trooper.)
Murray: Huh? Where did you come from, shortstuff?
(Other guards show up and pounce on him, making him fall to the floor.)
- Come on! I was expecting a tough fight!
(Murray shakes the guards off.)
Murray: Aaaaaaahhhhhhh! That felt great!
Bentley: Uh... Everything okay, Murray?
Murray: Now it is!
Bentley (binocucom): Murray, don't forget to use your throwing ability. Press the button to stomp near an object and you will pick it up, then press the
button to throw the object. If you press the
button instead, you can slam the object down.
Bentley (binocucom): Murray, you're gonna have to throw something to take out those junction boxes!
(After Murray sabotages the junction boxes.)
Bentley: (binocucom) Okay, Sly, the security system is down. You're all clear!
Sly Cooper: Great! I'm going in.
(Sly steals the dagger and is confronted by Inspector Fox.)
Sly Cooper: What the–?
Carmelita Fox: You didn't really think you were going to get away with it, did you, Ringtail?
Sly Cooper: Hey, Carmelita! Funny meeting you here.
Carmelita Fox: Sly Cooper, you no-good, lying thief! I'm locking you up for good!
Sly Cooper: Sorry! Gotta take a raincheck! I'll call you!
Carmelita Fox: COOPER!!
Sly Cooper: Good evening, this is Sly Cooper. I'd like to request a ride.
Bentley (binocucom): Cute, Sly. Now quit messing around and get down here! We're in the van and ready to roll!
Sly Cooper: Au revoir!
(Sly jumps down onto the van.)
Sly Cooper: Let's hit it!
Murray: Buckle up, boys!
Murray: Oh yeah, just like in the Demolition Derby!
Bentley: Look out! Ooh! I think I cracked my shell. Watch out for those trees!
Bentley: Where are you going?
Murray: Just setting up for the jump! Welcome to Air Murray! Thanks for flying!
(Sly gets into the passenger's seat.)
Sly Cooper: Nice landing, Murray. Hey Bentley, not to complain, but we're kind of trapped here.
Bentley: Relax, Sly. Just put the dagger in the receptacle.
Bentley: Perfect. Isotopic decay calibrated... adjusting fusion synthesis... Anytime you wanna punch it, Murray.
Murray: You got it, chum!
Bentley: Do NOT slow down, Murray!
Murray: I never do!
Sly and Murray: Whoa!
(The van roars off, disappearing through time.)
Paris Escape (The Getaway)[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): Well, what else can I say about Carmelita? As you can see, our relationship is... complicated, and I just succeeded in upgrading it to hazardous. I certainly wasn't expecting her to crash the party. She'd been so busy with her latest case, I never thought she'd have her eye on me. In fact, I'd kinda been counting on it, but then, I should've known better than to underestimate Inspector Carmelita Fox. As much as she liked having fun, Carmelita was serious about her police work... and now, I had a lot of explaining to do, but the plan was in motion, and there was no stopping now, even though I was thinking I'd need the time machine just to patch things up with Carmelita. Before the heist, we'd recruited our disco-loving, scuba diving friend, Dimitri Lousteau, to look after the Thievius Raccoonus. Because it was irreplaceable and the only guide we had, it was far too risky to take the book through time with us. Bentley had even invented a communication device to allow us to contact Dimitri no matter where or when we travel. It was a perfect situation since it allowed him to update us on any changes to the book while eliminating our exposure to his ... fashion critiques. Everything was happening so fast. The past few days were just a blur, but as we howled through the time vortex, I realized we were in for a very long trip.
Episode 1: Turning Japanese[]
Turning Japanese (The Setup)[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): We needed to locate Rioichi Cooper - master ninja and master chef. According to the Cooper Clan history, Rioichi Cooper was actually the inventor of sushi. After creating this delectable dish, he opened a sushi restaurant, which , while very prosperous, also provided a perfect cover for a ninja. When we got to Japan, it was obvious something was very wrong. What should've been a peaceful village, was more like a heavily patrolled military base. We located Rioichi's sushi restaurant, only to find it shut down and under guard. Things got worse when Bentley discovered that Rioichi was locked up in a new high security jail, allegedly for serving bad sushi to the shogun. It all sounded like a pretty tough piece of fish to swallow. We needed to get to the bottom of the situation, and the first order of business was getting Rioichi out of prison.
Photo Op[]
Bentley (binocucom): Okay Sly, we need to break Rioichi out of jail. I have some ideas, but you know the drill - I need you to do some recon for me.
Sly Cooper: Camera work?
Bentley (binocucom): Correct-a-mundo, mon ami. I need some shots of the Prison entrance and the Samurai Armor those big guards are wearing. You should also grab some shots of Rioichi's restaurant. We may need those for later. Capisce?
Sly Cooper: Uh, yeah. I got you, pal, but maybe we should just stick with English.
Bentley (binocucom): Sayonara, Cooper-san.
Sly Cooper: I can't believe we made it out of Paris in one piece.
(Sly takes a picture of a Boar Guard's armor.)
Bentley (binocucom): These guards look like real bruisers.
Sly Cooper: And real ugly too. That was definitely not his best side.
(Sly then takes a picture of the Imperial Prison.)
Bentley (binocucom): Hmm. I really don't like the look of that place.
Sly Cooper: Heh. Something tells me the inside looks even worse. How will I explain this to Carmelita? Time travel? She'll never believe it.
(Sly takes a picture of the Dragon Gates.)
Bentley (binocucom): That might be the largest gate I've ever seen.
Sly Cooper: The thief in me just needs to know what's behind it. I think the next time I see Carmelita, I better duck first and ask questions later.
(Sly takes a picture of the Sushi House.)
Bentley (binocucom): Mm. I love sushi! Sly, there's some kind of commotion outside the local Geisha house. Go check it out and grab some shots too.
Sly Cooper: Bentley, remind me to buy you your own camera.
(Sly approaches the Geisha house and takes a picture of it. Just then, a tiger named El Jefe comes out.)
Sly Cooper: This guy definitely looks out of place. I better get a shot of this guy's ugly mug for Bentley.
Sly Cooper: He should be crawling around a tropical jungle somewhere.
Sly Cooper: I'm pretty sure they didn't smoke Cuban cigars in Ancient Japan.
(Sly takes a picture of El Jefe.)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, I'm sure I recognize that guy! He's wanted by INTERPOL! He's a ruthless mercenary general, responsible for overthrowing several small countries!
Sly Cooper: So what kind of mess are we in, Bentley?
Bentley (binocucom): I don't know, but one thing's certain - my hunch was correct: We aren't the only ones with a time machine!
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, this place is locked down tighter than... well, tighter than something.
Sly Cooper: Your database security? Murray's pants?
Bentley (binocucom): Whatever Sly, this is no laughing matter. I've checked and there really is no way in except for the front entrance. I think there's only one option.
Sly Cooper: The doorbell?
Bentley (binocucom): Very funny. No. You're going to need a disguise. Get yourself a suit of armor from those guards. That's our way in.
Sly Cooper: Roger that. Just call me "Samurai Sly".
(Sly pickpockets a guard and gets the Samurai helmet.)
Bentley (binocucom): Good job, Sly! You got the helmet!
(Sly pickpockets another guard and gets the chest plate.)
Bentley (binocucom): That's the chest plate, now you just need the leggings.
(Sly pickpockets the last Samurai Armor piece from a guard, allowing him to don the Samurai Armor.)
Bentley (binocucom): Excellent, Sly! You got the complete suit of armor!
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, you need to use the Samurai Armor to blend in with the guards. As long as you're wearing it, they'll think you're one of them. Press the button to change into the armor. Press the
button again to take it off. And don't forget, you won't be able to use your normal moves while in disguise.
Sly Cooper: Thanks, Bentley, time to try this out on the guard at the prison door.
(Sly approaches the guard at the prison door wearing the Samurai Armor.)
Sly Cooper: You there! Open the door!
Boar Guard: Hmmph! A little short to be a commander, aren't you? Who are you?
Sly Cooper: Why, I am.... Major Muggshot!
Boar Guard: Hmmph! Muggshot?! I've never heard of you!
Sly Cooper: You dare question me?! Son, I've been a guard since you were just a squealing piglet!! Wait until I tell the general about this! I hear he loves porkchops...
Boar Guard: Wait! I'm very sorry, sir! I didn't recognize you! Please go right in!
(Sly enters the Imperial Prison.)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, you might want to put on that armor before the guards spot you.
Sly Cooper: That Samurai Armor should do the trick here.
(Sly while going through the prison)
Sly Cooper:
- Rioichi invented the Ninja Spire Jump! He's awesome!
- Rioichi Cooper! Amazing! I'm probably his biggest fan.
- I can't believe they caught Rioichi. They must've gotten lucky.
- I must've read about him in the Thievius Raccoonus a million times!
- I gotta hurry. No way I can let this guy down.
- Rioichi Cooper! I can't believe it! He's a legend.
- I wonder if Rioichi ever crossed paths with Clockwerk?
(Sly walks through the prison in the Samurai Armor until he reaches Rioichi's cage.)
Sly Cooper: (whispering) Hey! Rioichi Cooper! Are you okay?
Rioichi Cooper: You guards all seem to make very poor jokes!
Sly Cooper: C'mon! I'm not one of those bozos! (removes Samurai armor) I'm here to bust you out! The name's Sly.
Rioichi Cooper: Ah, I see. A fellow ninja! Very good! You will need to make your way to the Dragon Bridge to reach this cage. Hurry up!
Sly Cooper: Okay, I'll be there soon, just... stay put!
Rioichi Cooper: Heh heh heh. Very funny.
(Using the Samurai Armor, Sly makes his way through the prison up till he reaches a section with flamethrowers.)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, that Samurai Armor is highly unique. I've done some tests, and I'm positive It's fire resistant. While wearing it, you should be able to walk directly through flames.
(Approaches some swinging axes.)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, that armor is pretty tough, but I'm very certain it won't stop a giant ax.
(Sly makes it away from the hazards.)
Bentley (binocucom): Phew! That was a hot situation!
(Sly continues to sneak through the prison. Eventually reaching the Dragon Gate)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, I don't think you can break the lock on that gate, and even if you could, there's no time.
Sly Cooper: Thanks, Bentley. How about some good news?
Bentley (binocucom): Look around, Sly. One of these guards must have the key.
Sly Cooper: See? That's more like it.
(Sly steals the key and unlocks the gate, then accidentally steps on a switch, causing the gate to close and the bridge to fall apart.)
Sly Cooper: Eh, whoops...
(As he proceeds across the gap.)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, it appears that shield is composed of the same material as your armor. In fact, you should be able to use it to reflect flame attacks. Press and hold the button to charge up, then release the button to swing the shield. Time your swing to hit incoming projectiles.
(As Sly approaches the flaming dragon statues.)
Rioichi Cooper: Watch out for those dragons!
(After destroying two dragon statues.)
Rioichi Cooper: Excellent! Your technique is very good!
(As Sly draws closer to Rioichi's cage.)
Sly Cooper: Hold on, Rioichi. You won't be a prisoner much longer.
(Upon reaching Rioichi's cage.)
Rioichi Cooper: Hmmm, I do not know you, but only a true Cooper could have reached this cage...
Sly Cooper: Yeah! I didn't want to alarm you, but my full name is Sly Cooper. I'm your relative... from the future...
Rioichi Cooper: Do not worry, ninja are never alarmed. With all that has happened here lately, I believe you.
(The cage begins to break loose.)
Sly Cooper: Uh, whuh, whoa!
Rioichi Cooper: Now perhaps you would open the cage so that we may escape certain death?
Sly Cooper: Right, of course!
(Sly breaks Rioichi free, then the two proceed to climb up the chain holding the cage.)
Estúpida Rata[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): After rescuing Rioichi, we returned to the hideout. Unfortunately, there wasn't much time for "family reunions." We needed to figure out what was going on and fast. Rioichi confirmed that the source of the trouble was the tiger we tracked in the village, someone calling himself El Jefe. After some more database digging, Bentley was able to uncover his INTERPOL file. El Jefe had an impressive record. Over the years, he had taken over dozens of small countries around the globe. Usually, for the highest bidder. He was a ruthless mercenary and military strategist of the highest order. In fact, he once boasted that he could overthrow a country commanding only three blind mice armed with plastic spoons. According to his file, this guy had mysteriously vanished a while back just as the authorities were closing in. Well, we had found him and we needed to take him down. It looked like we were in for a tough battle, so we decided to start with Rioichi's Sushi Shop.
Sushi House Startup[]
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Sly, it's time for Rioichi to reclaim his sushi restaurant. It looks like the front door is the only entrance. We need to get rid of that guard if we're going to get Rioichi inside. However, security is on high alert since we broke him out of jail and we can't risk raising an alarm. I think this one is going to require some... misdirection.
Sly Cooper: What do you mean?
Bentley (binocucom): I bet if you wore that Samurai armor you stole, you'd be able to "relieve" that guard at the front door.
Sly Cooper: Right... plus I just look good in armor.
Bentley (binocucom): Puh-lease...
(El Jefe approaches the guard at the sushi restaurant.)
El Jefe: No one gets in or out, understand?! I don't want any more problems!
(Sly approaches the guard wearing the Samurai armor.)
Sly Cooper: Dismissed!
(The guard leaves and Sly then uses his shield to give Rioichi a boost to the window. Rioichi then goes inside the restaurant. Once inside, he reaches under the mat to retrieve his cane.)
Bentley (binocucom): Okay Rioichi, I guess I don't need to tell you about your own place. Quite ingenious of you to use your sushi knives as door keys, by the way.
Rioichi Cooper: Bentley-san, I am a ninja master.
Bentley (binocucom): Right, uh... my bad. Anyway, my scan reveals your sushi knives are still here. The bad news is the guards definitely have them. There are also some security traps you've definitely never seen before.
Rioichi Cooper: Bentley-san, though the bamboo forest is dense, water flows through it without effort.
Bentley (binocucom): Umm, yeah. Just be careful not to alert the guards. Now get those knives and take your restaurant back!
Rioichi Cooper: (to himself): Hmm, I was unable to practice my techniques while locked in that cage. Let me recall the Leaping Dragon technique.
(After climbing up the plant stem and spire jumping to the light.)
Rioichi Cooper: First, I need to press and hold the button to gather my focus, while using the
stick to direct my energy towards a target.
(Upon reaching a room where the first knife is located.)
Bentley (binocucom): Rioichi, my scan indicates one of the nearby guards has your knife.
Rioichi Cooper: First, I will reclaim my knives, then I will show El Jefe this shop cannot be closed.
(Rioichi reclaims his carving knife.)
Rioichi Cooper: One can only cut sushi properly with a knife this sharp.
Rioichi Cooper: It appears my knife locks were not sufficient to keep trouble out. I must look into this.
(He unlocks the door and comes across a green laser grid.)
Rioichi Cooper: Hmm, I wonder if any of these traps will provide a challenge?
(As he approaches the next room.)
Rioichi Cooper: Sly and his friends are strong allies. I am truly in their debt.
(Rioichi sneaks behind the next guard and reclaims his fillet knife.)
Rioichi Cooper: This is my finest knife. My sashimi will be perfect!
(Rioichi unlocks the next door.)
Bentley (binocucom): All right Rioichi, only one more knife to go.
(Once Rioichi approaches the next room, which has three guards.)
Rioichi Cooper: I really must clear these vermin from my restaurant.
(Rioichi presses on until he finds the last guard, which he reclaims his cleaver from.)
Bentley (binocucom): Okay! Now turn on your restaurant sign and send El Jefe a message.
Rioichi Cooper: One day, I will bring greatness to this shop again.
(Rioichi flips the switch, restoring power to the restaurant and spooking the guards.)
Something's Fishy[]
(Bentley and Murray appear at the entrance to Sashimi Caverns.)
Murray: It's been a long time since we went fishing, Bentley. I'm excited!
Bentley: Well, this is no vacation, Murray. We need to help Rioichi get back on track as a sushi chef, and what he needs most right now is fish! We're here because these caves are his secret spot for catching the best fish. Unfortunately, judging from this security lock, it looks like El Jefe's been here too.
Murray: Can you open it, Buddy?
Bentley: Are you kidding? I've never met a system I couldn't hack. Don't worry, Murray, we'll be fishing in no time.
(Bentley begins the Alter Ego hacking minigame.)
Bentley: All right, navigation is smooth and steady. The stick should fire my binary packets. Check!
(Bentley approaches the first set of ion bits.)
Bentley: Hmm, I can absorb those ion bits to level up! Of course, by combining multiple ionic particles, I can supercharge my attack!
Bentley: But taking damage will drop my valence level.
(When encounter the first logic bomb.)
Bentley: Yes, a logic bomb! I need to grab that. Configuring the button to detonate logic bombs.
(When approaching the first group of nano-bots.)
Bentley: Jeez, these nano-bots are swarming! I better blast them or stay out of their way.
(When approaching the first two nano-cannons.)
Bentley: Those nano-cannons are no joke! Too many hits and I'll crash!
(Halfway through the level.)
Bentley: So far, so good. But I'll need to keep moving and firing to avoid the system defenses.
(When nearing the end, approaching the CPU boss.)
Bentley: Yikes, that CPU is overclocked! I need to take it out before it reboots.
Bentley: Prepare to be reformatted!
Bentley: Uh, oh! I think your nano-bus-
(After hack is complete, Bentley and Murray head inside the caverns, carrying a cart.)
Bentley: Okay, Murray! We need to find the secret fishing hole. Let's try that gate over there! Think you can open it?
Murray: No problem, chum. Fresh fish coming up!
(Murray lifts the gate up, and the two proceed on through, encountering Mammoth Lightning Bugs.)
Bentley: Hold up, Murray! Those Mammoth Lightning Bugs will give you a nasty shock! Lucky for us, that large plant is a 'Giant Lamp Leaf.' Hitting it will make it glow and attract the bugs! Give it a whack and get those things out of our way!
Murray: Awesome! You know how much I like to hit stuff!
(Murray hits the plant and the two press on through another gate, and come across some lily pads.)
Bentley: Be careful jumping on those lily pads, Murray. This is one situation where your muscle mass may be problematic.
(The two proceed on until they reach the fishing hole.)
Bentley: Let's hurry! The fish should be biting right now!
(The two reach the spot, and Bentley begins fishing.)
Bentley: Let's see, without a real fishing pole, I'm gonna to have to use this old magnet from Murray's toy robot. I've calibrated its output to coincide with the fishes' own bio-electric fields. So if I can keep it close enough, it should attract them like a charm. Talk about animal magnetism! I just need to tilt like this to move it around.
(As Bentley tries to attract the fish.)
- I see you hiding there.
- Here, fishy fishy.
- Don't worry, I analyzed their swimming patterns.
- That's right. Come to papa.
(If Bentley fails to catch a fish.)
- Oooh, almost.
- Don't worry. I've analyzed their swimming patterns.
(As Bentley catches the fish.)
- Sweet jujubes! It's a rare, giant bald of lansky!
- Yep! A delectable spotted snakemouth!
- Yes! A perfect speckled cave nipper!
- Yes! A superb striped rock sucker!
- Yes! Scrumptious long-nosed snorkeler!
- Yeah! Fat big-eyed bug eater!
- Yep, a beautiful, large mouthed horseface.
- Wow! This one's huge!
- Nice catch, pal!
(If time expires.)
Bentley: Rats! Looks like I'll have to try again with the next school of fish.
(After all the fish are gathered.)
Bentley: Okay, Murray, take that fish to the cart.
Bentley: Murray, you won't be able to activate that plant while holding the fish. Try throwing them into that old cart. You can pick them up again after you get rid of those lightning bugs.
(If Murray destroys the bucket of fish.)
Murray: Shoot! I need some more fish.
(Bentley and Murray make it back to the entrance. Murray carries the cart of fish out.)
Murray: Man, this is a serious load! Ohhhh, do you think Rioichi will make us some sushi as a reward?
Bentley: I'm not sure, but let's just get this fish back to him without El Jefe's goons turning us into sashimi!
Murray: Never fear, Bentley! Nobody makes a Hippo Roll out of The Murray!
Pretty in Pinker[]
Bentley (binocucom): Okay Rioichi, the plan's simple: El Jefe only comes out of the castle to talk to Madame Geisha. If we want to know what he tells her, we're going to need her costume. The good news is I discovered she's on vacation, and El Jefe doesn't know it yet. The bad news is it looks like the Geisha House is locked up tight. There's no way to get in from the street. If only you could get to the roof...
Rioichi Cooper: Ah, for a ninja, there is always a way...
Bentley (binocucom): Okay...
Rioichi Cooper: Talk to you inside, Bentley-san.
(Rioichi enters the Geisha House through a hatch on the roof.)
Bentley (binocucom): Rioichi, it appears that Madame Geisha's outfit is locked inside that large container. Although, you'll probably want to stay off the floor in here. No sense alerting the guards.
Rioichi Cooper: Of course. Does a cat alert the rats?
Bentley (binocucom): Uh, right. Okay, we can get in from the top, but judging from the lock mechanism, it appears to be opened remotely. I'm going to need you to locate and activate the control devices. It looks like the doorway to the first wing is open. There's bound to be one in there. And a whole load of traps. So be careful.
Rioichi Cooper: Arigato, Bentley-san.
Rioichi Cooper: I do not see how Murray-san will fit into that outfit.
Rioichi Cooper: Perhaps he is very flexible.
(Rioichi enters the first wing.)
Rioichi Cooper: These traps are almost too easy for a ninja.
(Rioichi ventures through the Geisha House until he reaches the room with the control device.)
Bentley (binocucom): The device is just across the room.
(Rioichi approaches the device.)
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Rioichi. Log me into that terminal and I'll take care of business.
(Rioichi connects Bentley to the device.)
Rioichi Cooper: What do logs have to do with it?
(Bentley begins a Spark Runner hacking mini-game.)
Bentley: Okay, time to try out my new code cracker. I need to guide the spark through the circuit before that timer runs out. Good thing I programmed the guidance system to use my motion sensor. I just need to tilt in the direction I want the spark to travel.
(When approaching parallel wires.)
Bentley: Okay, if I press the right button, the spark should jump the gap to the next wire.
(When approaching the section with an open ledge.)
Bentley: Yeesh! If I roll off the grid, it's game over!
(Nearing the end of the hack.)
Bentley: There's the central port! Got to get there before the system shuts down!
(Bentley completes the hack, and the top of the large container holding the Geisha costume opens. Rioichi then returns to the main room.)
Rioichi Cooper: Now to unlock that Geisha outfit for Murray-san.
(Rioichi climbs to the top of the container, then Murray appears, preparing to drop down inside it.)
Murray: Target acquired. Agent Hawk going in...
Rioichi Cooper: Uh, Murray-san, please be careful! That cable looks rather delicate...
Murray: Have no fear, The Murray is here!!
(The cable snaps, and Murray falls down into the containers.)
Murray: Aaaaah!!
(The container falls apart, alerting the guards.)
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Murray. It looks like we're going to have to try out your disguise a bit earlier than expected. I hope you remember the routine we rehearsed!
(A boar guard turns around and spots Murray.)
Boar Guard: You there! What's going on? Explain yourself!!
(Murray slowly turns around, wearing the Geisha outfit and stunning the guards.)
Murray: Konnichiwa. I am the most famous Madame Geisha. Please allow me to entertain you.
(He then puts on a dance performance for the guards for the remainder of the job.)
Tiger Tail[]
Bentley: Okay, according to my calculations, this is the optimal location to launch the RC car. With the miniature microphone I installed, it should be a snap to follow El Jefe and see what he's up to...
(Bentley sees El Jefe walking down the bridge.)
Bentley: Looks like he's headed for the prison. Time to get rolling...
(Bentley launches the RC car.)
Bentley: Time to track that tiger.
Bentley: (microphone) Murray's old chicken hat is going to come in handy too. I just need to remember to press the button to enable the perfect poultry camouflage.
Bentley: (microphone) The chicken disguise works like magic!
Bentley: Penelope was always the RC queen. Oh Penelope, where are you? I need to stay focused.
(The RC car follows El Jefe to the prison.)
El Jefe: Ah, even this magnificent prison pales when compared to my new statue fortress!
Bentley: (microphone) New statue fortress? That must be where he's hiding out all the time...
El Jefe: (laughs) Nobody would guess the Palace Gate switch is actually under the bridge!
Bentley: (microphone) Heh heh. You're messing with the wrong turtle, buddy!
(The RC car follows El Jefe to the entrance of Sashimi Caverns.)
El Jefe: Aah! Fishing caves. Good thing I sealed them! My Dragon Gates are invincible. As long as that lazy guard doesn't get distracted by sushi!
(The RC car rides forward, as El Jefe continues walking.)
Bentley: (microphone) Very interesting! I think we can probably help that guard out. Heh heh heh heh...
El Jefe: Even if those fools get to the Dragon Gates, they'll never figure out the switches are inside the dragon mouths! Hahaha!
Bentley (microphone): Heh heh. Excellent! Keep flapping those big lips, sucker!
(Bentley continues following El Jefe with the RC car.)
Bentley (microphone): Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe. Which way did that tiger go?
(The RC car follows El Jefe towards the Geisha House. El Jefe then drops down from the roof and turns around to see the car in the chicken disguise.)
El Jefe: Now I just need to find that blasted Rioichi, so I can deliver the package to the boss!
(El Jefe heads towards the Geisha House.)
Bentley (microphone): "Package", "boss"... We need to figure out what's going on in that Palace.
(Murray approaches El Jefe in his Geisha costume.)
Murray: Konnichiwa, Jefe-san.
El Jefe: Greetings, Madame Geisha.
(El Jefe leans down to kiss Murray's hand, allowing Murray to swipe the map from his back and toss it to Bentley. Murray and El Jefe then enter the Geisha House, followed by El Jefe slapping him on the butt.)
Murray: Ow!
Spiked Sushi[]
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Rioichi, we need to collect samples from those strange plants growing high on the cave walls. Commonly known as the Spiky Wall Climber, it secretes a mild toxin we can use to make sushi rolls that will put any guard to sleep instantly. Just be careful not to be overcome yourself...
Rioichi Cooper: Bentley-san, did I not explain-
Bentley (binocucom): You're a Ninja Master. I know, I know.
Rioichi Cooper: Hai! Now, allow me to show you how it's done.
Bentley (binocucom): Well, now at least I know where Sly gets it from...
Rioichi Cooper: If Bentley's plan works, we can rid our land of this villainous tiger.
(Upon reaching the first plant.)
Rioichi Cooper: I must strike the blossom to extract the poison.
(After taking the poisonous seed.)
Rioichi Cooper: This compound will topple even the largest enemy.
Rioichi Cooper: Ah, this poison will make those guards sleep like babies.
Rioichi Cooper: El Jefe really believes these puny traps can stop a ninja?
(Upon reaching the second plant.)
Rioichi Cooper: I must strike the blossom to extract the poison.
Altitude Sickness[]
- Chalk-Talk
Bentley: Alright, we have all the intel we need. El Jefe has played dictator for the last time, and it's time to bring him down. First, we need to open those dragon gates. Thanks to Rioichi's special sushi rolls, the guards are out for the count. Sly, you'll need to gain access to the switches in their mouths. Next, we'll need to open the palace sword gate. However, the bridge is crawling with guards, so we'll need to create a diversion. Murray, you, Sly and myself will need to distract the guards. Once they're occupied, Rioichi can make his way under the bridge to the switch and open the gate. Once we get that gate open, there's nothing stopping us from taking the palace and putting El Jefe in his place. Viva la revolución!
- Job
(After Sly steals the key.)
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Sly, use those rollers to open the dragon mouths. You'll find the switches somewhere inside, and don't forget your armor. Something tells me those things have very bad breath.
(Once the reaches El Jefe's fortress.)
Murray: Whoa...
El Jefe: (laughs) End of the line, Cooper! Get them, you fools!
Bentley: Okay, you all know what to do. Time to kick some butt!
Murray: My favorite time of the day!
Sly Cooper: Let's do this!
(When El Jefe takes Rioichi's cane.)
El Jefe: Ha! It's mine!
Rioichi Cooper: My cane!!
El Jefe: Sorry, Cooper... you lose! I need to deliver this puny stick to a new owner!
Bentley: No! El Jefe's getting away!
Sly Cooper: Don't worry, Rioichi. Watch after these two. I'm gonna kick some tiger tail and get your cane back!
(Upon approaching El Jefe.)
El Jefe: Hahaha! Hey, Cooper, what do you think of my statue?
Sly Cooper: Hah! Looks like a real pigeon magnet.
El Jefe: Bah! I hope you can fly like a pigeon, Cooper. Otherwise, you'll never catch me!
Sly Cooper: We'll see about that!
(After Sly climbs up to El Jefe.)
El Jefe: A magnificent likeness isn't it, Cooper? Almost as handsome as the real thing!
Sly Cooper: Huh. Yeah, Looks almost big enough to contain your over-inflated ego.
El Jefe: Take a nice, long look. I want you to remember the one who crushed you!
Sly Cooper: Looks to me like you've got nowhere left to run, El Jefe. Ready to face me now?
El Jefe: Hahaha! Sticking up for the family, eh, Cooper? Too bad you'll never see any of them again! Hahahaha! Oh, Cooper, you've climbed so high, and now... you're gonna fall!
(During gameplay.)
Sly Cooper: Gotta dodge these fireballs and get close.
El Jefe: Welcome to your doom, Cooper!
El Jefe: Bring it on, Cooper!
El Jefe: Feeling the heat yet?!
El Jefe: You know something, Cooper? You're actually starting to annoy me.
Sly Cooper: Oh, don't worry. I have that effect on all cowardly crime lords.
El Jefe: Grrrrrrrr!
Sly Cooper: El Jefe. Hmm. Isn't that Spanish for "big baby?"
El Jefe: Bah! Enough of these stupid games!
(As Sly whacks El Jefe repeatedly.)
- Sly Cooper
- Don't you know that electricity will make your hair all frizzy?
- Aww. Is the big kitty angry?
- I really hope this guy doesn't have nine lives.
- Hope he chokes on that cigar.
- Oooh. Did that hurt?
- Ha ha! That was almost too easy!
- Hey hairball! Why don't you stand and fight?
- Hey pal! I think you set your tail on fire!
- Has anyone ever told you, you'd make a good rug?
- Not so tough now. Are ya, El Jefe?
- You know, I think a prison uniform would really compliment those stripes!
- Whoa! You're weak as a kitten!
- You know I beat your cousin Rajan too, right?
- Aww. Does somebody need a cat nap?
- Here kitty, kitty, kitty!
- Didn't your parents teach you not to play with fire?
- El Jefe
- You can't win this fight!
- There's no escape, Cooper!
- You actually thought you could beat me?!
- The heat is on, eh Cooper? (laughs)
- This is the last mistake you'll ever make.
- I'm going to turn you into ash.
- Your time is almost up, Cooper!
- I hope you said goodbye to your friends.
- You're going to wish you never met me.
- I'm gonna turn you into barbecue.
- When I'm done with you, there won't be anything left.
- You're going down in flames.
- You should have run when you had the chance.
- This is going to be painful.
El Jefe: Burn, Cooper!
Sly Cooper: For such a tough guy, he sure runs away a lot.
El Jefe: Aagh! Stand still!
El Jefe: You are an irritating pest!
El Jefe: Estúpido rata!
El Jefe: Hey, Cooper, how do you like my "crane" style? Hahahahaha!
Sly Cooper: I don't know what's scarier, El Jefe or his lame jokes?
Sly Cooper: Maybe if I had some catnip, he'd stop running away.
El Jefe: Hahaha! You got no chance!
El Jefe: You ring-tailed rat!
Sly Cooper: I have to get Rioichi's cane back.
El Jefe: Why won't you quit?!
(As Sly hits him repeatedly.)
- Sly Cooper: How do you like my "cane" style?
El Jefe: Im... possible!
No, No Bad Kitten (The Getaway)[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): El Jefe was defeated, disgraced and delivered to the cops, but it was a hollow victory. I failed to get back Rioichi's cane, and we still had no idea who was really behind this whole thing. One thing was for sure - it was somebody powerful enough to have his own private army.
Sly Cooper (narrating): We contacted Dimitri for an update on the Thievius Raccoonus, and it looked like "Tennessee Kid" Cooper needed our help next. That meant we needed to travel back to the 1880s. Luckily, one of the goons that took Rioichi's cane had dropped what looked like an old sheriff's badge. Bentley had been trying to figure out where it might be from, but now, it all made sense. After sampling the badge, Bentley was able to calibrate the time machine. As we prepared to make the jump back to the Old West, I found myself wondering how Carmelita was doing.
Episode 2: Go West Young Raccoon[]
Go West Young Raccoon (The Setup)[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): We arrived in the Wild West looking for my ancestor: "Tennessee Kid" Cooper. A legendary outlaw whose bank robberies were some of the most daring in Cooper lore. When we arrived, it took some time to locate him, but we eventually found him... in prison. His arrest was the handiwork of the local sheriff who had celebrated by posting his own picture all over town. Talk about an ego. We needed to bust Tennessee out of jail, but after some furious calculation, Bentley determined that the best way to do... that was from the inside. For the first time in my career, I was gonna have to let the law catch me. This could be a real challenge.
Under Arrest[]
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, they're already rigging a noose for Tennessee, so we don't have time for a complicated plan. All my data points to one thing - The quickest route inside that prison is to get yourself arrested!
Sly Cooper: Get myself arrested? I trust you, Bentley, but I'm not sure about getting locked up in this town.
Bentley (binocucom): Sorry, Sly. It's the only way we're going to reach Tennessee in time. There's just one problem: They're holding Kid Cooper in the Maximum security wing. To get yourself thrown in there, you're going to have to gain 'Outlaw' status, so you need to make sure you build a rep before they catch you! Otherwise, they'll throw you in with the common criminals.
Sly Cooper: Ugh. You mean like, jaywalkers and litterbugs? Not gonna happen.
Bentley (binocucom): Well, around these parts it's probably more like goat thieves and tobacco spitters, but you get the point. For starters, why don't you try defacing all of those posters of the sheriff around town? That oughta put a "burr" under his saddle. Get it? Because we're in the Old West? Anyway, I'll just let you get started.
Sly Cooper: Find a poster, make it look goofy, and move on. Just like junior high.
(Sly begins to deface the first poster.)
Bentley (binocucom): I buy that one./Very nice, Sly.
Sly Cooper: Not for sale. It's Puny Greenhorn.
(Sly moves onto the second poster.)
Sly Cooper: Wow, I bet the original artist damaged his vision staring at this guy.
(Sly defaces the second poster.)
Bentley (binocucom): Oh, he's gonna hate that one./I like it, Sly.
Sly Cooper: Let's hope so. It's called, No good lawman./I call it, Counterfeit courage.
(Sly goes to the third poster.)
Sly Cooper: If I was as homely as this guy, I would not hang my picture everywhere.
(Sly defaces the third poster.)
Bentley (binocucom): Excellent work, Sly./You're on a tear, Sly.
Sly Cooper: I wish I could tear 'em down. Here's Weakling of the West.
(Sly moves onto the fourth poster.)
Sly Cooper: I don't think fame begins to describe this guy.
(He defaces the fourth poster.)
Bentley (binocucom): That's a beaut, Sly./Looking good, Sly.
Sly Cooper: It's an improvement. I'll name this one, The Homely Buckaroo.
(Sly heads to the fifth poster.)
Sly Cooper: What kind of sheriff puts up posters of himself?
(Sly defaces the fifth poster.)
Bentley (binocucom): Wow, Sly. You made him look even worse./Nice work, Sly. You're a regular Picasso.
Sly Cooper: I love a challenge. I call it, 10 Star Loser.
(Sly goes to the final poster.)
Sly Cooper: This guy's a real ego maniac.
(Sly defaces the final poster.)
Bentley (binocucom): I think you just achieved troublemaker status, Sly.
(Two guards are seen laughing at one of the defaced poster. The sheriff named Toothpick appears.)
Toothpick: (growls) Now this really chaps my hide! I'm going to find this "artiste" and bust his thumbs! And maybe his pinkie.
Bentley (binocucom): Heh heh, we definitely got under his skin, Sly. You ready for phase two?
Sly Cooper: Absolutely!
Bentley (binocucom): Apparently, the sheriff also loves lollipops, but his favorite is a particular Cuban variety which has to be shipped in specially. Supposedly they taste like rice and beans.
Sly Cooper: (groans in disgust) Gross!
Bentley (binocucom): Agreed. But if we clean him out, he'll have to wait weeks for the next shipment, and that should really tick him off!
(Sly steals Toothpick's lollipop.)
Sly Cooper: Hmmm... I bet Murray would like that lollipop.
Bentley (binocucom): Great job. You just became a criminal, Sly.
(Sly approaches a banner.)
Bentley (binocucom): Alright, this is going perfectly! You'll be locked up in no time!
Sly Cooper: You know, you're a little too excited about sending me to the slammer, Bentley.
Bentley (binocucom): It's all about the job, Sly. Speaking of which, in case you hadn't noticed, this Sheriff Toothpick is his own biggest fan! In fact, it looks like he's throwing himself a festival and it's in full swing! If you take that banner down, I'm sure it'll be the final straw!
Sly Cooper: Right. Let's go rain on this guy's parade.
Sly Cooper: Okay. I just need to get up to that banner.
Sly Cooper: I can't believe this guy has an appreciation festival for himself.
Sly Cooper: Of all the things to get busted for, I can't believe it's banner dumping.
Sly Cooper: Okay, there's the banner. I just need to knock those clothespins off.
(Sly knocks all the clothespins causing the banner to fall down. Just then, Toothpick and his guards arrive.)
Toothpick: Hold your fires, boys! That there is the scribblin', lolly-thievin', outlaw I been looking for!
(Sly jumps down)
Toothpick: Ah. Well, amigo, you just booked yourself a permanent room in the stony lonesome!
(Two guards surround Sly and dress him in his Jailbird Costume.)
Jailhouse Blues[]
Bentley: Looks like it's up to me to recon the area. I need to get some shots of that prison, but I better keep a low profile. I don't want to alert the guards.
(Bentley sees the prison tower)
Bentley: Sly and "Tennessee Kid" Cooper are in that high tower.
(Bentley takes a picture of the Prison Tower)
(Bentley then sees a cannon and some TNT barrels)
Bentley: Hmm. That's an interesting sign. Let me get a shot.
(Bentley takes a picture of the Arsenal)
Bentley: Huh. Unless I'm mistaken, that is definitely a munitions dump. Very handy.
(Bentley then goes over to the Back wall)
Bentley: Aha. There is clearly some structural weakness along the rear wall.
(Bentley takes a picture of the Back Wall)
(Meanwhile, a guard is escorting Sly to the Maximum Security wing. Another guard opens the door to allow Sly to go in. The guard then closes the door. Sly looks over to see "Tennessee Kid" Cooper and goes over to him.)
Sly Cooper: Um Howdy...
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Howdy yourself. Looks like you must've ticked ol' Toothpick off pretty good. I like that. You got a name?
Sly Cooper: It's Sly. Sly Cooper.
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: (offended) Now Son, you should know I don't take kindly to folks funnin' on my family name.
Sly Cooper: Whoa whoa whoa. I swear I'm not joking. I can explain...
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Talk ain't worth spit, boy! Only one way to prove you're a Cooper - Bust us outta here!
Sly Cooper: Right. My friend Bentley is working on that... I hope.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, press the button to swing that ball. You'll smash through that wall like it's made of cardboard.
(Sly uses his iron ball to smash the wall)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, you need to make your way to the bottom of the tower.
(Sly jumps out of the tower)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, here's your chance! Use the ball to break down that door and bust Tennessee out.
Sly Cooper: Okay "Kid". Stand clear.
(Sly smashes the door allowing Tennessee to escape)
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: All right! I guess break time is over.
Bentley (binocucom): You can probably move that container if you hit it hard enough Sly.
(Sly hits the container)
Sly Cooper: Why am I the only one with a ball and chain here?
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Listen friend, they're planning on hanging me tomorrow. You wanna trade?
(Toothpick on speaker)
- Attention! So I've been figuring out the new work schedule and I see a whole saddlebag's worth of requests for time off. Eh? Time off? What in tarnation? That don't hardly make no sense. Don't you all love working here? You gets the fresh air, exercise, excitement? What? Not love? Aww, this whole time off thing really stuck in my crow, but I'll figure out the solution. Yes. So, by the power vested in me, I hereby declare time off illegal! That's right! So don't worry about it no more, cause you can't have it! Hah! Oh, and overtime is now mandatory! I'm putting that in the law too, but hey, I'm the sheriff, right?
- Salutations, hello, greetings. Okay. As you boys should know, tomorrow is my birthday, but I do not care. I want the cake anyway. Yes, so I need you all to rustle me up a big ol' chocolate cake with the candles, and the frosting, and lots of sprinkly things, right? Then I'm going to blow out my candles and eat my cake! All of it! While you sing me a birthday song. Fun, right? Fun, right? Fun, right? Hehehehe. And then this is mandatory. Oh, and don't forget my presents.
- Alright, listen up! You all know about my "secret vault". Which I guess means it ain't so secret. Whatever, forget that! The point is, there's a lot of important stuff in there. So you all need to keep your mouths shut about it! Except to tell the new guards about it, I guess. Well, eh, anyway, this is getting mighty complicated! Okay, okay, look, I don't want to hear nobody talking about it in public. Okay? We can't risk having any interlopers find their way inside! Understood? Good. Toothpick out.
- Howdy. I just wanted to let you all know that I really like the new fangled speaker system. I know many of you were injured getting it built, but, I am real happy. So it looks like all your pain was worth it. I love hearing my new "big" voice. Plus now I can yell at you way easier. However, I understand you probably miss the personal warmth of me yelling you straight in the face. So, I hereby promise to keep that up as well! (yells) Ha ha, I love screaming. Come now, ain't I a great boss, huh?
- Sheriff Toothpick, here. I wanted to remind you all that it's that time of year again! Yes sir! It's time for the annual Toothpick Appreciation Festival! Yeehew! Ride 'em cowboy! I can hardly wait. Why, I'm happier than a jackalope in a powder keg! It's going to be stupendous. We gots the same great events that I know you all love. And you get to celebrate...ME! Oh you lucky dogs. This probably don't need saying that anybody dying during the contest ain't getting paid. So, just be smart. Don't get yourself killed and everybody's going to have a great time! Uh, that is all.
- Alright. As you all know, we got a lot of work to do. And by we, of course I mean you. I dig this prison operation running with the pocket watch I stole from my dear old pappy. In other words, perfectly! I need that gold transport built. And I don't need no hitch in the plan! Then, after we stretch Kid Cooper's neck, we'll track down the rest of that, that, that flea-bitten gang.
(Sly hits another container)
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: I'll just stay right here and lend you my moral support.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, try moving those containers into the pit.
(Sly moves the container into the pit to allow Tennessee to get across)
Bentley (binocucom): Yes! You did it!
(Sly and Tennessee reach an area with a TNT barrel)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, you're gonna need Tennessee to carry the TNT to blow the perimeter wall. Needless to say, you'll want to make sure he steers clear of things like fire or bullets.
Sly Cooper: Naturally. Thanks, Bentley.
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Son, who is it you keep talking to?
Sly Cooper: Uh, I have a thing in my ear that lets me talk to my friend. And now he's telling me you need to carry some of that TNT so we can blow the gate.
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Sure. I got voices in my head telling me to blow things up too. Eh. They've been right so far. Let's get to it.
(Tennessee then carries the TNT barrel)
Bentley (binocucom): Look around, Sly. There's bound to be a switch somewhere.
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Figure I'll wait by the door while you work this one out.
(Idle lines as Tennessee is holding the TNT barrel.)
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper:
- Maybe we should rethink this TNT idea.
- Uh, try not to forget who's carrying the dynamite!
- I'd like to make it through this in one piece, 'iffin you don't mind.
(Sly moves a container into a pit opening the door for Tennessee)
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Well, looks like we can mosey along now.
Bentley (binocucom): Nice job, Sly.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, use that melting pot to move Tennessee forward. Just avoid the flames.
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Well, looks like our goose ain't cooked yet.
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper:
- Well, I ain't carrying this barrel for my health.
- Get the lead out, boy!
- You can't keep lollygaggin' son.
- Time to hit the trail once more.
- This TNT ain't gonna blow itself up y'know. Let's git.
- Time we got going I guess.
- You gotta hop to, Sly!
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Done already? I was about to kick my boots off.
Bentley (binocucom):
- Great! Keep going, Sly.
- Keep moving, Sly!
- Keep going, Sly.
Bentley (binocucom): Way to go, Sly.
Bentley (binocucom): Whoa! It looks like somebody's supplying Toothpick with new technology. That is a Phased Karp Array, Sly. One touch means instant death. Switch into your Jailbird Costume and try using that ball in a different way. Press the R2 button to get on top of it. You should be able to ride it around using the Left Stick.
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper:
- I'll just stay put and pretend like I'm not carrying enough TNT to blow myself to kingdom come.
- I think I'll set a spell and rest my dynamite.
- This looks like a nice place for a quick siesta.
- Well, looks like I'm staying put for the time being.
(Sly turns off the floor laser)
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Huh. That did the trick. Let's keep moving along.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, it appears that archway in front of the door is some kind of locking mechanism, and that block is the key. Now you just need to figure out how to get it in there.
Sly Cooper: So, tell me about Sheriff Toothpick.
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Toothpick?! That shady son of a gun is crookeder than a sack o' corkscrews. Plus, he framed me for that bank job and took the gold himself! I just know it.
Bentley (binocucom): Use the ball to get across the floor, Sly
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: For once, I might be glad I'm carrying the TNT.
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Ya know, Funny how I'm the one who's gotta lug the dynamite. Well, let's get going. I ain't getting any younger.
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Haha. I just wanna say, I knew you was a Cooper the second I laid eyes on you.
Sly Cooper : Thanks. But Tennessee, We need to go!
Sly Cooper : You ready!
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Well, ehh, not really... Whoa! (Screams) Haha! Yee Haw! Whoo-hoo!
Sly Cooper (narrating): Somehow, we had managed to survive and make it back to the hideout. Once there, Tennessee gave us the lowdown. How he'd been planning the bank heist that should've gone down in Cooper lore as his masterpiece. Only to have a mysterious new sheriff arrest him before he even reached the bank. Curiously, the robbery still occurred and all the bank's gold was stolen. Tennessee was charged even though he was already in prison and the gold was never recovered. Of course, he had a strong suspicion it was Sheriff Toothpick himself who had stolen the gold and framed him. And after a little research, there was no doubt he was right. Bentley was able to uncover plenty of information about the "Sheriff". Although he change his appearance somewhat, Toothpick was a two bit gangster from present day Eastern Europe. According to his file, he'd grown up loving two things: gold and cowboy movies. He eventually specialized in gold robberies and for a while, had masterminded some of the largest scores around the world. Then he abruptly vanished. The word was, he had always thought of himself as a gunslinger and it looked like he had found a way to make that a reality. The guy was a real loose cannon. We'd have to watch our backs if we were gonna steal back the missing gold and restore "Tennessee Kid" Cooper's reputation as the greatest outlaw of the Old West.
Cooper for Hire[]
Bentley Chalk-Talk
Bentley: Okay, the first order of business is getting Tennessee his guns back.
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Well, it's just the one gun now. I upgraded, but yeah. I need my shooting iron back.
Bentley: Agreed. According to my sources, Toothpick closed this old gold mine several months ago declaring it unsafe. In fact, he's converted it to a storage facility for his stolen goods, including Tennessee's gun. We'll need to take measures with this job so as not to arouse suspicion. So by employing a masterful disguise, I'll tail Toothpick to the mine's entrance and mark it with a homing beacon. Murray, you'll then use the beacon to find your way there. Toothpick's sure to have secure the entrance so we'll need your... formidable skills to get it open. Then once we have access, Tennessee can get in and get his gun back. Let's get to work!
(Bentley is seen wearing a disguise as he tails Toothpick.)
Bentley: Okay, I need to keep up with this guy. I better stay close, but out of direct sight.
- Should be right around this bend.
- The mine entrance must be close by.
- How far out of town is this place?
- On second thought, I should've gone with a sombrero.
- I'm right behind you, gabby.
- I hope we get there soon. This mustache is itching like crazy.
- Gotta stay close, but not too close.
- I'm on him like encryption on a data stream.
- This isn't too bad. It must be the excellent disguise.
- I wish I could grow a real mustache.
- I really need to equip this chair with air-conditioning
- Just a little farther you windbag!
- Lead on Toothpick. He he.
- Just blending in like any other cowboy turtle.
- When I get my hands on that highfalutin show off, Tennessee "Kid" Cooper, I'll make sure he never escapes again! Oof!
- That there Tennessee "Kid" come around these here parts again once more another time, I'll blow the smirk right off his face!
- Ahh. This town is looking like real ramshackle. Maybe I'll just blow it up when I'm done here! (laughs)
- Reckon I'll head to the old mine. Maybe check on things. Make sure no one steals the gold. (chuckles) Yes.
- Ahh. This two-bit town ain't worth the two bits they spent making it. Ooh. I stepped in horse poo.
- Ouch. Oohch. Itch. My backnap corns are really hurting. I need some new boots.
- (chuckles) I better get the boys to scatter more scorpions around the entrance. I can't be too careful with those goldarn Coopers around.
- Enough bad wasn't it there one Cooper around, now I have to deal with two!
- Oh, I thinks I'll have to myself give a nice dust bath. When I get back to town.
- Ha ha. Yes, sir. With all the gold I stashed in the mine, it's got to be worth more than Fort Knox! Ha ha. Thanks, Tennessee "Kid". It's all mine.
- Ahh. Ooh. I'm sweating rivers out here.
- (sighs) Me sure could use one of them Cuban lollies right now. Take my mind off the heat. Infernal heat. I should light these but I'm an armadillo, that is the problem.
- Hmmm. I don't like having to split the gold. But, it's still more money then I can ever spend.
- (coughs) I'm so parched. My tonsils are chapped. Ugh.
- (groans) I better get me a new shipment of lollipops soon, I got me a real hankering.
- (laughs) I bet them Cooper cowards ran a yellow streak right out of town. (raspberries) To them.
- Dang it! My tongue is feeling mighty unsatisfied. When is the next shipment of Cuban lollies going to show?
- Yes sirrie. I gots this here town all sold up. Ain't nobody stopping me now.
- Hmm, let's see. Better restock the saloon soon. I work up powerful thirst counting up all that gold. (laughs)
- Ahh. Only one thing's better than some gold, and that's a lot of gold.
- Just because I'm splitting the gold with the boss, doesn't mean I've got to split it right down the middle. (chuckles)
- Ooh wee. I needs to give myself a nice cool drink, pronto.
- What's the- what's eh, that wall doing without my poster? Hmm. I'm going to have to rectify that when I get back.
- (laughs) Ain't nobody going to find their way into the mine now!
- I love checking the old mine. There's just something mighty soothing about all that gold. Ouch, my boots.
(Eventually Toothpick reaches the mine entrance)
Toothpick: Ain't nobody's going to find this entrance. Time to take a little look see... at my gold! (laughs)
Bentley: Alright! Time to open up a can of hack– AAH! Scorpions!? Guys, help!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Yeehaw! The cavalry's a-coming!
Murray: Don't worry, Bentley. I've got the bug spray right here!
(Murray as he shoots at the scorpions)
- I wonder if rock candy comes from mines?
- The "Murray" is gettin' gold fever!
(After Murray takes out the all the scorpions, Bentley begins hacking.)
Bentley: I need more clock speed! Better use the Speeder Code. Time for that upgrade slot!
(Bentley then activates the Speeder Code)
Bentley: Speeder Code engaged, updating physics code module, and, viola! Elastic projectiles! Perfect for shooting around corners.
(Bentley comes across some turrets that are shooting fast)
Bentley: Whoa! I can't take this security on directly. Time to bounce some shots around the corner.
Bentley: The Speeder's laser loop will work perfectly on that switch! If I press and hold the Button while moving the ship, I can close a damaging laser loop around a target!
Bentley: Looks like I should just go with the electron flow in this thing.
Bentley: Yikes! Just looking at that wormhole is making me dizzy. I better steer clear of that.
Bentley: I bet a laser loop around multiple switches would do the trick.
(Upon reaching the final docking gate)
Bentley: Oh boy! Looks like they brought out the big guns for last! I better tackle this guy piece by piece!
Bentley: The bigger they are, the harder they fall!
(Bentley reaches the docking gate)
Bentley: Security. Thy game is hacked.
(Murray begins lifting the door)
Bentley: Awesome, Murray! Okay, Tennessee. You're up!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Shoot! I'll be in and out quicker than hyperactive rattlesnake!
Murray: Hey guys, this door's kinda... heavy.
(Tennessee makes it inside just before the door closes)
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Yeehaw! There's my gun! Uh-huh! That's right! The "Kid" is back in business!
(Tennessee gets his gun out of the case)
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Alrighty! Me and Ol' Blue need to get reacquainted. Let's see, first I need to press and hold the button to enter targeting mode. Once in targeting mode, I can use the
stick to place the cursor over a target. Then I just press the
button to pull the trigger. Yes sir. It's all coming back to me.
(Tennessee shoots at the door's lock opening it)
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Guess I better make tracks before old Toothpick finds out.
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: I wonder what Toothpick is cooking up in here.
(Tennessee comes across the Phased Karp Array)
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: What in tarnation?!
(Tennessee comes across a large door with 5 locks)
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Hoo! This big ol' door is gonna require my Crackshot technique. First, I press and hold the R2 button to enter Crackshot mode. Next, I can use the Right Stick to move the cursor and draw a bead on multiple targets. Then I just release the R2 button to blast 'em! I can only Crackshot when my Cooper Focus is full. This one's tricky. I need shoot all those locks at the same time.
(Bentley and Tennessee random lines)
Bentley (binocucom):
- Bullseye!
- Great job, Tennessee! You better get moving.
- Great, Tennessee! Keep it up!
- Don't slow down, Tennessee!
- Now that's what I call shooting!
- Bullseye, the door's open! Get going, Tennessee!
- You're a regular dead-eye, Tennessee.
- Wow! Nice shooting.
- Good shot, Tennessee.
- Alright, the door's open. Get going, Tennessee.
- Almost there, Tennessee!
- Tennessee, you need to get out of that mine before more guards show up!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper:
- You hombres don't know when to quit!
- Man, this ain't even fair- for you.
- Too bad gents. Looks like it's your unlucky day.
- Time for a dirt nap, boys!
- Goodbye, boys! Nice knowin' ya!
- I tried to warn ya!
- You boys shoulda just skedaddled.
- You boys just messed with the wrong raccoon!
- Y'all shoulda cleared out when you had the chance.
- I'd say you boys just made your last mistake!
- Gents, I'm gonna apologize in advance for this.
- Shoot. These galoots are not smart.
- Looks like y'all done just ran outta luck!
- I don't know what's worse! The spiders or the scorpions?!
- Spiders? I hate them hairy things!
- If these are the spiders, I don't wanna se the flies!
- Aggh! Where are these things coming from?
- Ugh. These spiders keep gettin' bigger and bigger.
- Dang creepie crawlies!
Bentley (binocucom): Tennessee, try jumping onto a different rail using the Button.
Bentley (binocucom): Tennessee, I'm detecting strong electric currents on those rails. Keep your eyes open.
Bentley (binocucom): Jump that electricity, Tennessee!
(While Tennessee is rail sliding)
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper:
- Yeehaw! There ain't nothing stopping me now!
- Gotta keep sliding right on outta here!
- You couldn't catch me with a volt o' lightnin'!
- This is more fun than square dancin' with a donkey!
- Yep! I need to keep pushin'!
- Ain't no better way to get around!
- Why I'm faster than a jackalope with his tail on fire!
- This must be the express! Hoo wee!
- Hoo wee! Full steam ahead!
- These rails are quicker than a six legged coyote!
Bentley (binocucom): Remember, you can use any of your shooting skills while rail sliding.
Bentley (binocucom): Uh oh. Looks like you're gonna have to shoot your way out, Tennessee.
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Don't worry, Bentley. These boys got about as much chance as a snowball in summer time.
Bentley (binocucom): You need to shoot that door open before you get there, Tennessee.
(Toothpick comes and he see the case empty and gets angry)
Toothpick: COOPER!
Saloon Bug[]
Bentley (binocucom): Toothpick's office is somewhere in the upper levels of the saloon. To find out what he's planning, our best bet is to plant a bug. Needless to say, we must remain undetected. Conveniently, I discovered they're looking for a new bartender, so I'll go in - undercover - and control the situation by introducing the patrons to my special home-brewed sarsaparilla.
Sly Cooper: Your mustache looks... bigger. What have you been feeding it?
Bentley (binocucom): Pay attention, Sly. You'll need to enter through that window and make your way to the ventilation system. Meanwhile, I'll have the goons inside so sugared up, they'll be seeing double until they crash. Hard. Once you launch the RC Car in the vents, I'll take control and guide it to Toothpick's office.
Sly Cooper: You're not going to start wearing that mustache all the time, are you?
Bentley (binocucom): Jealously is such an ugly emotion, Sly.
(Sly and Bentley proceed to sneak into the saloon.)
Sly Cooper: Watch your back, pal. This place looks pretty rough.
Bentley: Will do. See you inside!
(Bentley walks in through the front door.)
Bentley: Greetings! I've been informed this establishment is in dire need of an expert tap jockey.
(Sly then sneaks in through the window.)
Bentley: Uh... I've got sarsaparilla...?
(Before Bentley begins serving his drink.)
Bentley: Whoa, these guys look thirsty! Let's see, I can move left or right simply by moving the stick. When a patron steps up to the bar, I can slide him a drink by pressing the
button. These guys don't look like patient types, so I better make it fast. I better keep an eye on the sarsaparilla gauge. It's going to take my whole supply to quiet this bunch. The meter should indicate how much sarsaparilla I have left. Something tells me it's going to take every drop.
(As Bentley serves the guards their drinks.)
- Let's hope the supply outlasts the demand.
- These guys are soaking it up like sponges!
- These guys aren't just thirsty, they're crazy!
- Jeez, this is making me thirsty.
- I knew it was a good batch. But not this good!
- It's like they just crawled out of the desert!
- When is my break?
- This crowd's starving out on me! And it's getting worse!
- I don't think I want to know what happened to the last bartender!
- I may have been a little too confident about this!
- I'm gonna need a bigger mug!
- Nobody can drink that much of my sarsaparilla! It's mathematically impossible!
- Where are they all coming from!?
- So much easier on paper!
(When Bentley fails to serve a patron or if a mug gets dry-fired)
- Ooch! Another drink lost.
- Not again! I can't lose anymore drinks!
- These guys are animals!
- I hope I made enough sarsaparilla or I'm dead!
- Darn it! I can't waste those drinks!
- I hate the sound of breaking glass!
- I can't quit now! They'll tear me apart!
- Gotta stay focused on the tap!
- No! I'll get fired for breaking the glasses!
- Keep those mugs on target, Bentley!
- *I need to serve them up faster!
- What did I get myself into!?
- *I'll never leave a bad tip again!
- *My arms are already tired!
(When the guards begin asking for two drinks.)
- Those big guys look like they're going to need more than one drink.
(After Bentley finishes serving drinks.)
Sly Cooper: Whoa! Some of these guards are still awake. I need to be careful. I just need to stay off the floor.
(As Sly approaches the crawl space.)
Bentley (binocucom): Looking good, Sly.
(Sly presses on until he busts through a wall using his ball and chain.)
Bentley (binocucom): Nice, Sly! You're on a roll!
(Sly enters a large room.)
Bentley (binocucom): Great, Sly! You just need to reach the ventilation duct.
(As Sly gets closer to the vent.)
Sly Cooper: Just a little further to that vent.
(Upon reaching the vent.)
Bentley (binocucom): Alright, Sly. Launch that little beauty!
(Sly pushes the RC car into the ventilation shaft.)
Bentley (binocucom): Alright, baby, let's see what you can do for Bentley.
(When approaching the spinning fans.)
Bentley (binocucom):
- Uh-oh, those vents will blow me off course!
- Whoa! I need to watch out for those fans!
- As long as I avoid the fans, the RC Car should be fine.
(When approaching spiders.)
Bentley (binocucom):
- Stay away from my car, you eight-legged bullies!
- I can't let those spiders take a bite on the RC car!
- Yikes, goldback Spiders!
(Bentley makes it to the vent in Toothpick's office.)
Toothpick: Alright, listen up! My pardner's got an ace up his sleeve, and we're about to go all in! This trump card's going to crush Cooper and the rest of his claim-jumping gang! We is going to learn 'em you don't yank a rattlesnake's tail less'n yer lookin' to get bit! (laughs) Then, we are going to finish loading up the train and haul our sweet, little keisters outta this one-horse town! Once we get that loot back into present day, I, Toothpick, am going to be worth millions!
(Toothpick accidentally shoots one of his guards.)
Toothpick: Eh... oopsie.
Guard: Dangit, boss! Would ya watch where you're pointin' that thing?
(Toothpick becomes enraged.)
Toothpick: Are you talkin' to me?!
Guard: Whoa, boss, whoa!! I'm sorry! I didn't mean nuthin'!
Blind Date[]
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Hmm, that's not good - looks like Toothpick rustled himself a pretty lady!
Bentley (binocucom): Sweet jumping jackrabbits! That's no lady, that's Carmelita! What is she doing here?
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: You know her?!
Bentley (binocucom): I'm afraid so! Something is very wrong here, Tennessee, but all quantum physics aside, we have to rescue her! Nobody can get there faster than you! I'll grab Sly and Murray, and we'll meet you in the van. Just get going!
(Tennessee makes his way to the door.)
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Hmm, I wonder who Bentley's lady friend is.
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Kidnappin'! That Toothpick's lower than a snake in a ditch!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Heck, rescuing pretty ladies is a hobby o' mine anyway.
(Tennessee enters the door and spots Toothpick far off.)
Toothpick: Phew, I am only too happy to get rid of this one. Yee. Her tongue's sharp enough to cut leather.
Carmelita Fox: Stinking cowards! Afraid to untie me and fight like men?! I swear when I get out of this...!
Toothpick: No sense fretting about that, little lady. Hmm. Cry cry little tear, yes. Just enjoy the ride! (laughs)
(Tennessee starts moving to rescue Carmelita)
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: I'm a-comin' Miss Carmelita!
(Carmelita and Tennessee's random lines)
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper:
- Can't let the stage hit that barrier!
- I gotta keep the road clear of obstacles!
- Time for a little target practice!
- I better start slinging some leg!
- This is gettin' a might hairy!
- Wha hoo! I am the greatest shot ever!
- Whoo! I feel like patater about to get mashed!
- Hoo wee! I love moving targets!
- Yeehaw! Now that's what I call excitement!
- Bullseye! Now that's how you cool things off!
Carmelita Fox:
- Okay! You can stop anytime!
- What are you doing out there?!
- Are you enjoying this?!
- Please stay on the road! Any road!
- Watch where you're going!
- Hit the brakes already!
- Can't you stop this thing?!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Don't worry your pretty little head, Miss Carmelita! Everything's under control!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Dagnabit! Looks like some fool just turned up the heat!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Those flames'll roast us for sure!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Okay! This ain't gonna be the smoothest ride!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: I need to blow that barrier away!
(Tennessee rescues Carmelita before the carriage falls into the water)
Carmelita Fox: Who are you?
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Pleased to meet ya ma'am. Why, I'm Tennessee Kid-
Carmelita Fox: Don't tell me! You're a Cooper, right? I knew it!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Yes ma'am. Bentley told me you-
Carmelita Fox: And stop calling me ma'am! The name's Inspector Fox. Wait, Bentley's here?
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Well, looks like they're right behind us.
Sly Cooper: Carmelita, I'm glad you're okay.
Carmelita Fox: Why, that conniving little–
Toothpick: Much obliged for the helping hand, Inspector Fox. Let me run these banditos over to prison. And I'd be back for you all in lickety split. Of course, you feeling neighborly, you could just turn yourselves in. (laughs)
Carmelita Fox: As much as I like the idea of Sly in a cell, nobody kidnaps Inspector Carmelita Fox and gets away with it!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: I reckon that also includes tying her to a runaway stage?
Carmelita Fox: Watch it! I'm in no mood for smart remarks. Now, are you up for another mission, Tennessee?
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Yes ma'am! Oh! I mean, I sure am, Inspector Fox!
Jail Break[]
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: This river is dangerous, but it leads back to the prison. Way I figure it, they won't be expecting us to come this way. Are you sure you're up to this, Miss Fox?
Carmelita Fox: Uh, that's "Inspector" Fox. But just call me Carmelita. Thanks for the rescue, by the way.
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: My pleasure. "Inspector"? You some kind of sheriff? How'd you get mixed up with Sly?
Carmelita Fox: It's a long complicated story. Right now, I need to rescue that Ringtail, so I can ring his neck!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Hoo wee! You are feisty. You remind me of this one little gal who–
Carmelita Fox: So, what's this prison like anyway?
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Uh well, plenty of fire... for starters.
Carmelita Fox: Terrific. Let's get going.
(Western Music Plays)
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Miss Carmelita, you didn't forget how to use that pistol, did ya?
Carmelita Fox: Not a chance. I just press the R1 Button to pull the trigger, and I can press and hold the L1 Button to focus my aim.
(Tennessee and Carmelita in the first sector)
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper:
- Give 'em heck, Carmelita!
- You've got 'em on the run now, Carmelita!
- Give 'em what for, Carmelita!
Carmelita Fox:
- I cannot wait to give that Ringtail a piece of my mind!
- When I catch up with Cooper, I'm gonna kick his furry tail!
- I can't believe I'm stuck in time with two Coopers!
- Let's sweep this sector, Tennessee!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Those barrels are full of TNT! You better blast 'em before we get blown to smithereens!
Carmelita Fox: Which one of you losers want some of this?
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: I sure am glad we're on the same side!
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Watch it! We got a us a cattle call overhead!
Carmelita Fox: I can't believe Sly got me into this mess.
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Nice shootin', Carmelita!
Carmelita Fox: How about less sweet talk and more action?
Carmelita Fox: Tennessee, looks like you'll have to go on ahead. I'll find another way there.
(Tennessee dealing with the guards while making his way to the lever)
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper:
- Like shooting rats in a saddle bag!
- Well bring it on then boys!
- I hope you boys got a back up plan.
- Sometimes, these boys do get a might irritatin'.
- Looks like some dopes are still looking for a fight.
- Shucks. These galoots are not smart.
- Could've done that in my sleep!
- Huh. This is almost as fun as a sack o' gold nuggets
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Face it! You can't beat the Tennessee Kid.
Carmelita Fox: Tennessee! This way!
(The two make their way through the 2nd sector)
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Missy, you're a real cactus blossom. Beauty that can't be messed with.
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Looks like we got company, Miss Carmelita. And not the friendly kind.
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: I'll keep the raft still, and you blast those dang jackalopes!
Carmelita Fox: Why don't you guards just get out of my way!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: We got attackers to the left, Carmelita!
Carmelita Fox: Maybe you should just focus on the mission, Tennessee.
Carmelita Fox: Keep this boat steady, Tennessee!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: You better use your pistol on that river gate or we're going swimmin'!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Bingo!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Now that's what I call straight shootin'.
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Whoa! Those steers up there mean business!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Huh. That switch looks kinda important.
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Get your boots on gang! Tennessee's on the way!
Carmelita Fox: I hope Bentley and Murray are alright.
Carmelita Fox: Follow me, Tennessee!
Carmelita Fox: You go on. I'll stay here and cover you.
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Alright! Who wants to eat some lead?
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper:
- Shoot! Time's a wastin'! Pick it up, Tennessee!
- You fellas are messin' with the wrong outlaw!
(Toothpick on Speaker)
- You idiots better start shooting straight! If those prisoners escape, you're taking their place!
- Alright, alright! Keep those dirty birds in the cage. We're going to give Le Paradox an early Christmas present.
- You darn naughty Coopers. I made you cellmates once, and I'll do it again.
- Looks like we got us a Cooper reunion, boys! Let's make sure the guests feel right at home!
- Kid Cooper! Oh. Nice of you to show up. Oh yes. Now I can give Le Paradox a two for one deal.
Bentley: Great Tennessee. There are three more locks.
Bentley: All right! Just two more!/Sly Cooper: Yes! You're halfway there!
Sly Cooper: Tennessee! Just one more lock!
Sly Cooper: Carmelita! Are you alright?
Carmelita Fox: I am! No thanks to you! I should leave you in that cage after what you pulled, Sly Cooper.
Sly Cooper: I know. Look I can explain everything.
Carmelita Fox: Why if it wasn't for this handsome and charming gentlemen, I wouldn't even be here.
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Aww, shucks.
Sly Cooper: Handsome and charming? Really? Look Carmelita. I know-
Carmelita Fox: Save it, Sly! All I want to know right now is how I get back to Paris.
Bentley: Actually, Carmelita, I was more curious how you got here in the first place...
Murray: But, guys, where's the van?
Bentley: We'll have to track it down later, Murray. Now, what were you saying, Carmelita?
Carmelita Fox: It's a long story, Bentley. Let's get moving and I'll tell you.
Bentley: Whoa!
Carmelita Fox (narrating): When I saw that arrogant little... no-good... lying.. OOH! I should have tied his mangy tail around his neck! I should have blasted that smug look right off his face! I.. I, I! (sigh) I should probably just finish my story. After the Cooper Gang escaped at the museum, I decided to follow my nose, and take a look around. I've been investigating the trading of stolen antiquities on the black market. But I never guessed that two-faced ringtail was involved. Then, as I turned a corner, I was stunned to see a huge stash of stolen treasure right there in the museum! And even more shocking, Cyrille Le Paradox himself unloading them! I couldn't believe it! The billionaire art collector and museum patron was behind this? I was so surprised that by the time I reacted, his goons already had me covered. Then, that slimy sawed-off runt had me thrown into some vile machine. And the next thing I knew, I was playing cowboys and criminals. The Old West?! Time travel?! It was completely Loco! Sure, Le Paradox had done some time in his youth, but he'd been squeaky clean ever since. And INTERPOL had never considered him a suspect. There were rumors about the source of his wealth, but nothing had ever been proven. Now I KNEW I'd solve that mystery. And of course, Cooper and his little friends were involved somehow. Why was I not surprised? The fleabag tried to feed me some story about having to rob the museum to save the future. I was done listening to that liar! I needed to get back to Paris. But that toad, Toothpick, had stolen Murray's van, and Bentley's time machine along with it! I finally cracked the case and now I was stuck in this lousy dustbowl with the Cooper Gang. I don't know what made me angrier, not being able to bust the lowlife skunk, or being trapped here with that lying ringtail. (sigh) The only bearable thing about this whole mess was that at least Cooper's ancestor was a gentleman.
Grand Key Larceny[]
- Chalk Talk
Bentley: Alright, thanks to the bug in Toothpick's office, we have a pretty clear idea of what's going on. Toothpick plans on moving the stolen gold out of the mine using his special train. Unfortunately, that train is now also being turbo-charged by our van, and need I mention that we're stranded in time unless we recover it? Well, anyway it's useless to go after the train in the mine. Toothpick will have stepped up security since our escape, and the place will be crawling with guards. We're going to have to hit that train while it's rolling, but first, we're going to have to catch it, and we'll do that by diverting its route. After surveying the rail system, I determined there are three key track switches we will need to throw, and Toothpick has entrusted the keys to three of his toughest henchmen: "Wildman" Weezner, Frenchie LeStache and Red Eye Robles. Furthermore, these guys keep the keys around at all times. The good news is that during the Toothpick Appreciation Festival, there are a number of contests, and all of them will be competing. Murray, I took the liberty of entering you in the Bare Knuckle Brawl contest. "Wildman" is the defending champ, and he's sure to have the key on his person. Sly, I hope you're feeling fast because you're going to be competing in the crookedest race in the West: the Toothpick 500. Frenchie happens to be the defending champ, so it's a sure bet it's his time that you'll have to beat. Carmelita, you'll be up against Red Eye in the shooting contest. As the defending champ, he keeps the trophy close by, with the third key inside. Now lets get going. We don't have any time to waste.
Announcer: Alright, listen up, you fleabags! This here is the annual Toothpick Brawl-a-thon! Ain't no rules, exceptin' if you want a shot at the champ, you gotta fight your way through the ranks first. Looks like we got ourselves a sucker, I mean challenger. So let's get on with it! Fightin' out of the pink corner: from parts unknown, weighing... more then he should. The challenger, Murray! Let's hope he fights better than last year's contestant. May he rest in peace. And in this corner: needin' no real introduction, weighing in a little more every minute, your howlin' horde, the coyotes!
- Aw crud!
- I can't let this guy win!
- Is that the best you got?
Bentley (binocucom): Hang on, Murray! The champ is up next!
Announcer: Sweet sassafras! It looks like we got ourselves a contender! And he's earned the right to face the champ. So without further ado, in this corner: Weighing too much to mention, the horned heavyweight, the battlin' beefcake, He puts the bull in bully, Your defendin' champion, Wildman!
Murray: Nobody sucker punches the "Murray"!
Wildman: Oof! The ol' breadbasket!
Bentley (binocucom): TKO! You got him, Murray! Now get the key!
Bentley (binocucom): Be careful, Sly. This race is dangerous. They say it's called the 500 because that's how many racers have lost their lives. Also, the course has several checkpoints that you'll need to reach in time to stay in the race. Speaking of which, The only way you're gonna move fast enough is to use that ball. You're gonna need to stay on it the whole race!
Sly Cooper: Not a problem. Because you know...
Bentley (binocucom): Don't say it!
Sly Cooper: That's how I roll.
Sly Cooper: Feel like I'm in the circus.
Bentley (binocucom): No time for jokes, Sly. you better get moving.
(During the race)
Sly Cooper:
- This definitely reminds me why I prefer picking pockets.
- Just keep the ball spinning, Sly.
- Time to show these folks some real speed.
- This is the craziest race I've ever seen!
- Ooh! Even my tail is tired.
- Uggh! My legs feel like spaghetti.
- Can't slow down now!
- Better keep an eye out for that jackalope.
- Why do I feel like I'm back in prison?
Bentley (binocucom):
- You can do this pal!
- That's it, Sly! Keep pushing!
- We're in a time crunch here, Sly!
- Sly, time is running out!
- Hurry up! The clock is ticking!
- You better get on the ball, Sly! Ha ha!
- Come on, Sly! Get your back into it!
- Faster, Sly!
(Approaching the last checkpoint)
Bentley (binocucom):
- Concentrate! It's just a little further!
- Almost there, Sly. Don't stop now.
- Come on! You've almost got this race won!
Sly Cooper: So close I can smell that finish line!
Bentley (binocucom): Excellent! You got the key, Sly! Now scram!
Announcer: Yee haw! Now that's some fine shootin' right there! Well that's it folks. Looks like this year's champion is gonna be- Wait! Wait, hold everything. We got ourselves a latecomer. Let's see what this pretty little lady has got.
Red Eye Robles: Well what have we here? Little lady, I know you can't be here to shoot, cause there ain't even no man around these parts who can stand up to me.
Carmelita Fox: I see what you mean. I can barely stand you myself. But if you're scared of losing, I understand.
Red Eye Robles: (laughs) Well I just won the competition so you're too late. But I'll tell you what, I'll make you a deal. You just go right ahead sweet thing. If you can beat my score, you get this here trophy. But if you lose, you gotta give me a kiss. Whaddya say?
Carmelita Fox: Ugh. This guy's breath smells like fermented gym socks.
Bentley (binocucom): Carmelita, we don't have a choice.
Carmelita Fox: Alright. I'll take your wager. But you better get ready to hand over that trophy.
Red Eye Robles: And you better get ready for some serious lip wrestlin' (laughs, then coughs)
Carmelita Fox:
- The only thing this creep will be kissing is that trophy. Goodbye.
- Actually helps if I picture Sly's face on the targets.
- Time to wipe the grin off this clown's face!
- I could do this left-handed.
- They don't call me top shot at Interpol for nothing!
- I'll show this big jerk how to shoot!
- Just have to keep my focus.
- This is gonna be easy.
- This guy's in for an unpleasant surprise.
Red Eye Robles: What the?! This ain't happenin'! It's like some kinda magic trick!
Carmelita Fox: The only thing disappearing is your trophy, Red Eye.
Bentley (binocucom): Way to go, Carmelita! Now grab that key.
Operation: Gold Digger[]
Chalk Talk
Bentley: Okay, eyes front everyone. The clock is ticking on this one, so we don't have time to monkey here around. Toothpick's gold train is already rolling, and with the incorporation of our van, it's virtually impossible to stop. Thankfully, Tennessee was able to divert the train's route, which gives us the chance we need to catch it. First, Murray, you're going to get the van back. It's positioned near the rear of the train acting not unlike a booster rocket. It's going to take your considerable fighting skills just to reach it. The catch is, that it's been secured with a set of special magnetic locks, which can only be broken by someone of your own immense strength. Once the van is free, you'll be able to catch the train and pick each of us up as we complete our tasks. Carmelita, you and I will tackle the next set of cars, I need you to use your peerless marksmanship and cover me while we make our way forward. It won't be easy. The train is crawling with guards, and they'll be gunning for both of us. Our goal is to reach a computer terminal near the middle of the train where I'm going to do a little hacking. As we already know, Toothpick cannot stand high-pitched frequencies, particularly whistles. So I'll reroute the power control of the steam whistles on the train engine. Something tells me this will come in handy when we finally reach him. Sly and Tennessee, you're up next. To ensure we stop Toothpick, we'll need to cover all possible escape routes. So Sly, you'll take the roof of the train. Tennessee, you'll move through the cars where we should be able to reclaim your gold along the way, but your gunslinging will definitely be put to the test. You both should reach the engine around the same time where you can take Toothpick down. The rest of us will catch up with you in the van. One last thing, don't forget we're a team, and that's the only way we're going to be able to pull this off. Everyone needs to execute their part of the plan perfectly if we're going to get the van, steal the gold, and stop Toothpick. Now let's move out!
Toothpick: Ha ha ha ha ha!
Murray: My poor van!
Bentley (binocucom): Try using some explosives to break those locks.
Murray: Don't worry, Bentley. No way I'm letting these guys get away with my van! Besides, I left a sandwich in there.
- One step at a time.
- Jeez, this is nerve racking!
- This is makin' my ears sweat.
- Shoot, that's gonna leave a mark.
- Please don't explode yet...barrel.
- I hope the explosion doesn't hurt the van.
- Can't I just fight these guys for the van?
- Shoot. Gotta be careful with this thing.
- Easy does it.
- That was a close one.
- Jeez, these barrels are so fragile.
Bentley (binocucom):
- Take it easy, Murray.
- Yes! Keep moving!
- Stay away from those rats!
- Keep throwing those barrels, Murray!
- You're doing great, Murray!
- Be careful, Murray.
- Good job, Murray.
- Good going!
Bentley (binocucom): Outstanding, Murray! The van is ours!
Murray: The "Murray" is back in the driver's seat!
Bentley: Okay. Carmelita, we need to get to that terminal in the forward car. I just hope you brought plenty of ammunition.
Carmelita Fox: I can't believe I'm helping you steal this gold.
Bentley: You really should think of it as correcting history.
(Bentley and Carmelita make their way through to the terminal at the end of the car)
- Ooh. That's gonna leave a mark.
- Blast 'em, Carmelita!
- Keep going!
- That's it, Carmelita!
- Nice shooting, Carmelita!
- Outstanding, Carmelita!
- Keep shooting, Carmelita!
Carmelita Fox:
- I am taking you all down!
- Now I've got you!
- You punks are through!
- You crooks are through!
- Take that!
- Come on you bozos!
- You punks have no clue!
- End of the line boys!
- Is this the best you got?
- No more senorita nice girl!
- Had enough yet?
- Ha! You call yourselves guards?
- I am warning you! I do not miss!
- You criminals are all gonna pay the price!
- If you all give up now, I'll take it easy on you.
- You dogs are gonna get what you deserve.
- Your skills are a disgrace!
Bentley: With your shooting and my hiding, we make a great team. Now to jack that terminal.
Bentley: Alright, time for a hack attack!
Bentley: Yes! I'll have those whistles rigged in a jiffy!
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, the whistles are the key!
Toothpick: (In pain) My earholes! I think I have vertigo!
Bentley: Yes!
Carmelita: Okay, Bentley. Glad I could help out.
Murray: Easy does it!
Bentley (binocucom): And yet another system falls before my skills. Go get 'em, boys!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: About time! My trigger finger is twitchin'!
(Tennessee makes his way through the train cars)
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper:
- He he! Time to pay old Toothpick back for stealin' the gold I shoulda took!
- I'm gonna wipe that smirk right off Toothpick's face!
- This here robbery's gonna one for the record books!
- Hoo wee! This heist is gonna be my biggest yet!
- Why I might have to retire after this one!
- Everybody keep an eye out for those blasted Coopers! And when I say blasted, I mean it! I want them blasted! You probably heard the saying "Dead or Alive"? Well, forget them both then! I want them dead, dead, DEAD!!
- Uh, who the heck was supposed to pack my lollipops, huh? Because I can't find them. You got any idea how dreadful that is? It's making me itch! I can't even scratch the corset under my armor. So, somebody better find those lollipops and get them to me fast! I mean pronto! Because I'm not happy! And when I'm not happy, you're not happy! Understand?
- Now hear this, We got intruders! This is unacceptable! When you catch them, and you better catch them, throw them off the train immediately! Oh! No! Wait. First, shoot them, then throw them off the train! Oh! Wait! Even better. Blow them up, shoot them, then throw off the train! (laughs) Yes! I like the last idea best!
- Did I mention to you that I love my gold? Did I also mention that I hate anybody touching my gold? And lastly, have I mentioned that I really hate guards that let anybody touch my gold? Good. I'm glad we're clear on that.
- Attention! I don't want nobody get near my gold! I don't like people touching it and getting their dirty fingerprints all over it! Then I got to polish it all over again! And I don't want to even think about someone stealing it! That would just be, too painful! And remember, if it's painful to me, it will be painful to you! Got it?!
- I know that some of you guards are probably wondering why you're doing this? You're thinking, "What am I getting out of this?" Well, I wanted to let you all know that you will be getting a bonus! Yep. When this is all over, I'm going to buy everybody new boots! Eh? Nice, right? Unless something happens to my gold, ooh, then I'm going to take everybody's boots instead! Heh! Well, who wants to walk around here with all the scorpions and no boots. So, get back to work!
Bentley: Faster, Murray!
Murray: You got it, chum!
Bentley: Keep her steady.
Bentley: Bullseye!
Bentley: Great job, Tennessee. We'll keep this safe for now.
Bentley (binocucom): Great! Keep moving forward, Tennessee!
(Upon reaching the rest of the gold)
Bentley: That's it, Murray!
Bentley: Come to daddy.
Bentley: Okay, Tennessee. We'll grab the rest once we stop the train.
Bentley (binocucom): Yes. You're almost there!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Why don't you bring your little runt self down here and take your whuppin' like a man, sheriff?
Toothpick: Oooh, blast you, Tennessee "Kid" Cooper! I'ma gonna lock you in the deepest, darkest hole and I'm going to throw away the key!
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper: Give it up, Toothpick! The fat lady has sung and you are done!
Toothpick: Oh, am I?
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: My gun! No!
Toothpick: (laughs) Thanks, "Kid". Le Paradox sends his regards! Adios, Idiot!
Sly Cooper: Relax, pal. I'll take care of this.
(Sly and Toothpick battle each other)
Toothpick: It's all over, Cooper!
Bentley (binocucom): Break out the Jailbird Costume, Sly!
Bentley (binocucom):Watch those lasers, Sly!
Sly Cooper: Why does everyone use lasers?
(During the fight)
- Hold still! I'll make it quick for you!
- Bombs away!
- Let's see how you like my bang, bang boom dynamite!
- Yoo-hoo! Ain't you getting tired yet?
- Ha ha ha! You look just like a flea on a hot grittle!
Sly Cooper:
- It's too bad you can't shoot as well as you talk!
- Well, can't say.
- Whoa! Is that the best you got?
- Can't stay in one place. Gotta keep moving.
- Man, this guy is a windbag!
- Come on, Toothpick! I'm right here!
- Oh well. I guess I couldn't expect him to fight fair.
- Maybe you should talk less and aim more!
- Did you forget your glasses?
- Need to focus.
Bentley (binocucom):
- Good job, Sly!
- Use the whistles, Sly!
- Hit the valves, Sly!
- Sly, the whistles are the key!
- Sly, you need to get those steam whistles going! Try hitting those valves!
- Get to the whistles, Sly!
(Sly activates the train whistle which hurts Toothpick's ears)
Toothpick: Yowch! ooch, ouch, eech, oh ho! That hurts my ears! Who turned on them blasted whistles?!
(Toothpick grows large and tries to hit Sly)
Bentley (binocucom):
- Sly, watch out for the ball!
- Don't let him hit you, Sly!
- Watch out, Sly! He's trying to smash you!
- Look out! He'll squash you flat!
Sly Cooper:
- Can't let him squash me!
- Need to dodge this wrecking ball!
(When Toothpick launches whirlwinds at Sly)
Bentley (binocucom):
- Try jumping those small whirlwinds!
- Jump the small whirlwinds, Sly!
- Sly, watch out for those whirlwinds!
Sly Cooper:
- No way to jump these twisters. I'll have to avoid them.
- I should dodge these whirlwinds.
(When Toothpick gets dizzy)
Bentley (binocucom):
- He's stunned, Sly!
- Now's your chance, Sly!
- Sly, he's dizzy!
- Get him, Sly!
- You no account, boot licking-
- You long eared
- You no class, good horn swogglin'-
- You useless s
- You horn swagglin-
- Why you rascally, flea-bitten-
- You bamboozlin' hairy-crooked
- Dirty rotten
- Why you bush whackin' squirrel squeakin' -
- Why you snotted-nosed pigeon!
- Why you, you, you dirt cutting beef headed-
- Why you, you lousy thievin'-
- You little, two-bit-
Toothpick: Oh Cooper! You shouldn't oughta done that!
Toothpick: Why you mangy, low-down varmint scum!
Toothpick: Ah! Ah! Now you got me steamed!
Toothpick: (Screams in pain) Ow! my earholes. Ouch.
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Well, well, lookee what the cat drug in...
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Looks like this here's our stop.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, we got a real problem!
Sly Cooper: I think I just took care of that, Bentley!
Bentley (binocucom): No, Sly, the train! It's headed for a broken bridge!
Sly Cooper: I'm guessing that wasn't part the plan?
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, you have to get off that train! Jump to the van!
Bentley: Murray, hit the breaks!
Murray: They're not working, and I can't shut down the rockets!
Carmelita Fox: What?! You idiots! You call this a plan? Ugh! I knew this was a bad idea. I knew I should have had you sent me back to Paris! Ugh! I can't believe it's going to end like this.
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: What in tarnation are they doin'? An' I was just wonderin' where that gold had got to.
Sly Cooper: Bentley?!
Bentley: Sorry, Murray! This has to work!
Murray: Hey, that's my necklace!
Bentley: Here goes nothing!
(Sly, Bentley, Murray and Carmelita shout as they drive off the cliff)
Blind Jump (The Getaway)[]
Sy Cooper: (narrating): As the van hurtled into the ravine, it felt like we were in slow motion. The thought that our adventures were over flashed through my mind as we braced for the crash. Then, in desperation, Bentley grabbed the closest thing at hand – Murray's Australian fossil necklace – and used it in the time machine. He saved our lives, but now we had no idea where we were headed. We held on as the van was sucked through the wormhole, tumbling around like a cork in the ocean. Who knew where we'd land. And more importantly...When
Episode 3: Clan of the Cave Raccoon[]
Clan of the Cave Raccoon (The Setup)[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): Things weren't going very well. We'd landed somewhere from the looks of it. Prehistoric. I was slightly concerned when Bentley broke out the dinosaur repellent, but that was the least of my worries. The crash landing had damaged the van, so the time machine wasn't working properly. Not only was traveling back to Paris impossible, but we couldn't even raise Dimitri on the transceiver. Also, we still had no idea how Le Paradox had managed to develop his own time machine and that was a scary thought.
Sly Cooper (narrating): Carmelita was still really hot about things. I just wanted a chance to explain, to tell her how sorry I was for getting her mixed up in all of this. Before we had a chance to talk, she stormed off in a rage. I tried going after her, but... I figured that wasn't the best idea. Our conversation would have to wait. At least until she holstered that pistol. We decided the first order of business was figuring out where and when we were, and then how we're going to repair the van. Otherwise, we'd have to get used to living in a cave... permanently.
Stone Age Reconnaissance[]
Bentley Chalk-Talk
Bentley: Bad news just got worse, Sly. Looks like a couple of pieces of the time drive broke off of that crash landing. I need you to track down the missing components A.S.A.P. Fortunately, the Advanced Trajectoral Management Processor is still functional, so I was able to calculate their most likely positions. Unfortunately, they seem to have landed in some dangerous terrain. The Temporal Sprocket appears to have fallen close to some pterodactyl nests and I'm afraid one of these prehistoric penguins... might've gotten it's flippers on the Gravity Encabulator. Oh, they may look cute, but those little devils are nasty. This isn't going to be a simple pickup, Sly. Get some photos of their precise locations and I'll analyze them to formulate a plan. But watch your back, I don't think we're the first guests at this party. See the structure on that mountain? It appears to be some kind of conveyor belt system. Definitely not Ice Age technology. Get a picture of that machinery too. I smell a rat or possibly something even worse.
Sly Cooper: Bentley, uh have you heard anything from Carmelita?
Bentley (binocucom): Sorry, Sly. I think maybe she just needs to cool off. For what it's worth, I'm just as worried about Penelope.
Sly Cooper: I know, pal and we're gonna get her back. I promise
(Sly takes a picture of the Gravity Encabulator inside a penguin)
Bentley (binocucom): Perfecto, Sly! I'll find a way to pry the Encabulator out of their dastardly beaks.
Sly Cooper: I don't know, Bentley. These little guys don't look so bad to me.
(Sly takes a picture of the Temporal Sprocket)
Bentley (binocucom): Very nice, Sly. Getting a shot of that pterodactyl took some skill.
Sly Cooper: Yeah. Let's come back when I don't look so...appetizing.
(Sly takes a picture of the conveyor belt)
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, that conveyor belt does not belong here. The question is: What is it being used for?
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, I'm picking something up. Look for a building that resembles and arena and let's take a closer look. My thermo-vision is picking up a lot of activity there.
Sly Cooper: You got it, pal.
(Sly heads over to the arena and sees a bear named Grizz painting on a wall.)
Grizz: One, two...got a masterpiece for you!
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, get a shot of that guy and maybe we can identify him!
(Sly takes a picture of the Grizz)
Sly Cooper: Okay, no way this guy dug that bling up around here.
Bentley (binocucom): No, you're absolutely right, Sly. He definitely doesn't belong here. This whole place demands an investigation. Let's start by figuring out who we're with dealing here.
Bentley (binocucom): Good job, Sly. Now head back to the Hideout.
Unexpected Ties[]
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, we need to figure out what that bear is up to. That crack in the wall looks like the perfect entrance, but you better keep a low profile until we know what's going on.
Sly Cooper: I hear you, pal
(Sly goes inside the Arena through the crack.)
Sly Cooper: Still no word from Carmelita?
Bentley (binocucom): Don't worry, Sly. I'm sure we'll hear from her soon.
Mammoth guard #1: I know! I heard when Joe messed up, the boss turned him into a coat for that Le Paradox guy!
Mammoth guard #2: Yeah, that Le Paradox is bad news. I heard last time he was here, he yanked this one guy's tusks. Just for fun!
Mammoth guard #1: Ouch. Yeah, good luck talking to the ladies without any tusks.
Bentley (binocucom): Watch yourself, Sly and don't alert the guards.
Sly Cooper: I hear ya, pal.
(Sly sneaks through the arena. He then sees a large raccoon being caught in the net by a bunch of guards)
Sly Cooper: Wow, I'm glad I'm not that poor guy. What's weird is that he looks kinda familiar...
Bentley (binocucom): Wait... holy missing links! Sly, that's a prehistoric raccoon! I wonder if he could be...?
Sly Cooper: ...my ancestor?
Bentley (binocucom): It's a distinct possibility. Let's help him out! Sly, I have an idea, but you need to get that Sabertooth tiger skin! Just don't let the guards see you!
Sly Cooper: I'm on it, Bentley. One tiger skin, comin' up.
Sly Cooper: Well, looks who at the party. Why am I not surprised he's part of this?
Bentley (binocucom): That caveman's club. Doesn't it look almost like a... cane? Sly, you need to hurry!
Bentley (binocucom): I think you might wanna use the Paraglider here, Sly!
Sly Cooper: This guy's painting is not improving my opinion of him.
Bentley (binocucom): Forget about the art. See that key? I bet it unlocks that door.
Sly Cooper: Right. Time for some real art. The art of pickpocketing.
Grizz: Van Gogh ain't got nothing on me. Come on now! Hold that big fool still!
Grizz: Ahh Grizz, you paint so sweet, it look good enough to eat.
Grizz: Aw yeah. This paintin' is da bomb! Boom! Shalak! Boom!
Grizz: A little cooperation, guys? Please? Fellas, really?
(If Sly gets caught)
Grizz: Ooooh! Looks like the Grizz just caught a rat!
Bentley (binocucom): You got the key! Go grab that tiger skin, Sly!
Bentley (binocucom): Excellent, Sly! Now get that tiger skin.
Sly Cooper: Not really my color, but I'll make it work.
Bentley (binocucom): Way to go, Sly! Now get going!
Bentley (binocucom): Outstanding, Sly! That Sabertooth skin is just what we need! If I know my biomechanics and I do, The I believe those claws will give you extra traction! Allowing you to make some amazing leaps.
Bentley (binocucom): Try using a leap to cross that gap. Press and hold the R2 Button to target that post. Then press the X Button to leap to the target.
Bentley (binocucom): Perfect, Sly.
Bentley (binocucom): You got it, Sly!
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, you can even use that outfit to take out enemies from a distance. Try targeting the guard across that gap.
Grizz: Yo, make it quick with that stick! The Grizz don't play! I ain't got all day!
(This character speaks in grunts so subtitles are used to understand what he's saying)
Cave Raccoon: No, you can't have it!
Grizz: Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Here's the cheese. Now I wanna talk to your boss about my goods.
Bentley (binocucom): The guards on those pedestals are the ones restraining him, Sly. Take them out and he should be free.
Sly Cooper: Looks easy enough.
Bentley (binocucom): Be careful, Sly. If you're caught you'll never get him out of there. This is the perfect situation for your Cyclone Pounce.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, this is amazing! I've run comparison tests; facial features, fur length, tail volume. And according to them all, that cave raccoon is definitely your ancestor! I believe you found the very first Cooper!
Sly Cooper: I'm not sure I see the resemblance, but I'll take your word for it, Bentley. Hey, big guy, what do you say we get out of here?
Caveman Cooper: Thanks. I was hoping someone would show up, but do I know you?
Sly Cooper: Well, no. We've never met. But a reliable source tells me we're distantly related. I'm not sure what to say, um, it-it's truly amazing to meet you. Uh, what's your name? Uh, my name's Sly. Sly Cooper. What's yours?
Caveman Cooper: I am called... ('gibberish)
Sly Cooper: Right. How about I just call you "Bob".
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: Sure, whatever. Now can we get out of here before more guards show up?
Bentley (binocucom): He's right, Sly. You two should get out of there before more guards show up.
Sly Cooper: C'mon. Follow me.
Bentley (binocucom): Um, no. This way.
Sly Cooper: Okay. I guess we'll do it your way.
Large and in Charge[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): We got "Bob" safely back to the hideout, where everyone took an immediate liking to him. And he took an immediate interest in our gadgets. While he was busy, Bentley provided the background on his former captor. The guy's name was Grizz, and he had made his fame in the art world. Once a common street thug, he'd been thrust into the limelight when he was plucked from the gutter and made famous by a prominent pop artist. Grizz's primitive artwork was hailed as a brilliant new style called "paleo-graffiti", and for a while, he enjoyed the celebrity status. His fame was short-lived, however, when people realized his art was really just... bad. Resentful, he returned to his criminal roots, quickly becoming the top art thief on INTERPOL's Most Wanted list.
Sly Cooper (narrating): One of Carmelita's main targets, it was now clear how he managed to evade her capture for so long. After we pried Bob away from Bentley's tools, he explained how Grizz had appeared and started harvesting all the pterodactyl eggs in the area, eliminating his role as food provider for the tribe and greatest egg thief ever. Depressed, he'd gone into a slump, and gotten out of shape, which allowed Grizz to capture him and take the new "tool" he'd invented to steal eggs. So, it looked like the very first Cooper cane had been stolen as well... great. We may have rescued Bob from the arena, but we still needed to find out what sort of operation Grizz was running for Le Paradox, and why it involved stealing all the eggs. We also needed Bob's help to find the rest of the van parts, and that meant we had to get him back into climbing shape... fast.
Getting Stronger[]
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Murray, we need... Bob's... help to recover the lost components, but he's in terrible condition. It's up to you to get him back into climbing shape!
Murray: No problem, Bentley. The Murray knows what it takes to be a champion! (to Bob) Alright, listen up. Playtime is over! Your job is to get back in shape... and my job is to make that happen! To do that, The Murray is taking your training to the next level! Look around, we'll be using your standard training exercises: Slippery Slope, Penguin Popper, Sumo Slap, Duck and Cover, Super Sling, and Whack-a-Chump.
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: Standard exercises?
Murray: Okay, so maybe they're not your standard exercises, but they are Murray-approved, so let's get started!
("Bob" goes over to the Slippery Slope mini game.)
Murray: Using advanced training techniques, The Murray has gained the balance of a mountain goat! Now I'm gonna pass my secret on to you. It's simple - You stand in the middle of the ice, and my little helpers will shake things up! All you have to do is keep that egg in one piece.
- Keep shifting your weight!
- That's using your balance!
- Don't let those penguins scramble your egg!
("Bob" wins the Slippery Slope mini game earning himself a medal.)
Murray: Yeah, your balance is back! Way to stay on your feet, kid!
("Bob" goes over to the Penguin Popper mini game.)
Murray: Like The Murray, you need to develop your reaction speed. And not just at the dinner table. You want to hit your opponent at the just the right instant! Time your attack and whack the opponent when he's in front of you.
- Oh yeah! Swing for the fences!
- Keep your eye on the birdie.
- You should be thinking home run!
("Bob" wins the Penguin Popper mini game earning himself a medal.)
Murray: Way to go slugger! You probably could do it all day, but the penguins would get irritable
("Bob" goes over to the Sumo Slap mini game.)
Murray: During my illustrious Sumo career, I developed the strength to move my opponent, no matter how big! I also won the ramen eating championship, but that's another story. To develop this kind of power, you have to push yourself! All right, your opponent is ready. When the two of you meet, you better find your strength. If you don't, he's gonna slap you into next week. When you can move him out of the ring, you'll be done here.
- Use your power!
- Don't let him back you up!
- Come one! Move that big bird.
("Bob" wins the Sumo Slap mini game earning himself a medal.)
Murray: That's using your strength, champ!
("Bob" goes over to the Duck and Cover mini game.)
Murray: When you've been fighting as long as The Murray, you develop cat-like reflexes... but, like, without all the hairballs and stuff. To do this, you have to keep your focus. This exercise is simple - Dodge the penguin.
- If you can dodge a penguin, you can dodge anything.
- Figure out where those birds are going, then get out of the way.
("Bob" wins the Duck and Cover mini game earning himself a medal.)
Murray: Good going, Bob! That's how you focus!
("Bob" goes over to the Super Sling mini game.)
Murray: To be a true warrior, you need to develop accuracy. The Murray can hit the bullseye while standing on his head! The key is concentration, so take a good look at those pterodactyls. See the targets they're holding? Put my little pals in that sling, and show 'em how real birds fly! When you hit enough targets, you win!
- Make those penguins fly.
- Take your time. But not too much time.
- Concentrate on the target!
("Bob" wins the Super Sling mini game earning himself a medal.)
Murray: Yeah, great shooting kid. But don't get cocky.
("Bob" goes over to the Whack-a-Chump mini game.)
Murray: A real fighter knows when to strike, and when to back off. Like whether or not to have one more pepperoni and chocolate chip burrito. To make these split-second calls, you need precision. Our little penguin pals are gonna start poppin' out of those holes, along with some fakes. Just make sure you hit the real birds!
- Put the smackdown on those clowns!
- Great! Just remember to aim for the real penguin!
- Careful! these guys are tricky.
- Hit a fake penguin and you're gonna get rocked!
("Bob" wins the Whack-a-Chump mini game earning himself a medal.)
Murray: Oh yeah. That's picking your punches, chum.
Murray: Bob, you've got what it takes. You earned those medals. but there's one last test - You've got to put it all together! Everything at once, sort of like a triple-decker pizza. You know what you gotta do. Now make the Murray proud!
(A training montage begins)
Murray: Keep it up champ!
Murray: Yeah lookin' good!
Murray: Nice! Stay in the zone, Bob!
Murray: Yes! Now you're ready, Kid! Now you're ready!
Going Up[]
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Murray, this is the place. My readings show the Temporal Sprocket is somewhere in that cliff area. You'll need to climb that rock wall to reach it, but first it looks like you're gonna have to clear out that crowd of guards.
Murray: No problem. I'll use the beat down I'm about to give those chumps for a warm up. Then I'll get your doohickey back.
Bentley (binocucom): Murray, I realized you volunteered for this one, but are you sure you're ready for that climb?
Murray: Come on, Bentley! The "Murray" was born ready!
(Murray takes out the Dodo guards, then tries to climb but fails)
Bentley (binocucom): Uh, Murray, this doesn't look like it's working.
Murray: Just give me a minute, I've almost got it.
Bentley (binocucom): Murray, I'm sure you could do it. But we just don't have the time! We need to move fast here! I'm going with Plan B.
Murray: Wait, Yo-you don't mean...
Bentley (binocucom): Yeah. I'm calling in Bob.
Murray: Great. The "Murray" just got benched.
Bentley (binocucom): Relax Murray, climbing's his specialty. Besides, you should be proud. You were the one that trained him. Why don't you come back to the Hideout and have a snack?
Murray: I'm not hungry. Whoa! So this is what it feels like.
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Bob. I know Murray got you ready. Now it's time to get you climbing again. Press the button to start climbing.
Bentley (binocucom): You'll have to navigate around obstacles, or break through them. Press the button to pound the wall. That should break through any obstacle you run into.
Bentley (binocucom): Press the button to jump across any gaps in the rock.
Bentley (binocucom): To slide down quickly, press and hold the button.
(Bob enters the cliff area)
Bentley (binocucom): OK, big guy. Try putting on that Binocucom.
Bentley (binocucom): Uh, your eyes? Put it on over your eyes.
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: This is amazing. I can see everything, but how did you get your head inside?
Bentley (binocucom): Yes, that thing will help you see great distances, and... I'm not really inside, but I don't have to explain. My readings show the Sprocket is close. It's somewhere just above your position.
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: Did this thing move everything closer?
Bentley (binocucom): Um, no. Sorry you're not any closer. We call that a "zoom" lens. Just keep climbing.
Bentley (binocucom): You'll have to jump across that gap.
Bentley (binocucom): Very nice! You really are a natural!
Bentley (binocucom): Watch out for ice beetles!
Bentley (binocucom): Look out! More ice beetles! These things give a whole new meaning to the word "Frostbite".
Bentley (binocucom): Watch out for those pterodactyl eggs! You don't want to wind up with egg on your face. Sorry, just some futuristic humor.
Bentley (binocucom): Interesting. This must be the supply fortress of Grizz's egg operation. I wonder what he's using them for?
Bentley (binocucom): No wonder the pterodactyls are all riled up. Grizz is stealing all their eggs!
Bentley (binocucom): Good, you're almost to the nest!
Bentley (binocucom): Yes! There's the Sprocket!
Bentley (binocucom): Careful. It looks like she's gone but you never know.
(Bob grabs the Sprocket, but then the mama pterodactyl grabs both the Sprocket with Bob hanging on)
Bentley (binocucom): Well, that's not entirely surprising.
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: That is one huge bird.
Bentley (binocucom): Actually, that is one huge reptile, but more importantly, It looks like we need to reach those higher nests now.
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: No problem! I can do it!
Bentley (binocucom): I was hoping you'd say that.
Bentley (binocucom): There's the sprocket, Bob! That mama pterodactyl must have broken free, but she's sticking around because all these babies are still captive!
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: We should do something to help them.
Bentley (binocucom): Don't worry, we will help them. But first, we have to get that Sprocket back.
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: That shouldn't be a problem.
Bentley (binocucom): You sound just like Sly. Be careful you don't wake her or those babies up! I don't think she'll be very happy to see you.
Bentley (binocucom): Don't wake those babies. You don't want to attract mama pterodactyl's attention.
Bentley (binocucom): If this doesn't work, maybe we can get Sly to wear an egg costume.
Bentley (binocucom): Be careful. You do not want to fall from that height.
Bentley (binocucom): Easy does it. This might be our only chance.
Bentley (binocucom): So far so good. Mama pterodactyl is still home.
Bentley (binocucom): Okay. The sprocket is almost in reach.
Starving Starving Hippo[]
Bentley (binocucom): I knew it! Those little tuxedo terrors are the real pests!
Murray: Uh, they're just penguins, Bentley.
Bentley (binocucom): Oh, sure. That's what you say now, but you just wait. It looks like they've torn my Gravity Encabulator apart. You're gonna to have to track down each piece to reassemble it.
Murray: I don't see what you're complaining about. I'm the one who's just a penguin herder now.
Bentley (binocucom): Murray, are you still upset about the climbing thing? C'mon, it just worked out better that way. Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses, myself included. And trust me, we can't do anything without your might. That's why we're a team!
Murray: I guess. Well, it looks like I've got some birds to round up.
(Murray begins to chase the penguins.)
Murray: Here, little penguins. I promise I won't squeeze you too hard.
Bentley (binocucom): That's it, Murray! Don't let him get away!
Murray: Okay, little guy. This is for your own good.
Bentley (binocucom): Excellent expectoration, Murray! I hope it doesn't smell too fishy.
Murray: Hey, Bentley, where's Carmelita? I kinda miss her.
Bentley (binocucom): Oh, she's around. You know how independent she is.
Murray: She's ticked at Sly again, isn't she?
Bentley (binocucom): Uh, yeah. She is.
Bentley (binocucom): Nice grab, Murray.
Murray: Okay. Come on, time to cough it up, pal.
Bentley (binocucom): Awesome! Just wipe it off before you bring it back.
Murray: Just call me Murray, penguin puker.
- So these penguins like to eat snacks. How bad can they be?
- How did I get stuck with this? I bet Bob wouldn't have to do this job.
- Alright. Now where's the next penguin?
Bentley (binocucom): Don't let go, Murray!
Murray: Mr. Penguin, meet Mr. Heimlich.
Bentley (binocucom): Great! Now we're getting somewhere.
- This sure would be easier if these little guys didn't all look the same.
- I thought I was the muscle on this team. Not some guy we just met.
- I should have brought a snack to lure these little guys. Like maybe a tuna popsicle.
Bentley (binocucom): Nice! Hold on tight.
Murray: Okay buddy. Time to give back what ya took.
Bentley (binocucom): Keep it up! We're almost done!
- I guess all this running around is a good workout. My mighty physique could probably use a tune up.
- Man, these little guys are pretty quick.
- I probably should've worn a tuxedo for camouflage.
Bentley (binocucom): Grab him, Murray! That's the last one!
Murray: Sorry, pal. For what it's worth. I love snacks too.
(If Murray lets a penguin slip out)
Bentley (binocucom):
- Slippery little guys, aren't they?
Bentley (binocucom): You did it, Murray!
Murray: Big deal. So I make birds barf.
Bentley (binocucom): Yeah, but you're the best I've ever seen.
Murray: Really? Gee, thanks, Bentley. Hey you know what? I'm think I'm getting hungry.
Bentley (binocucom): Great. The sooner you get those pieces back here, the sooner you eat.
Ice Ice Bentley[]
Bentley: Data systems, check. Dart ammo, check. Tire pressure, check.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Bentley, how many equipment checks are you going to do?
Bentley: Just being prepared, Sly. A field operative can never be too careful.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Or watch too many spy movies apparently.
Bentley: They're good reference! Those ice caves are a textbook example of a villain's hidden operation.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Relax, pal. It's simple. Use the thermo-vision to find Grizz, tag him with a homing dart and let him lead us to his lair. Avoiding any lethal obstacles or bloodthirsty guards along the way, of course.
Bentley: Right, simple. I'll see you back at the Hideout.
Bentley: Hmm, a dead end? I think not. Time to use the thermo-vision.
(If Bentley's going the wrong way)
Sly Cooper (binocucom):
- Looks like you're heading the wrong way pal.
- You're gonna have to track him Bentley.
- Use the thermo-vision to follow his footprints.
Bentley: If Grizz came this way, the thermo-vision should detect his footprints.
(Bentley finds Grizz in front of a painting)
Grizz: Oh, yeah! They say I'm like Da Vinci, master with a brush. When my art is on the wall, it makes the crowds hush.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): There he is! Tag him, Bentley!
Bentley: Hold on, Sly. There's something...funny about that painting.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): What happened, Bentley? He was right there!
Bentley: I'm sorry, Sly. It's just... this artwork.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Wow. That painting is something else. And by "else", I mean bad.
- I wonder if thermo-vision will reveal anything.
- I should check these with thermo-vision.
- This painting seems to be linked to that statue.
- They look like switches. I bet I can activate them with my dart gun!
- Just as I suspected! The statue and these paintings have a few things in common.
- I should compare these to the paintings!
- Very clever! And also pretty conceited.
- Those objects are definitely connected to the paintings!
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Great! Way to go, pal!
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Outstanding! Now go find that bear!
Bentley: Hmm. This must be how Grizz moves the eggs back to his mountain base.
Bentley: Whoa! That's a huge egg! Ugh! I always hated eggs!
Bentley: I need to get out of the way! I can use those gaps in the walls to avoid the eggs.
Bentley: This is like some kind of bad dream.
Grizz: Alright, peep this - we are on high alert. Nobody goes in or out but the Grizz. I gotta go finish a paintin' ya dig? Good. Now take these and keep yo eyes open.
Bentley: Looks like that door is missing something.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Yeah. A makeover
Bentley: No, Sly. I'm sure the gems Grizz gave the guards unlock the door. I'll just have to get them the old fashioned way.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): By asking politely?
Bentley: Funny. No, by picking some pockets! I can't tell which guards have them though. Hmmm. Maybe there's another way.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): How about using thermo-vision?
Bentley: I think you're right. Wow, this is a first.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Okay. Now who's being funny?
Bentley: I better use the thermo-vision to see which guards have the gems.
Bentley: I can't let these guys see me or I am history.
Bentley: Great! Now to use these on that door.
Bentley: You won't shake this tail, Grizz.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Uh, did you just say something about shaking your tail?
Bentley: Quiet, Sly. I've got a bear to catch.
Bentley: No way I'm going out as egg salad!
Bentley: I'll never eat an omelet again!
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Hey don't forget, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Bentley: Uggh. I'd much rather sleep in late.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Bentley, what do ya say we just skip breakfast tomorrow.
Bentley: My thoughts "eggs-actly".
Grizz: Gr-gr-gr-gr-gr-gr-gri-gri-Grizz! The Grizz gotta put some art on ice! Gonna dig it up later for a big fat price! Le Paradox is a stinky dude, and I'm gettin' real sick of his attitude.
Bentley: It looks like Grizz is planting fake cave paintings. He's working a prehistoric art scam!
Sly Cooper (binocucom): I get it. He buries them here, then goes back to the present...
Bentley: ...Digs them up, and sells them for a fortune!
Sly Cooper (binocucom): What a con! Hurry up and tag him before he gets away again.
Bentley: Right. Just to be safe, I'm going to use multiple darts. Three should do the trick.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Bentley, you need to make sure those darts stick to him. Aim for that rip in his pants!
Bentley: Time to put the dart gun to good use.
- The Grizz don't have all day! I got places to be! Hurry up machine!
- Alright! Once this drill does its thing, I'm out. Bling, bling!
- C'mon! Faster! FASTER!
Sly Cooper (binocucom):
- Hurry! You're almost outta time!
- Bentley! You're almost out of time!
- Hurry up, Bentley! You need to finish tagging him before he takes off!
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Great shot, Bentley.
Bentley: I can't shoot through all this ice!
Sly Cooper (binocucom): You need to move!
Bentley: I think this job is going to require three darts just to be on the safe side.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Bullseye! Just one more!
Bentley: Stupid machine!
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Just keep moving, Bentley! You don't have much time!
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Very nice!
Bentley: Yeah I shot the guy thrice. Sorry, the rhyming is contagious.
Grizz: One of these days he's gonna get served. Yeah the Grizz is gonna crush that little nerd.
Duty Calls[]
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Sly, this one's pretty simple - Tail Grizz until you can get the code to his fortress. We need to get in there if we're going to stop him. You shouldn't have any trouble finding him since he's tagged with the homing darts. Just follow the signal.
Sly Cooper: We probably didn't even need the darts. He's kinda hard to miss.
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, he's on the move, Sly. Stay close, so I can pull the data we need off his phone. And don't underestimate him, he's no lightweight!
(Sly tails Grizz)
(If Sly get far away)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, what are you doing? We need that code!
Grizz: It ain't yo biz, my name is the Grizz. You see I'm hairy and scary and all of that stuff. Get the heck out of my way or I'm gonna get rough. Word.
Grizz: Gonna make me a fortune. I'm the greatest around, all I gotta do is paint my art in the ground.
(Grizz's phone rings)
Grizz: What? (answers his phone) Fool, you tryin' to run some kinda game on the Grizz? I'm tired of you tellin' me to walk the line straight when you walkin' it all crooked. Yeah, that's right. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. No. No. No. That ain't the deal we had. Nuh-uh. No. I got you the cane that the big ol' hairy dude made. Now you need to hook me up! Hook me up, yeah! Hol-hold-hold on, I'm losing signal. Hold- I said I'm losing signal. I said... Hold on... I can't... Hold on.
Sly Cooper: You catch that, Bentley?
Bentley (binocucom): Yeah, sounds like he's talking to Le Paradox and there's trouble. Don't lose him.
(Sly continues to tail Grizz)
Grizz: You got the Grizz! Living large with a brush, don't step on my canvas cause you'll get crushed.
Grizz: Don't need no canvas, I just paint on the walls. Nobody give me static, cause I'm badder than y'all!
Grizz: You there? Good. Now listen up. The eggs are runnin' out here but I need to keep my paint production goin', so I need you to find me the resources. Whuh? I don't know! You know like uh, chickens, turkeys, ostriches, parrot, frog? How would I know? Just make it happen man! What, aw man, hold on, I- I gotta find some reception. I gotta find some- Hold- Man. Aw. Hold on.
Sly Cooper: Bentley, why don't we have a phone like that to talk to Dimitri?
Bentley (binocucom): You really want Dimitri calling you?
Sly Cooper: Good point. Forget I asked.
Grizz: I say what's that? Oh c'mon now. I scratched your stinky stripy little back, now you scratch mine. Not only that, I got those other crazy Cooper folks messin' with my business now. So I gotta deal with that, and I don't see you givin' me any help. No help. No. Yo- Yeah. Yeah, I-I'll take care of it. Huh? Oh. Ho-hold on. I-It's the reception, man. I can't hear you. Ah. You can hear me, I can't hear you. You choppy. You choppy. You're choppy. I- forget it man. I-I...
Bentley (binocucom): Sounds like his deal with Le Paradox isn't going so well.
Sly Cooper: Wow poor guy. I feel so sorry for him.
Bentley (binocucom): Yeah, I'm crying over here. Just stay close. I'm still trying to access his phone data.
Grizz: Pee yew! Le Paradox that skunk, I don't care what he thinks! The best thing you can say about that shrimp is that he stinks!
Grizz: (growls) So I'm rolling, I'm flowing so bad it ain't fair! The Grizz will teach Le Paradox don't mess with the bear!
Grizz: Don't give me that! We had a deal since day one and I did my part! I did my part! I- I need those eggs and I needed 'em yesterday! Don't leave me hanging cause I will come find you! Oh! Oh you think I'm scared of you? Only thing scary about you is the smell. Yea-hello? Hello? Stupid phone!
Sly Cooper: I'm finding this all pretty entertaining.
Bentley (binocucom): Yeah. It gives us an advantage if Grizz is off his game.
Grizz: Now let me tell you how it is! I am an artist, I got paintin's to create, and I ain't puttin' up with anymore of your excuses! Now, you get me the eggs I need for my paint, or I'll climb through this phone and squeeze 'em outta you myself! You got that, playa?! Hello? Hello? Why you did that? Dang!
Bentley (binocucom): No! I was so close!
Sly Cooper: I guess that means you didn't get the code?
Bentley (binocucom): It does. Looks like we're back to square one.
Carmelita Fox: I guess the bear got away again.
Sly Cooper: Carmelita! It's good to see you.
Carmelita Fox: Uh huh. I'm only talking to you, because I have some information for Bentley. I've been tailing Grizz on my own, And I have the security codes and full schematics for his mountain base.
Sly Cooper: Wow. Thanks.
Carmelita Fox: You're welcome. So you'll get it to Bentley for me?
Sly Cooper: Of course. I'm headed back to the Hideout now. But wouldn't you rather hand it to him yourself?
Carmelita Fox: Maybe I should. After all, you're not exactly trustworthy, are you?
Sly Cooper: Ouch. So... we're good. Right?
Carmelita Fox: Don't push your luck Ringtail.
You Choppy[]
Carmelita Fox (narrating): I caught up with the ringtail to give him the intel I gathered on Grizz. Half of me still wanted to slap the smirk off his face, but the other half wanted to talk. Working on my own these past few days have given me time to think and I'd realized some things. Sly may have been lying to me the whole time in Paris, but I'd lied to myself as well. In my heart, I knew something was up. But I didn't want to admit it. I wanted to believe he changed. That maybe, I changed him. But Sly was who he was. And I had to accept that. Although this crazy time traveling business ha given me a new perspective on that too. In the past, I'd always chased Sly, arriving on the scene after the fact. But now that I fought alongside him, with Bentley, Murray, and his ancestors, I had to admit a newfound respect. We aren't really so different. We both fight for justice, we just do it on opposite sides of the law. The question is: Can I live with that? Honestly, I don't know, but for now, perhaps it's enough that I see things more clearly and that we have a common enemy in Le Paradox, because I am not going anywhere until I put that stinking weasel behind bars!
Operation: Jurassic Thievery[]
Bentley Chalk-Talk
Bentley: All right. The time has come to deal with Grizz. This guy is a menace to the time continuum. Not to mention the arts. And it's time to shut him and his counterfeit cave painting production down. It appears he's already beefed up security. So he's probably expecting us. But thanks to Carmelita, we have complete schematics of his mountain base. So once we get inside, I'll be able to target the egg vats and make sure they're scrambled. Just a little... egg humor. Heh. Next, Bob, you'll need to climb the main generator tower and pry the pressure valves open to completely disrupt power. That should start a fatal chain reaction in the system. Murray, at this point you'll have to get to the master control panel and make sure no one can reset the system before the damage is done. Of course, you'll need to use your pugilistic skills on any guards that might get in your way. After this, the system will be completely disabled and we can do a little bear hunting. Sly, it'll be your job to take down Grizz when we find him. Well that's the plan. You should all be clear on what needs to be done. So let's get out there and put this bear on ice.
Bentley: Okay. This is out ticket inside. Carmelita, you'll be riding with Murray. Sly, you're with Bob and myself.
Sly Cooper: Carmelita, are you sure you'll be alright?
Carmelita Fox: Of course. Why wouldn't I be?
Sly Cooper: Well I wouldn't want you to catch a cold or something...sitting in that other car.
Carmelita Fox: Don't worry, Ringtail. I have my shock pistol to keep me warm.
Bentley: This is my stop. I need to destroy those egg vats and then make my way to the rendezvous point. Keep your communication channel open. I'll see you all later.
Sly Cooper: Okay, Bentley. Just watch your step.
Bentley: Always, Sly. Always.
Bentley: If I open those piston valve covers, they should function as lifts.
Bentley: I need to get on that egg lift.
Bentley: I bet if I disable that egg vat, this maintenance bridge will rise. Looks like those vats are wind powered. I need to knock out those blades to shut it down.
Bentley: This looks like a job for my explosive darts.
Bentley: Egg-cellent! That's one vat down.
Bentley: Great! I just need to make it to that ledge.
Bentley: I just can't let these mallets turn me into a turtle pancake!
Bentley: Time for some more explosive darts.
Bentley: Now that's what I call an eggs-treme malfunction! Heh heh.
Bentley: There's the tower, Bob! You'll need to find the valve covers and pry them loose to disrupt the power output.
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: That looks like a dangerous climb.
Bentley: Yes, it is a dangerous climb. But if anyone can do it, you can.
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: Thanks, Bentley! See you at the top!
Bentley: Right. See you at the top. Good luck.
Bentley (binocucom): Great job, Bob! That's one down!
Bentley (binocucom): You're doing it! The pressure is falling fast! Almost there! Just one more valve!
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: Uh-oh!
Murray: The "Murray" leaves no man behind!
Bentley: Murray!
(Murray falls out and lands in another lift)
Murray: Aw, crud!
Sly Cooper: Murray, you alright?
Murray: Yeah, I'm fine! Don't worry about me. I'll find you guys after I figure out how to get off this crazy thing.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, we've got another problem.
Sly Cooper: Okay...
Bentley (binocucom): We needed Murray to cover that control panel, but he's gone! If that guard resets the system, not only will this mission be a failure, but we'll be sitting ducks!
Bentley (binocucom): We don't have a lot of time here, Sly! Use your pounce to reach that platform and take out the guard.
Carmelita Fox: Not bad. A little sloppy though, don't you think?
Sly Cooper: Hey, that was almost a compliment. I'll take it.
Bentley: Way to hustle, Sly.
Sly Cooper: Thanks. Now let's go find Murray.
(We cut to Murray who's in another area)
Murray: Man! I knew I shoulda made that left turn!
Grizz: Ha ha! It's gonna be nice, like sugar and spice. When I put that Cooper gang on ice.
Murray: Grizz? No way I'm letting this chump get away! Bombs away!
Murray: The "Murray's" got a beef with you punk!
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: Uh oh!
Carmelita Fox: Murray! We have to help him!
Bentley: Wait a sec, guys. Murray can handle this.
Carmelita Fox: What?
Sly Cooper: Yeah. It's okay. Bentley's right! My money's on the hippo.
Grizz: Oooh snap! What have we here? It's a pink nightmare.
Murray: Trust me, pal! You ain't dreamin'!
Grizz: I'm tired of you Cooper chumps! Le Paradox, everybody! All I ever really wanted to do... is skate. That's right!
Murray: Uh, okay...
Grizz: No, no, no, no, no! It ain't okay! You know why the Grizz loves skatin'? It's clean man. It's like, just me and the ice. No complications, no hassles, no worries. Ever since I was a little kid, a little cub, It's the only time I truly feel free. And now, you Cooper punks roll in and you gonna spoil my dream? Well it ain't goin' down like that! You better check the script, fat man! Cause the Grizz is about to show you how to skate!
Grizz: Oh, man! This is gonna take but a minute.
Grizz: Here come the Grizz!
Grizz: No way you catchin' the G train!
(When Grizz gets hit with an ice block)
- Oh no you didn't!
- Owie!
- Dang that smarts!
- Watch the face!
- Can't catch the Grizz!
- Sorry, slowpoke.
- Uh-uh-uh.
- Ha! You think you can skate to this?
- You can't do what I do!
- Ha ha! Let's see if you can match these moves sucka!
- No way you can copy the Grizz!
- Ha ha! You try and keep up, pink stuff!
- My grandma skates better than you!
- I thought you said you had moves.
- You skate even worse than you paint!
- The "Murray" is a skating machine!
- Oh yeah! I got this!
- This is easy peasy!
- Oh yeah! Time for the "Murray" to take over!
- Maybe you need to training wheels.
- Is that all you got, loud mouth?
- Ha! The "Murray" can do that in his sleep!
Grizz: Let's see what's thrashin', pink boy!
- That was a cheap shot!
- You just made the hit me!
- Is that all you got?
- Dang, that smarts!
Grizz: I'm gonna smack the pink right off you!
(When Grizz is about to make 3 icicles fall.)
Grizz: Time to go to school, sucka!
Bentley: Nice moves, Murray.
Carmelita Fox: You were great!
Sly Cooper: That performance was definitely a "10" pal.
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: Yes. You are a true warrior, Murray.
Murray: Thanks guys. I guess this makes up for all my screws-ups lately.
Bentley: Murray, we all make mistakes. It happens! But it doesn't matter because we're a team and we all have each others backs. That's why we're unbeatable.
Sly Cooper: Yeah! What he said! Today, you were the hero Murray. And don't you forget it.
Murray: Aw shucks. Hey! I'm starved! Anybody bring anything to eat? French fries? Pizza? Anything? An apple even?
New Found Respect (The Getaway)[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): Carmelita had cooled off... a bit, but she hadn't forgiven me yet, and I really couldn't blame her. The last thing she wanted to do was join up with a bunch of thieves. Something that went against everything she stood for. I could tell it was a tough decision, but in the end, she knew it was probably her only shot at busting Le Paradox.
Sly Cooper (narrating): Dimitri was happy to finally hear from us, as he'd been worried "His bros were warping their faces off"... whatever that meant. He pointed us to our next destination: Medieval England. And as it turned out, Grizz's crown was the perfect object to get us there. So, although we'd only uncovered this Ice Age Scheme by accident, luck was definitely on our side. And we left in a confident move, ready to tackle whatever fate had in store for us.
Episode 4: Of Mice and Mechs[]
Of Mice and Mechs (The Setup)[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): We've come to merry old England to locate my ancestor: Sir Galleth Cooper, a gallant knight who founded the Cooper Order. Unfortunately, what we found was anything but regal. Sir Galleth had been reduced to performing in a local circus as a jester complete with ridiculous costumes. The villainous stench of Le Paradox hung over the entire area. We didn't know what was going on yet, but we knew it wasn't good. To make matters worse, we still had no information about Penelope. Bentley wasn't letting it show, but I knew deep down, he was pretty worried. Hopefully, we would find some answers soon. But first, we had to go to the circus.
Shopping Spree[]
Bentley (binocucom): First off, Sly, you'll need a more appropriate outfit to infiltrate the circus. But in order to do that, I'm going to need some raw materials. The trick is going to be finding some quality wood, leather and metal.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Sure. Anything else you want me to pick up while I'm out? Eggs, milk... maybe some wax for your shell?
Bentley (binocucom): Just get going, Sly.
(When eavesdropping on the first two guards.)
Guard #1: Your bearings are grinding again. Sounds like you need some oil.
Guard #2: Tell me about it. I had to take the kids to the beach last weekend.
Guard #1: Man, I HATE sand.
Guard #2: Oh yeah, it's the worst.
Guard #1: I wish it was break-time. I really need a pint of fuel.
Guard #2: Yeah, we should head over to the Tavern. I hear the new metal alloy in the mixers adds a nice tangy flavor.
Bentley (binocucom): That's it! Head to the Tavern, Sly.
(After Sly enters the Tavern.)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, my readings show the presence of a particularly durable metal alloy. That's what we want.
Sly Cooper: Man, this place smells like gas.
Bentley (binocucom): That's probably the guards, Sly.
Sly Cooper: Not that kind of gas! I mean fuel.
Bentley (binocucom): Well, stay away from any open flames and grab that sample!
(As Sly makes his way across the room.)
Sly Cooper: Fuel and fire in the same room? That's smart.
(As Sly continues towards his target.)
Sly Cooper: Too bad they don't serve root beer.
(After Sly grabs the metal sample.)
Bentley (binocucom): You did it, Sly!
(Upon eavesdropping on the next two guards.)
Guard #1: You hear about Kraemer?
Guard #2: No, what happened?
Guard #1: Poor guy managed to get his rebigulator demagnetized.
Guard #2: Oooh, man. That's gotta hurt!
Guard #1: Yeah, I try to stay away from metal... that's not me, I mean.
Guard #2: You should transfer to the Bakery. Nothing but wood and bread in there.
Bentley (binocucom): Great, Sly! Head to the Bakery and grab some wood.
(Upon approaching the hacking terminal at the Bakery.)
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Sly. Let's see if I can "bake" a little code to get you inside.
(Upon approaching a pink switch.)
Bentley: Hmm, my Panzer's gigabombs should trigger that switch.
(Upon encountering some mine drones.)
Bentley: Great, mine drones. I need to steer clear of their mines.
(After Sly enters the first room of the Bakery.)
Bentley (binocucom): Something's funny. My instrument readings show this place is producing a lot more power than it needs for baking.
Sly Cooper: Maybe there's a secret doughnut facility?
Bentley (binocucom): Maybe you should give the jokes a rest and see if you can find some wood?
Sly Cooper: Huh. Fine. See if I bring you back any doughnuts.
(Upon approaching the flaming oven doors.)
Bentley (binocucom): If you can't stand the heat, try closing those oven doors, Sly.
Sly Cooper: This place is making me hungry.
(After grabbing the wood.)
Bentley (binocucom): Perfect!
(Upon eavesdropping on the final two guards.)
Guard #1: You going to company picnic this year?
Guard #2: I dunno. It's always the same thing. I'm tired of playing carnival games at the circus.
Guard #1: Yeah, but remember the archery contest last year when Bryner somehow shot himself in the foot?
Guard #2: Hahahaha. Oh man. Okay, that was worth it. I guess I'll go.
Guard #1: Yeah, I was thinking I should wear some leather boots or something. In case of stray arrows, you know?
Guard #2: Oooh, good idea! Maybe you could get some at the Shoemaker's?
Bentley (binocucom): Sounds like it's time for a trip to the Shoemaker's.
(After Sly enters the Shoemaker's.)
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Sly, there's bound to be some leather in there. Find it.
Sly Cooper: Bentley, this doesn't look like any medieval cobbler's I've seen.
Bentley (binocucom): Yeah, even women's shoe stores aren't this diabolical!
Sly Cooper: There's something fishy going on here.
Bentley (binocucom): I agree. For now, just find the leather and get out of there!
Sly Cooper: What is it with bad guys and lasers?
Bentley (binocucom): Great job! With those materials, I'm going to be able to make you some very useful items.
Juggling Act[]
Bentley (binocucom): Alright. It seems that Galleth is being held somewhere inside those circus tents. Sly, I've spotted a small opening at the top of that far tent. What I don't see is how you're going to get up there.
Sly Cooper: Ahh. The circus. I could've been the greatest trapeze artist.
Bentley (binocucom): Uh huh. Sure. Anyway, the tent-
Sly Cooper: And with your shell, you'd be a natural for the guy they shoot out of the cannon every night.
Bentley (binocucom): Right cannons. Look, you better go check out that tower! It's a good vantage point and we can assess the situation from there.
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Sly. Get up that tower and you can break out the new outfit and toy I made with those materials.
Sly Cooper: Oh! So there was a reason for that.
Bentley (binocucom): Of course.
Bentley (binocucom): Hah! It appears the guards have left plenty of ammunition lying around. That bow I made you will work perfectly here! Press the L2 Button to change into the outfit now.
Bentley (binocucom): Alright. Now grab one of the arrows from that basket. Try standing next to it and pressing the Circle Button.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, that bow will fire an arrow with an attached rope. Use it to create a pathway here. Try to hit that target across the gap. Press and hold the Button to draw the bow, then release it to fire.
Bentley (binocucom): One thing, Sly. I built that bow to impart a unique vibrational resonance to arrows, which will dramatically affect their "aero" dynamics. You can even use the stick to steer an arrow while it's still in flight. It should make hitting moving targets a piece of cake.
(Sly enters the circus tent, which is larger than it is outside.)
Sly Cooper: Wow. Somehow this place looks smaller from the outside.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, my scan shows the ground in here is rigged with motion detectors, which means you'll need to stay off the floor. You wanted to be a trapeze artist? Here's your chance.
Sly Cooper: Cool. How does this sound for a stage name? The Amazing Cooperoni! Eh, eh? Right? It's good.
Bentley (binocucom): It sounds like bad Italian takeout. I'm betting that platform is where they're keeping Galleth. Go check it out.
Sly Cooper: All right, smart guy. On my way.
Sly Cooper: Right on target.
Sly Cooper: Bullseye!
Sly Cooper: I hate the smell of singed tail fur.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, those trumpets look flimsy. Watch it.
Sly Cooper: Oh yeah!
Bentley (binocucom): Be careful with those swings, Sly. It's along way down.
Sly Cooper: Yeah, I noticed. Thanks, pal.
Sly Cooper: Man. I'm good.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, avoid those cannonballs at all costs!
Sly Cooper: Thank you, Mr. Obvious.
Sly Cooper: These posters are of Galleth. I don't think he's enjoying his job.
Sly Cooper: Nailed it!
Sly Cooper: I just wanna know where all these cannonballs are landing?
Sly Cooper: What kind of circus has this much ammunition?
Bentley (binocucom): Alright, Sly! Almost there.
Sly Cooper: Whoa! Almost lost my winter coat.
Sly Cooper: I should try this blindfolded.
(Sly finds Galleth sitting on a platform)
Sly Cooper: Sir Galleth? My name is Sly. I've come to rescue you.
Sir Galleth Cooper: Greetings, friend. But I require no rescue. I am merely biding my time until the, eh, proper strategic moment. Yes, that.
Sly Cooper: So, how long have you been "biding your time"?
Sir Galleth Cooper: Well I, suppose it has been about a... fortnight?
Sly Cooper: Alright. If you wanna stay here with the cannonballs and flaming rings, that's fine. I'm heading back to my gang's Hideout to plan our next move.
Sir Galleth Cooper: You make a good point sir. Yes! I believe the time is now! Let us rush forward, that we may strike a crushing blow against the black tyrant who imprisoned me!
Sly Cooper: Whoa! One thing at a time! Let's just get back to the Hideout first.
The Time is Now[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): Once Sir Galleth calmed down, we returned to the Hideout and got the whole story. The surrounding area was held in the iron grip of a fearsome Black Knight. His origin was a mystery, but his power and technological might was impressive. He'd even created a new type of robotic guard which patrol tirelessly and without mercy. Galleth had been captured when he tried to take on these guards single-handedly. Bentley searched every criminal database in existence, but couldn't find a thing. All we had were more questions. Had Le Paradox somehow made an ally from this time period? And how had this Black Knight managed to create those mechanical monsters? When we explained to Sir Galleth who we really were, I don't know if he believed us or not, but it didn't matter. He just started ranting about, "Taking the fight to the enemy and restoring the Cooper Honor!" Needless to say, the guy was a little intense. Until we figure out what was going on, I can see we were gonna have to keep him on a short leash.
Cane Swipe[]
Bentley (binocucom): Sly! It appears the Black Knight has a patrol moving an object in a locked case through the town. From the level of security, I bet the farm it's Galleth's cane.
Sly Cooper: You have a farm?
Bentley (binocucom): Just get over there! If what Galleth says is true, the Black Knight almost never leaves his castle. And when he does, it's only to briefly visit the Blacksmith Shop. This may be the one opportunity we have to steal the cane back!
Sly Cooper: Okay, time to join the parade.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, before you make a move, get some pictures of the Black Knight and that case. We need to figure out who and what we're dealing with.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, make sure your shot of the Black Knight is from the front. I want a closer look at his armor.
(Sly snaps a photo of the Black Knight.)
Sly Cooper: Well, that's a little dark. Too bad this thing doesn't have a flash.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, get a shot of that security case. I need to see that lock.
(Sly snaps a photo of the security case.)
Bentley (binocucom): Very nice, Sly! I can crack that thing with my eyes closed. Just get to that case before they reach the Blacksmith Shop, and I'll hack it remotely.
(Dialogue heard from the Black Knight, while Sly takes out the guards.)
Black Knight
- This blasted suit is so hot!
- I really should invent some super deodorant for Le Paradox.
- Blasted Cooper Gang!
- I wonder if I could program one of the guards to give me a haircut. On second thought, that's probably a really bad idea.
(If the Black Knight spots Sly.)
Black Knight
- I'm going to make you into some nice, furry slippers.
- Well, well, well, what a sad little excuse for a thief.
- I didn't realize they made thieves this stupid.
- Another foolish thief! Your kind never learns!
- Seize him! No common thief bests me!
- A valiant effort, but... you lose.
- Stealing from me? That will be your last mistake!
- Are you the runt who took my guards?! Any last words?
- Stupid rodent! Let's see how you'll like my dungeon!
- A thief, really? It's almost amusing, but not.
- Ha! The Black Knight fooled by a lowly vermin? Never!
- I will grind you into paste!
- Your audacity is matched only by your incompetence.
- You little scoundrel! I'll feed you to my dragon!
- What a strange looking creature. Put it in the circus.
- How ridiculous! An overgrown runt with a cane.
- Nobody steals from me!
(Sly defeats the first guard.)
Bentley (binocucom): Great! Keep it up!
(While Sly waits for the second guard to return to his post.)
Bentley (binocucom)
- Hurry up, Sly! If they reach the Blacksmith's, we're done!
- Sly, if we don't get Galleth's cane back, he's not going to be able to help us.
- If you fall behind, we're finished!
- Don't fall behind, Sly!
- Don't lose him, Sly! This is the only chance we'll get.
(Sly defeats the second guard.)
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Sly, just get to that case.
(Sly approaches the case.)
Bentley (binocucom): Time to crack that case!
(The job is complete after the hack is finished.)
Eye in the Sky[]
Bentley (binocucom): Listen Sir Galleth, those balloons above us are more than just decorations for the circus. The Black Knight can use them to monitor our movements and conversations.
Sir Galleth Cooper: Pray tell, how can such a thing be possible?
Bentley (binocucom): It's... complicated. Let's just say those balloons have machines that are like eyes and ears that can detect things at great distance, and you are the only one who can reach them.
Sir Galleth Cooper: Say no more! I shall go forth to smash these airborne demons, lest they set their wicked gaze upon us! Find me a catapult, and a very large rock.
Bentley (binocucom): Hold on a minute! First, you should find locations to use your Catapult Crash technique and reach those balloons safely. Then you can destroy the machines.
Sir Galleth Cooper: Eh... of course. As you will.
Sir Galleth Cooper: Ah, the perfect opportunity to apply my Catapult Crash technique!
Sir Galleth Cooper: I shall destroy these cursed devices!
(Climbing the first tower.)
Sir Galleth Cooper: No mere obstacle can halt my ascent! My Catapult Crash technique is more than powerful enough to smash yon barriers.
Sir Galleth Cooper: Hmm, the guards appear as mere bugs from this height.
(Reaching the top.)
Bentley (binocucom): Great job, Galleth! Now destroy that surveillance system.
(First balloon down.)
Bentley (binocucom): Awesome! Two more balloons to go.
(Approaching the second tower.)
Sir Galleth Cooper: Ha! This tower is no match for my Catapult Crash technique!
Sir Galleth Cooper: I could scale this tower with one hand!
(Reaching the top.)
Bentley (binocucom): Alright, there's the second system!
(Second balloon down.)
Bentley (binocucom): Excellent! Just one more device and we're done!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Time to complete this quest!
(Climbing the tower.)
Sir Galleth Cooper: The final blow will soon be struck!
(Reaching the top.)
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Galleth, this is the last one!
(Third balloon down.)
Bentley (binocucom): Outstanding, Galleth! Now our communications will be secure!
Mechanical Menace[]
Sir Galleth Cooper: As I told you Bentley, a loathsome creature does indeed guard the castle.
Bentley (binocucom): Well if that's true, advanced geological theory indicates the only place this "Moat Monster" could hide inside, is in that cavern.
Sir Galleth Cooper: Forsooth. Perhaps also because it is the "only" cavern in the area?
Bentley (binocucom): Errr right. If this thing even exists at all. It all sounds like superstitious nonsense.
Sir Galleth Cooper: You doubt the veracity of my tail? Then allow me to vanquish this evil beast and quell you disbelief!
Bentley (binocucom): Whoa! Wait a sec, Galleth! Just navigating that cave's interior can be hazardous to your health!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Nay, Bentley. Fear not! I will show you the true valor of the Cooper name!
Bentley (binocucom): Alright! There's the cave entrance!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Onward, to conquest!
(Sly is on the bridge, then Carmelita shows up)
Sly Cooper: Carmelita. What are you doing?
Carmelita Fox: Relax Ringtail. Just keeping tabs on the dragon slayer.
Sly Cooper: I don't recall you watching my back on any jobs.
Carmelita Fox: Only when I'm trying to catch you. But I find Galleth charming. He has a good heart, even if he is a head strong goof.
Sly Cooper: Then you better get going before Sir Goof gets himself captured again.
(Inside the cavern)
Sir Galleth Cooper: These murky caves conceal the villain's presence.
(Galleth reaches a large metal tower)
Bentley (binocucom): Cave walls can be tricky, Galleth. Be careful.
Sir Galleth Cooper: Upward! For glory!
Sir Galleth Cooper: (pants) Perhaps, next time, I should procure a more lightweight suit of armor.
Sir Galleth Cooper: The foul creature will soon feel my wrath!
Sir Galleth Cooper: This beast shall soon know the valor of the Coopers.
Sir Galleth Cooper: Quite a pleasant climb. Aside from the impending monster battle.
Sir Galleth Cooper: Zowns! This dragon is not flesh and bone but iron and steel!
Bentley (binocucom): Holy hand grenades! It's a robot! Galleth, this monster is a giant machine!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Sleep well, behemoth. For soon enough, your fate is sealed.
Sir Galleth Cooper: Now, foul demon, face the fury of Sir Galleth Cooper!
Bentley (binocucom): Galleth, no!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Hmm hmm hmm. Hmm hmm, hmm?
Sir Galleth Cooper: Mmm, mayhap Sir Bentley had a point.
(Galleth his the mechanical three-headed dragon with his sword but it does nothing. Carmelita arrives and watches the monster eat Galleth.)
Carmelita Fox: Alright, you tin can with teeth! Let's see what you're really made of.
(Every time Carmelita damages a head)
Carmelita: Take that, metal mouth!
Carmelita: Ha ha! Yes!
Bentley (binocucom): Awesome, Carmelita! Keep it up!
Carmelita: Chew on that, you hunk of junk!
Carmelita Fox: Had enough, oil breath?
Carmelita Fox: Take that, you overgrown bucket of bolts!
Bentley (binocucom): Two down, just one more!
(Carmelita defeats the Moat Monster and Galleth comes out covered in oil)
Sir Galleth Cooper: Alas and alack. I feel as though I have been ground into sausage.
Carmelita Fox: Are you hurt, Sir Galleth?
Sir Galleth Cooper: Methinks I am still whole. I thank you my lady but must confess, rescued by a fair damsel wounds me deepest.
Carmelita Fox: I think I understand. What do you say we make this out little secret?
Sir Galleth Cooper: I would be thrice grateful and in your debt. What a fair and gracious maid you are, Carmelita.
Carmelita Fox: I think I like the sound of that.
Short Supply[]
Bentley Chalk Talk
Bentley: Okay, listen up! We need to hit the Black Knight where it hurts! And that means taking down the operations he's set up in the village shops! First up, Murray, you'll need to visit the Tavern! Sorry big guy, no time for snacks. The Tavern has been converted into a fuel production facility for those robotic guards! Get in there and do what you do best: Tear the place apart! Next, Sly, you'll need to revisit the Shoemaker's. We're going to shut down the machines fabricating those ginormous parts! Last but certainly not least, Galleth, you'll need to infiltrate the Bakery. My instrument readings show it's the main power source for the other production facilities! You're the only one who can reach the second floor, where I believe you'll find a generator. There's no time to waste, so let's get going!
Sly Cooper: Okay, you heard Bentley. Together, we can bring this whole operation down!
Murray: Yeah! Let's go kick some butt!
Bentley (binocucom): Murray, you need to get to the Tavern. I think for this one you should go right through the front door.
Murray: You mean like, punch through the door?
Bentley (binocucom): I meant walk, actually?
Murray: Well, I-I like to have options.
(Murray heads inside the Tavern)
Bentley (binocucom): Murray you need to shut down the mixing system! Try disabling those vats.
Murray: I gotcha, chum! The "Murray" is gonna rain destruction like a cloud of pain!
Bentley (binocucom): Interesting analogy...
Bentley (binocucom): Murray, try throwing the guards into the vats!
Bentley (binocucom):
- Nice shot, Murray.
- Right on target!
- Keep going, Murray!
Bentley (binocucom): Outstanding Murray! Two more to go!
Murray: The "Murray" is a terrifying cyclone of devastation!
Bentley (binocucom): Yeah! Just one more, Murray.
Murray: Hey, this is pretty good cardio.
Bentley (binocucom): You did it, Murray!
Murray: The "Murray" is triumphant!
(We cut to Sly who's heading for the Shoemaker's)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, you need to return to the Shoemaker's. Whatever's being manufactured in there can't be good. Let's shut it down!
Sly Cooper: Consider it done.
(Sly goes inside the Shoemaker's)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly I'm getting some unusually strong readings from the upper levels of the shop.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, it looks like the bow will come in handy here. But you'd better watch out for that laser. If it slices through the rope while you're on it, you'll fall into that pool of white-hot molten metal below!
Sly Cooper: Is that bad?
Bentley (binocucom): Sometimes your humor escapes me, Sly.
Bentley (binocucom): Just get to that control box across the room, and I'll shut this operation down for good.
Sly Cooper: Maybe next time, Bentley can invent some laser proof rope.
Bentley (binocucom): I'll take over from here, Sly.
(Bentley shuts down the machinery)
Sly Cooper: Way to go, Bentley! This place is definitely closed for business.
(We now cut to Galleth who's heading for the Bakery)
Bentley (binocucom): Okay Galleth. You need to get inside the Bakery. If we shut it down, we can bring the Black Knight's operations to a halt!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Fear not! I will smite the source of this plague that corrupts this land!
Bentley (binocucom): Ah hah. Let's just start with the Bakery's power source.
(Galleth enters the Bakery)
Bentley (binocucom): Galleth, you need to get to the floor above, but I don't see an access point. Look around, there must be a way up there!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Leave it to me, Bentley!
(Galleth reaches the upper level)
Bentley (binocucom): Alright, this is it. You'll need to shut down those three sub-generators to disable the central device. But be careful, I suspect the system has an auto-reset and you'll need to deactivate them all before that happens!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Enough twaddle and gobbledygook! Time for action!
Bentley (binocucom): Oh boy...
Bentley (binocucom): Keep going, Galleth! You need to shut them all down before they recharge!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Fear not! Sir Galleth will triumph!
Bentley (binocucom): Just one more! Get it before they turn back!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Time to end this wickedness!
(If the system resets before the sub-generators are deactivated)
Bentley (binocucom):
- It's all right. You just need to shut them down in time.
- Galleth, don't touch the lasers! It'll reset the system!
- Galleth, breaking those laser beams resets the system!
- Don't give up, Galleth! Just work faster!
- If you touch the lasers, the generator resets!
- Keep at it! You can do this!
Sir Galleth Cooper:
- This sorely tries my patience.
- A treacherous machine indeed.
- What sort of infernal magic is this?
- This fiendish machine repairs itself!
- Here is a thorny problem indeed.
Bentley (binocucom): Bask in your glory later, Galleth! Right now you need to get out of there because that place is gonna blow!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Ha ha!
Bentley (binocucom): Remarkable work! You did it, Galleth! We've smashed the Black Knight's operations!
Shell Shocked Heart[]
Bentley (binocucom): Looks like the Black Knight is on the move, Sly! You need to stay on his tail until I can get there.
Sly Cooper: Alright. Hurry up, slowpoke.
Bentley (binocucom): Whatever! Just don't lose him, Sly!
Black Knight: Hmmm. It looks like the production facilities in town are down. I'll have to look into that. I have a feeling Cooper has something to do with this.
Black Knight: Ugh! Dealing with Cooper is really giving me a headache! He makes me so mad! I need to squash him once and for all, then I can get things back on track.
Black Knight: After I crush the Cooper gang, I'll put them all in the circus. Maybe even shrink that van of theirs down and turn it into a clown car. How fun.
Black Knight: Huh? My balloon surveillance system is malfunctioning. It's probably those darn birds again. I need to invent a scarecrow, with a rocket launcher. Heh heh.
(If Sly gets far way)
Bentley (binocucom):
- Don't lose the knight, Sly!
- If you fall behind, we're finished!
- Don't let him get away!
- Don't fall behind, Sly!
(If the player fails the first portion of the job.)
Bentley (binocucom):
- Sly, I said "tail", not "fail!"
- Okay, and now we're done here.
- That was the opposite of what we wanted, Sly.
- Drat! There goes that plan.
Sly Cooper (binocucom): Bentley, he's going into the Blacksmith Shop. Should I follow him inside?
Bentley: No, I'll take it from here, Sly. I should be able to get inside through that hatch on the roof. Time to get some answers!
(Bentley enters the shop through a hatch on the roof and ends up in the rafters)
Bentley: Rats! I can't here anything from up here! I'll have to get closer without being seen. I can turn those laser fields off with my darts.
Bentley: I better stay up here in the rafters. I can't risk being seen.
(If Bentley gets caught)
Black Knight
- Such an amateur!
- You really should have quit when you had the chance!
Black Knight: Decisions, decisions. Should I feed Cooper to the dragon? Or make him into a rug? Maybe I'll feed him to the dragon first, then make him into a rug with the leftovers. (laughs)
Bentley: No way I'm letting this guy get his hands on Sly. We have to stop him.
Black Knight: I really should add a refrigerator to this armor, or at least some kind of cooler for drinks. I get so thirsty walking in this thing.
Bentley: Hmm, a refrigerator? Not a bad idea. I wonder if I can fit one on this chair?
Black Knight: Blasted Cooper Gang! They may have shut down operations for the time being, but I'll have the last laugh! My castle is impenetrable! Once Operation Overlord is complete, I will be unstoppable!
Bentley: Operation Overlord?! I don't like the sound of that.
Bentley: I need to take this code down fast!
(Bentley makes it to the next area)
Black Knight: These guards are so temperamental, always wandering off. Maybe I should invent a remote-controlled guard. Eh. Probably too much trouble.
Bentley: I definitely wouldn't want this guy for a boss. Even if I was a robot.
Black Knight: I need to upgrade the design of those guards soon. They're malfunctioning too often. Maybe I should give them wheels instead of legs.
Bentley: Heh heh. Sounds like somebody's having design issues.
Black Knight: And where is that stinkin' Le Paradox when I need his help?! He owes me everything for stealing Bentley's time machine plans! Bentley? Oh Penelope, what a little fool you were!
Bentley: Oh no. My plans? That means... I caused all this? Penelope! Oh please, Penelope, be all right! I swear on my mother's shell, I will crush you myself, Black Knight!
Bentley: Time for a binary beatdown!
(Bentley continues on)
Black Knight: Blast it! One of those guards leaked oil all over my clean floors! Why is it so hard to find good help? I need to invent a robotic maid.
Bentley: Heh heh. Looks like someone's AI routines aren't up to snuff.
Black Knight: When this business with Cooper is over, I need to take a vacation. Someplace where I can get a fruit punch with a little umbrella. Somewhere tropical, with no robots.
Bentley: Vacation? I'm gonna make sure the only place this guy is going is straight to prison!
Black Knight: This blasted suit is so hot! I need some air!
(The Black Knight's chest opens and reveals himself to be...)
Penelope: Much better. I can barely think in that thing.
Bentley: Wha...? It's not possible!
Penelope: Phew. That thing's almost as stuffy as Bentley.
Bentley: Penelope? But why would she...?
Penelope: If only Bentley hadn't been brainwashed by Cooper's "honorable thief" nonsense, We could have made billions in weapon design! The two most brilliant minds on the planet working together? We could have owned the world! No matter. Once Cooper's out of the way, he'll see things my way. Poor Bentley, he's kinda cute when he's being dumb.
Bentley: Ahhh... I think I'm going to be sick.
Sly Cooper (narrating): When Bentley returned to the Hideout, he crawled into his shell and wouldn't come out. Nobody could blame him. Penelope may have betrayed our friendship and trust, but she betrayed Bentley's heart. I knew he blamed himself for the whole predicament, but it wasn't his fault. Everyone took turns trying to coax him out, but nothing worked. In the end, it seemed that Bentley would have to come back to us on his own. Unfortunately, we couldn't wait around. We had a villain to take down with or without Bentley's help. And this time, it was personal.
Hard Target[]
Sly Cooper: We need to take Penelope down, but how? Man, we need Bentley back.
Sir Galleth Cooper: I am still a bit bewildered that the Black Knight was a friend of yours.
Sly Cooper: Yeah, well obviously she's no friend of ours now.
Sir Galleth Cooper: In the face of such treachery, there is but one option! We storm the castle and smash this villain!
Sly Cooper: Okay, slow down, Turbo. How do we get inside the castle?
Sir Galleth Cooper: That... I know not. However, I do know how we may create some exceedingly useful explosive devices. You and I must part ways. I will gather Fire Bulbs, while you must procure a bottle of Merlin's Magic Powder.
Sly Cooper: Of course, and where would I get this?
Sir Galleth Cooper: Why, at the carnival, of course! I hope your archery skills are satisfactory.
Sly Cooper: Oh, I think I'm up to snuff.
Sir Galleth Cooper: Then the die is cast! Fare thee well!
(Sir Galleth jumps off and goes to collect the fire bulbs.)
Sir Galleth Cooper: I seek the elusive Fire Bulb. Three should be sufficient.
Sir Galleth Cooper: One would never have guessed the Black Knight was a lady.
(Sir Galleth reaches the first fire bulb tree)
Sir Galleth Cooper: A swift strike should dislodge it.
(Sir Galleth collects the first Fire Bulb.)
Sir Galleth Cooper: Ah. No finer specimen will be found. Now to ferret out two more.
Sir Galleth Cooper: How much this running makes me want a horse.
(Sir Galleth reaches the second fire bulb tree and gets the bulb)
Sir Galleth Cooper: One good smack and it should open forthwith.
(He strikes the second Fire Bulb and obtains it)
Sir Galleth Cooper: Yay verily! I need but one more bulb.
Sir Galleth Cooper:
- None know these woods as well as I.
- These bulbs will surely make impressive bombs.
- Alas, this heavy armor is quite stuffy.
- An explosive surprise awaits thee, Black Knight!
(Sir Galleth then reaches the third bulb tree)
Sir Galleth Cooper: One last swipe is needed.
(He obtains the third Fire bulb)
Sir Galleth Cooper: I hope Sly has given his archery much practice.
(Sly heads over to the carnival in his archery costume)
Owl guard/Carnie: Step right up ladies and gents! Try your luck in our game of skill! (sees Sly) Well hello, Guvnah! Wanna have a go? Do well enough and you could win yourself one genuine bottle of Merlin's Magic Powder - guaranteed to cure despair, curl your hair, and answer your prayer!
Sly Cooper: So, how is it for making bombs?
Owl guard/Carnie: Aye, gather some Fire Bulbs and it's bang-zoom combustion!
(When Sly shoots a target)
Owl guard/Carnie:
- Oh, you got the eye, friend.
- Wicked shot, geezer.
- C'or mate. You're dead on.
- Aye, that's the trick.
- You're a natural.
- Ah, tip-top that.
- Well that is how you do it, me son.
- I believe you are a ringer, I do.
- Now that's the ticket.
- Excellent, lad.
- Good shot, lad!
- Oh, beautiful aim, boy-o.
(When Sly shoots a friendly target)
Owl guard/Carnie:
- Eh, it's the targets you want to hit.
- Stand back, folks! No telling where the next shot might go!
Owl guard/Carnie: Brilliant shooting, boy.
(Sly wins the Magic Powder)
Operation: Mousetrap[]
Bentley Chalk Talk
Carmelita Fox: Alright troops. Listen up. As you all know, Bentley is still unavailable, but we gotta come up with a plan. So I'm calling this meeting for him.
Sly Cooper: Hey, Carmelita-
Carmelita Fox: Quiet, Ringtail! We don't have time for your smart remarks! We gotta hit Penelope before she can finish... whatever it is she's trying to finish.
Sly Cooper: Yeah, that's kind of what I was going to ask.
Carmelita Fox: Look, it's pretty simple. We need to get into that castle. We got the explosives...
Sly Cooper: I was going to bring that up too.
Carmelita Fox: Not another word, Sly!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Your speech does nothing to lift our spirits, Sly.
Carmelita Fox: Galleth, do you think we can plant your explosives on the bridge controls?
Sir Galleth Cooper: Zowns! This plan rings true!
Carmelita Fox: Okay, everyone get ready to move out. After that bridge comes down, we'll have to get in there fast.
Sly Cooper: Sorry. I miss the part about what we do when we get inside?
Carmelita Fox: We'll... have to improvise.
Sly Cooper: Sounds good to me.
(Murray emerges from the water near the bridge, using the bulbs to blow the bridge down and everyone heads into the castle)
Sir Galleth Cooper: I'll sally forth and smash that mechanical monstrosity!
Carmelita Fox: No!
Sly Cooper: Galleth, wait!
Penelope: Why thank you, Galleth. I've been lookin' all over for that.
Sir Galleth Cooper: She is making her escape!
Sly Cooper: I don't think so.
(Penelope raspberries between them and starts firing her laser)
Penelope: I hope you're laserproof.
(When Penelope fires her laser)
Watch out, Sly!
Carmelita Fox: Keep moving, Sly!
(Penelope during the fight)
- Ha ha ha! Please.
- I'll crush you like a bug!
- I see you!
- I'll swat you like a fly!
- I'm through toying with you!
- Be gone, pest!
- Ha!
- Big mistake!
- You can't beat me, Sly!
- I got you now, Cooper!
- It's over, Cooper! Give it up!
- You haven't won yet, Cooper!
- You fool!
- You mangy rat!
- You do realize you can't beat me!
- Ha! You're done for!
- I have been saving this!
- Come on! Keep fighting, Sly!
(Sly reaches some arrows)
Sly Cooper:
- Let's put these arrows to good use.
- Just need to guide the arrow to the target.
- I can reach her shoulder with an arrow!
- Arrows, Sly! Let 'em fly!
- Smack that big trash can!
Carmelita Fox:
- Use the arrows!
- Sly, go for the shoulder!
Sir Galleth Cooper:
- Let loose the fury of your bow!
- Attack the limbs to fell a giant!
(If Sly misses)
Penelope: Oops! Looks like you missed!
(While dealing with the first arm)
Carmelita Fox: Nice shooting, Ringtail!
Carmelita Fox: Stay out of her reach, Ringtail!
Sly Cooper: Yes! Score one for the good guys!
Penelope: Lucky shot, Cooper! But your luck just ran out!
Murray: Awesome, Sly!
Sly Cooper: Hey, Penelope! I saw some rust spots over there!
Penelope: No matter.
(Sly prepares to hit the core)
Sly Cooper:
- Okay. The core is exposed.
- If I can take that core out, I can take her down.
- She's on the ropes, Sly! Aim for the chest!
- Now Sly! Go for the heart!
Carmelita Fox:
- The core, Sly! Go for the core!
- Shoot the core, Ringtail!
Sir Galleth Cooper:
- Endure and you shall prevail!
- Slay the heart and you'll slay the beast!
Sly Cooper: Great. Looks like I gotta take those arms out again.
Sir Galleth Cooper: Turn it up, Sly!
Sly Cooper: What's wrong, Penelope? Feeling dis-armed?
Penelope: I always hated your jokes!
Murray: Way to go, buddy! Keep it up!
Sly Cooper: Now I'm getting the hang of this.
Penelope: Arggh! Stop messin' up my mech!
Penelope: Nooooo!
(Sly defeats Penelope, but his leg gets trapped under the giant knight mech)
Penelope: Do you have any idea what that suit was worth?! It was one of a kind! You've cost me too much already, Cooper! It's time to pay the fiddler.
(Penelope prepares to finish Sly off but is stopped by Bentley)
Bentley: That's enough, Penelope!
Penelope: Huh?
(Sees Bentley in a mech made from the remains of the Moat Monster)
Bentley: You heard me.
Penelope: Bentley? Your suit. Is that my... my Moat Monster?
Bentley: Yeah, what's left of it anyway. The design was... adequate. I made some adjustments.
Penelope: Hmph! It was just a prototype anyway!
Bentley: Why'd you do it, Penelope? You owe me that much at least.
Penelope: Why? For you, of course! I had to make you see how things could be!
Bentley: I'm not going to be one of the bad guys, Penelope!
Penelope: Ha! "Bad Guys?!"That's kinda funny, Bentley, seeing how as how you work for a thief! (motions to the still trapped Sly) But you know the most valuable thing Sly ever stole? Your potential! Together we could change the world, but you're still chasing after honor for chump change! When are you gonna wake up?
Bentley: So you sold out to Le Paradox for the money?!
Penelope: (face palms) No, you're not listening! He's just a means to an end.
Bentley: Wow, and I thought you were smart. Do you really think he's going to let you go? He owns you now. (Penelope rolls her eyes) You're his puppet... and when you've serve your purpose, he's going to cut your strings.
Penelope: I'm nobody's puppet! Too bad I can't say the same for you. I'm sorry, Bentley, but I guess it's time to make this breakup official!
Bentley: Penelope, wait! We don't have to do it like this!
Penelope: Oh, I think we do! It's time to cut some strings... for good!
(She and Bentley fight)
- That mech design is so 2005.
- Wow, your servo response is slow!
- Smells like somebody's frying some circuits!
- Ooh! Looks like you've got a bad motivator!
- Hah! You call that vector analysis?
- Those pneumatics are pathetic!
- Whoops! Looks like I just voided your warranty!
- Your gearing ratios are ridiculous!
- You're running on fumes!
- Whoa! Talk about user error!
- I think you need a recharge!
- Whoa! Your belts are showing!
- Hah! Your hydraulic pressure is dropping!
- Phew! You've got a real exhaust problem!
- That mech is a wreck!
- You should've stayed in your shell.
- You'll have to do better than that.
- You little runt!
- Your friends can't help you now!
- You can't run forever!
- You sure you can reach high enough?
- Too slow!
- Where's the rest of your gang now?
- Bring it on, Bentley!
- Is that the best you've got?
- That suit is junk!
- Your time is up!
- Try to keep up, slowpoke.
- You call that tin can a mech?
- I'm gonna turn you into tin foil!
- Come get me shorty!
- Do the math, Bentley! You've got zero chance!
- (laughs) You look like a rolling trash can!
(When Penelope hits Bentley)
- Try again!
- Look out!
- That was a cheap shot!
- Watch it!
- Hey!
- Okay, that was pretty good.
- That hurt!
- Just like a turtle, too slow!
- Come on!
- I'm gonna recycle you!
- Face it! You don't have a chance!
- I'm sending you to the junkyard!
- Too slow, Bentley.
- Missed!
(Eventually Bentley knocks her out)
Sly Cooper: Thanks Bentley. Look, I'm sorry about Penelope.
Bentley: No Sly, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you guys the whole time.
Sly Cooper: It's okay. She fooled us all pal.
Bentley: I guess. But that's no excuse for me not being there! I lost sight of my true friends. That won't happen again.
Murray: Uh hey! Guys!
Carmelita Fox: Uh, we could use some help over here!
Sly Cooper: Sounds like they need some help getting out of there. Know anyone that can swing that?
Bentley: Well, I do know this one guy but he's probably busy so, I guess I'll have to do it.
Sly Cooper: (laughs) It's good to have you back, Bentley.
Recycled Trash (The Getaway)[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): We contacted Dimitri, who started in about sandstorms and camel spit. Well, we finally deciphered enough to realize it was my ancestor Salim Al-Kupar who was in trouble now. Which meant, we needed to get to Ancient Arabia on the double. This time, Carmelita provided a solution. Before Le Paradox grabbed her back in the museum, she'd managed to pocket a gold coin as evidence. And our luck held as it turned out the antique gold piece was exactly what we needed.
Sly Cooper (narrating): As we prepared to leave, everyone was keeping an eye on Bentley. He downplayed his heroics and refused to acknowledge that he'd saved us all. I sensed a new confidence in Bentley, which I guess it come from finally confronting his personal demons. He'd been through so much. But when it really mattered, He bounced back stronger than ever. I was sure about two things, I couldn't be more proud of Bentley, and we were gonna need every ounce of his newfound strength to take down Le Paradox.
Episode 5: Forty Thieves[]
40 Thieves (The Setup)[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): We traveled to Ancient Arabia to find Salim Al-Kupar. An ancestor said to possess the stealth of forty thieves. No surprise then when Bentley's research revealed that this guy was a charter member of the infamous forty thieves. For once, it appeared we'd have plenty of backup to help out with this job. When we arrived, however, we were shocked to find that most of the thieves had already retired. Having made their fortunes and gotten older, these great thieves have decided to call quits, and enjoy their golden years in peace. What wasn't shocking was the unmistakable presence of Cyrille Le Paradox. Nasty-looking guards patrolled everywhere, and it was clear that something sinister was going on. After some detective work, Bentley had even worse news - no one had seen Salim Al-Kupar for some time. He had been working with a few of the remaining thieves but had simply vanished. So where was he? That was the first thing we needed to figure out.
Lost and Found[]
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Sly. Word on the street is that Salim Al-Kupar was driven into hiding, but that he's still in the area. We need to figure out where he's hiding and then find out why. To facilitate that, I've built you a new toy.
Sly Cooper: Cool! Is it a robotic turtle butler?
Bentley (binocucom): No, after gathering data from your ancestors, I've been able to map the Cooper DNA! I've modified your binocucom with a new visual guidance system that I've programmed to detect anything with which Salim Al-Kupar may have come in contact.
Sly Cooper: Wow, Bentley! That's some real science fiction!
(Sly heads inside the lamp shop)
Bentley (binocucom): Wow. I wonder if Salim was trying to see if he can summon a genie from one of these lamps. He must be really desperate.
Bentley (binocucom): Activate your binocucom and scan the surrounding areas. You should see a glow on any object that Salim has recently touched.
(When Sly is close to an object)
Bentley (binocucom):
- Sly, there's something close by! Use your binocucom!
- You're in range! Use the binocucom now, Sly!
- Sly, use the binocucom! I'm detecting something near your location!
- Quick Sly, the binocucom! There's something close by!
- I'm picking something up! Put your binocucom on, Sly!
(Sly takes a picture of a lamp with fingerprints on it)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, that door definitely does not belong here. You better get a picture of that as well so I can analyze it.
(Sly takes a picture of the door)
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Sly. You should get out of there and head for the village while I sort this out. I've marked a waypoint for you.
Bentley (binocucom): I still need some more data, Sly. Keep searching.
(If Sly leaves the location)
Bentley (binocucom):
- Look around, you're heading the wrong way, Sly.
- No! That's the wrong way, Sly. Go back.
- My readings show you're going the wrong way, Sly. You better go back.
- That's not the way, Sly! You better turn around.
- Sly, turn around! You're going the wrong direction!
(Takes a picture of a heat imprint on a rug)
Bentley (binocucom): This looks like a peaceful spot. I'll bet Salim uses this place for meditating.
(Takes a picture of a hair follicle)
Bentley (binocucom): Well, Salim's obviously not neglecting his grooming.
(Takes a picture of some cloth fiber on a camel)
Bentley (binocucom): Interesting. Looks like Salim recently took this camel for a test drive.
Bentley (binocucom): Okay Sly. I'm culminating all the data, and it appears... Salim is on a boat?
Sly Cooper: Greetings. You're Salim Al-Kupar, aren't you?
Salim Al-Kupar: And who are you?
Sly Cooper: Uh, Well that part's kind of... complicated. I'm a thief like you, but I'm kinda new in town. How about you come back to my gang's Hideout and I can explain myself?
Salim Al-Kupar: How about you go lick a camel's hump?
Sly Cooper: Okay. Look, I know you're in trouble. I'm here to help. I can explain everything but let's go where we can talk safely. Besides, you look hungry. How would you like some food?
Salim Al-Kupar: Food? Haha. It was foolish of you not to mention that in the first place. Let's go.
Noise Pollution[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): Back at the hideout, introductions went quickly as Salim stuffed his face. He told us about his problem. Some new player calling herself Miss Decibel had rolled into town and started throwing lots of money around. It didn't take a genius to figure out who the time traveling lieutenant was here. Salim and the three remaining thieves had decided to pull one last heist before disappearing into retirement, Miss Decibel being the target. Of course, with her technology, she had easily captured his thief brothers, and Salim had been trying to come up with a plan to free them ever since.
Sly Cooper (narrating): Bentley uncovered some interesting background information. Miss Decibel had come from a wealthy British family. Her true love was classical music. Unfortunately, her complete lack of musical talent, coupled with an extreme temper, made for a volatile combination. After suffering a freak accident during a tantrum, she was left unable to play music... normally. However, when she discovered she can control people with her hypnotic tones, a new criminal was born. She began using her devious tones to control others, forcing them to commit crimes for her. We told Salim about Le Paradox, and the whole thing made some strange kind of sense to him. The bad news was that he wasn't completely convinced that we were there to help him. I could see I was going to have to prove myself... again.
Open Sesame[]
Bentley Chalk-Talk
Bentley: Okay. Apparently, Salim lost a small fortune betting on the camels a while back and had to pawn his thief outfit. Sly, if we can buy that outfit back for Salim, I'm sure we can gain his trust. The shopkeeper is a security freak. A real headcase! His place is a fortress and he never leaves! All business is conducted through a slot in the door! I think this is one time we're going to have to play it straight and pay the man what he wants. As you might imagine, his price is pretty steep! The shopkeeper will only accept payment in the form of flawless gemstones. Three to be exact. The only gems of that quality around here, are the decorative stones embedded in the city walls. I've located the three largest specimens for you. All you have to do is remove them, avoid the guards and bring them to the shop. Just make sure those gems are still flawless when you get there.
(When Sly gets close to the shop without three Flawless Gems)
- Sorry, no discount!
- Please do not waste my time!
- No freebies!
- Back in five minutes.
- Sorry, closed for lunch!
- No. uh no. Also no.
- Three gems! No substitutions!
Bentley (binocucom): Good job, Sly. That's one huge rock!
Bentley (binocucom): Two gems down, one to go!
Bentley (binocucom): Alright! Now just make sure you get those gems to the shop in one piece!
(Sly brings the three Flawless Gems to the shop)
Shopkeeper: What do you want?!
Sly Cooper: I'm here to buy the Thief outfit.
Shopkeeper: Sorry! I do not believe one such as yourself could meet my price! Good day!
Sly Cooper: Oh. That's too bad. (yawns) I guess I'll just have to go bet these "gems" on the camel races.
Shopkeeper: Wait! You have gems? Let me see.
Sly Cooper: Man. These rocks are so heavy I can barely lift them. You want the gems? I want the outfit. Do we have a deal?
Shopkeeper: Indeed. If you want to purchase these old rags, who am I to object? All sales final! No returns! (laughs)
(Sly gets the Thief Costume)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, I've been talking to Salim, and it's obvious that outfit is the key to his success. He claims it was once sewn by a real genie and that it can actually slow time! Fascinating! I wonder if it somehow influenced your ancestor: Matthew de la Coopeur's SLOW MOTION technique? In any event, only someone possessing the famed Cooper Focus can pull it off.
Bentley (binocucom): While wearing the thief outfit, Press the Button to activate your ability.
Bentley (binocucom): Good job, Sly. Although it seems we have another problem. Salim tells me that Miss Decibel is constantly changing the locations of the captured thieves, which makes them almost impossible to track. It's going to be- Hold on, Sly! I'm picking something up.... Sweet sunspots! Sly, Le Paradox is here! He's meeting with Miss Decibel right now!
Sly Cooper: Sounds like the perfect opportunity for a little eavesdropping.
Bentley (binocucom): Great idea! Just one thing. That outfit won't fool these guards. They know the locals and they'll peg you for a stranger immediately. You should just stay out of sight.
Sly Cooper: Thanks for the info, Bentley. I'm on my way.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, press the Button to use that sword.
Bentley (binocucom): Way to go, Sly. Now you better get going.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, don't let anyone see you! If the guards see you, it's over, Sly!
(Cyrille and Decibel have a conversation while Sly is following them)
Cyrille Le Paradox:
- Did I mention I love your new perfume? It has such a delightful hint of...peanuts.
- This place is so annoyingly dusty.
- My dear, how graceful you are! You are like an entire dancing troupe!
- Did I mention your outfit is stunning, chérie? I can't imagine anyone else wearing that.
- Ahh, how lovely to see your ears flapping in the breeze once again, chérie.
- You know in this light, You look so majestic. Like a mountain...of beauty.
- You know, one might say you have a real "nose" for music. Heh heh.
- The sooner I get out of this sweatbox, the better.
- Aggh! I can hardly wait until this business is completed, and I can- I mean we can return to Paris for good.
- Chérie, your outfit is so stylish today. It is like the most luxurious...tent.
- Ah, this heat is so unpleasant. I should create another ice age. (chuckles)
- Have you lost weight my dear? You look at least a hundred pounds lighter.
- I swear if I step in one more babbones... Filthy animals!
- That trunk of yours is one of a kind, chérie. Never change it.
- This desert is just one giant litterbox.
- You look just like a beautiful painting today. Eh, Picasso perhaps.
- When I catch Cooper, I'm going to celebrate... by killing him.
- Have I ever told you how exquisite your eyes are? They're like two perfect shiny little...stones.
- If it is true that an elephant never forgets, then it is also true that you are an unforgettable elephant. Yeah.
- Chérie. Seeing you today has made me realized, you are truly one of a kind.
- You know chérie, I think this climate really agrees with you. Your skin is much less... wrinkly.
Miss Decibel:
- Ahh. What a delightful day for a stroll.
- Ooh! I thought you'd never ask.
- Well, if you say so...
- My, my. Such a charmer.
- Hmm. I wonder if I can train the guards to make peanut butter,
- My goodness!
- Why thank you, Cyrille darling.
- Ah hah hah hah. I do suppose that's true.
- What a flatterer you are, Cyrille.
- Stupid guards! Pfft. Can't even whistle a decent melody.
- Oh, Cyrille, you are too much.
- All this walking. (yawns) I believe I've earned a nice nap after this.
- Why Cyrille. Are you trying to tell me something?
- I hope those filthy little thieves are being productive.
- I'm feeling a bit peckish. Must be time for a snack.
- Oh, how sweet of you to say.
- This blasted sneezing is putting my trunk out of tune!
- Oooh, I was hoping you'd say that.
- Oh Cyrille. You're making me blush. (chuckles)
- Oh Cyrille, you're going to make me swoon.
- How kind of you to say that, darling. And every word is true.
- Oh Stop. A girl can only take so much, Do go on.
- (chuckles) I do suppose that's true.
- I thought you never noticed.
Cyrille Le Paradox: What was that?
Miss Decibel: I could swear I heard something!
(Whenever Miss Decibel sneezes)
Cyrille Le Paradox:
- Perfect. And I just had my tail shampooed.
- Watch where you're pointing that trunk!
- I must remember to bring a handkerchief next time.
- It must be all the camel hair.
- You should warn me before you do that!
(If Sly gets caught)
Cyrille Le Paradox:
- Ah! It would appear we have picked up a tail. A ringtail!
- Something stinks and it's not me. Cooper!
Miss Decibel:
- Goodness gracious! Guards!
(If Sly gets far way)
Bentley (binocucom): If you fall behind, we're finished!
Cyrille Le Paradox: So, please tell me the operation is going according to plan?
Miss Decibel: Of course. Everything is progressing splendidly. I have those raggedy little thieves completely under my control. I've never seen better forgeries. The documents they are producing are of the highest quality.
Cyrille Le Paradox: Perfect. Once I get them back to the present day, and my royal lineage is "discovered", my wealth and power will be unstoppable.
Miss Decibel: Well, there is one teensy little problem. We still need to feed our little worker bees, but our supplies are running low. The who calls himself "the Panther" seems to work best when I feed him, gugh, Scorpion Claws. Disgusting!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Ah very well. I shall have some delivered immediately. Whatever it takes to keep these vermin working. Oh and one more thing, tell your guards if they don't capture Cooper, I will have them all fired and then executed.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, did you hear that? They're creating a false royal identity for Le Paradox in the present day! If that happens, he'll be close to untouchable! They also need a delivery. The Panther needs Scorpion Claws. Maybe we can make that work for us.
Cyrille Le Paradox: Tell me, what do you think of this little sand pit?
Miss Decibel: Well, this dry environment plays absolute havoc with my sinuses. My music practice has been atrocious lately. Would you like to hear–?
Cyrille Le Paradox: Not really! But, I want you to hear me. Do not fail me like those other idiots, Chérie. I'd hate to see you stranded here...permanently.
Miss Decibel: Oh! I, uh, I'll make sure that doesn't happen!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Good. Because the others have failed me. Even Penelope, and she was the smart one… but now I have to turn my back on her. You understand.
Miss Decibel: Yes, of course! Everything will go precisely as planned! Uh, although, I must trouble you for some Camel Cheese? Absolutely horrid stuff, but the thief called "the Tiger" seems to rely on it, and our reserves are almost depleted.
Cyrille Le Paradox: Can't we just starve these filthy hoodlums into submission? Fine! I will send a delivery boy.
Bentley (binocucom): More deliveries? Sly, are you thinking what I'm thinking? Camel Cheese? Eww!
Cyrille Le Paradox: So, any more requests?
Miss Decibel: No sweetums, I believe that's all. As soon as the documents are complete, I will deliver them personally.
Cyrille Le Paradox: Magnifique! Then I should have them very soon.
Miss Decibel: Oh, wait! There is one last itty bitty little thing, the one called "the Lion" seems to favor Cobra Tails. And you know how troublesome those are to obtain.
Cyrille Le Paradox: Fine, you shall have them! But I had better get those papers quickly.
Bentley (binocucom): Boy, I'd hate to be the guy that has to collect the Cobra Tails.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, I've got a crazy idea. That outfit may not work on the guards, but I bet outsiders like Le Paradox and Miss Decibel wouldn't know the difference. She's expecting deliveries for the thieves, right? Try using the outfit to impersonate the delivery boy. If they buy it, we'll know where the thieves are being kept!
Sly Cooper: Excellent idea, Bentley, and just to ensure it's foolproof, I'm gonna use my...
Bentley (binocucom): No Sly! Don't say it!
Sly Cooper: Italian accent.
Bentley (binocucom): I said crazy, Sly, not suicidal!
(Sly enters the tent wearing his thief outfit)
Cyrille Le Paradox: And who is this little pipsqueak?
Miss Decibel: Yes! Identify yourself immediately!
Sly Cooper: It's me, the delivery boy. You called?
Miss Decibel: Hmm. I don't recognize your scruffy features.
Sly Cooper: The other boy's out sick. Something about snake bites.
Cyrille Le Paradox: Is there something wrong with your voice?
Sly Cooper: No. I've talked like this my whole life.
Miss Decibel: How droll.
Cyrille Le Paradox: I see. Well, if you're really the delivery person, then you would know the usual orders, no? What food does the Panther require?
Sly Cooper: Why the Panther loves the Scorpion Claws.
Cyrille Le Paradox: Hmm. He appears to be legitimate.
Miss Decibel: Thank goodness. Here are the delivery locations. Hurry up, please!
Bentley (binocucom): Sly it's a good thing we're in Arabia. because in Italy, that accent would be considered a felony. Now let's go rescue those thieves!
Rug Rats[]
Bentley (binocucom): Okay Salim. We know that Decibel has "the Panther" locked up somewhere in that tower. Trying to go through the palace itself would be impossible. Luckily this carpet shop is going to save us the trouble.
Salim Al-Kupar: Ah yes. Honest Hassan's Carpets. He owns many, many shops. But, he is not so honest. Trust me. In fact, we used to run a flying carpet scam, where he would pretend to be-
Bentley (binocucom): Kind of pressed for time here!
Salim Al-Kupar: Fine. Please continue.
Bentley (binocucom): So, according to my diagrams, the shop is connected to the tower. There's a vent system on the side of the building. All you have to do is crawl through the vents and it will lead you straight into the shop. From there you can make your way through the shop's interior to the tower.
Salim Al-Kupar: Hmm. You make it sound so easy. I would like to see you crawl through vents when you are my age.
Bentley (binocucom): Talk to you inside the shop. Good luck!
(Salim enters the shop through a hole on the side of the building)
Salim Al-Kupar: I wonder if this Bentley will have me jumping through hoops next? First, I grab the rope, then I press the Button to climb up or down like lightning.
Bentley (binocucom): Wait, this room doesn't match my blueprints! It must have been renovated recently! Give me a minute to figure this out.
Salim Al-Kupar: Oh, by Aladdin's beard! Do you not know that rule number 37 in the Thief's Handbook is: Expect the unexpected. Foresee the unforeseen. Predict the unpredictable.
Bentley (binocucom): Keep your turban on! My sonar readings show an old passageway through a cave system beneath the floor. Let's see...Mass of payload, angle of incidence, relative humidity, divide by 2... Got it! Salim, If we can drop that pallet of carpets in the corner, it should smash a hole in the floor straight through to the caverns below!
Salim Al-Kupar: We? it seems that I will be doing all the work.
Bentley (binocucom): How about we just talk when you reach the passageway!
Salim Al-Kupar: Snakes! Why did it have to be snakes?
(Salim cuts the rope holding the carpets and makes a hole leading to the caverns)
Salim Al-Kupar: Oh, if only I had a magic lamp, I would wish for this job to be over!
Bentley (binocucom): Whoa! Those are some giant diablo scorpions! Nasty! You probably just want to avoid them. But destroying those nesting mounds will clear them out. Keep moving forward and you should reach the base of the tower.
(Salim sticks his hand on something while crawling to the next area)
Salim Al-Kupar: Oh no! I just stuck my hand in- Uggh!
Salim Al-Kupar: Shall I bring you back some scorpions, Bentley? They taste just like chicken.
Bentley (binocucom): No thanks. I'm trying to cut back.
Bentley (binocucom): Keep going, Salim. The tower entry point is just above your current position.
(Salim makes his way to the tower)
Bentley (binocucom): Alright Salim, you're in! Now you just have to make your way to the top of the tower.
Salim Al-Kupar: Of course, climbing. My favorite.
Bentley (binocucom): I don't see an access point, but that lever looks worth investigating. And be careful not to stir up the scorpion nests in here.
Salim Al-Kupar: I would much rather be riding a camel with three humps.
Salim Al-Kupar: A thousand thank yous once again for this most excellent idea.
Salim Al-Kupar: Oh, cobras in baskets. The perfect gift.
Salim Al-Kupar: All these blades and traps. Just what an old thief wants to see.
Salim Al-Kupar: Ahh. At least this lucky fellow is getting some rest.
Bentley (binocucom): You're almost there!
Bentley (binocucom): Just a little further.
(Salim makes it to the top of the tower)
Bentley (binocucom): Your friend is in a kind of hypnotic trance. The strange sonic frequency modulations emitted by that device are causing it. I've seen this type of thing once before, on a mission in Prague, but this is on a whole new level: Mind control by music! It's genius! Uh, well, evil genius.
Salim Al-Kupar: Then all hope is lost.
Bentley (binocucom): No, we just need to disable the device before freeing him, but we have to proceed carefully or we risk turning his brain into jelly.
Salim Al-Kupar: What is this "jelly"?
Bentley (binocucom): Oh uh, Sort of like baba ghanoush or hummus, but fruity.
Salim Al-Kupar: Ugh!
Bentley (binocucom): Exactly. Just get me a closer look at that thing so I can turn it off.
Bentley (binocucom): Great, Salim. I'll take it from here.
(Bentley disables the device, turning it off)
Salim Al-Kupar: My brother. Are you alright?
The Panther: Oh. My head. Where am I?
Salim Al-Kupar: You have been imprisoned, hypnotized, and compelled to create forgeries by that evil elephant. But I have freed you from her mesmerizing music. With, you know, some assistance.
The Panther: That's nice. I'm hungry. Did you bring me anything to eat? Perhaps some nice roasted scorpion tails? Maybe some camel milk?
Salim Al-Kupar: Amazing. I climb halfway to the stars to rescue you, and you expect camel milk? Why do I bother.
Copy Cats[]
Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Murray. The thief known as "the Tiger" is being held inside that taxi shop. My data shows the interior is small, but well reinforced. Also there don't appear to be any guards inside at the moment. I think this one's pretty straightforward. You and Sly go in through the front door. After that, your muscle should be enough to handle the situation.
Murray: No problem, Bentley! My mighty biceps are itching to go to work!
(Sly and Murray enter the taxi shop)
Murray: Whoa! He's right there! This is gonna be easier than taking pizza from a baby!
Sly Cooper: I think you mean candy, buddy.
Murray: Oh yeah! I love candy.
Sly Cooper: I think we need to be careful here, Murray. Something feels off.
Murray: Uh-oh!
(The wall opens revealing a secret entrance)
Murray: Whoa!
Sly Cooper: Murray! Look out!
Murray: That was awesome! Right, Sly? Sly? Where are you, buddy?
Sly Cooper: I'm over here, Murray!
Murray: Hey Sly, where are we?
Sly Cooper: I'm not sure pal. But it looks like we found the secret entrance to something.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, Murray! Come in! Are you there?
Sly Cooper: Bentley, I think you're breaking up.
Murray: Sly, I don't think I can get over this wall.
Sly Cooper: Yeah. I was thinking the same thing. And we seem to have lost the binocucom link with Bentley. Don't worry. Let's just keep moving forward. There's bound to be a way out around here somewhere.
Murray: Hey Sly. I see some kind of weird switch up here. I'm gonna give it a try.
Sly Cooper: Go for it pal. I'm kinda stuck right now anyway.
(Murray pulls the switch and raises a boat)
Murray: Yes! The Murray's strength knows no bounds!
Murray: Sly, there's some kind of whirly blade gizmo in my way! If I get any closer, it's gonna turn me into hippo burgers.
Sly Cooper: Okay, Murray. Let me see if I can do something from my end.
Sly Cooper: Time to break out that sword.
(Sly finds a gear and uses the sword to cut it)
Sly Cooper: I hope that helps Murray out.
Murray: Great! Time to inflict my fists on that trap!
- Forget it, sharks! The "Murray" is not on the menu!
- Sorry, sharks! The "Murray's" nobody's free lunch!
- Get lost, sharks! The "Murray" ain't fish food!
- Uh-oh! Those sharks look as hungry as me!
Murray: I should take those cannons out first.
- This cannon is awesome! I'm gonna mount one on the van! Maybe two!
- Concentrate on the targets!
- I'll show those chumps how to use a cannon!
- Time to drop some cannonballs on this problem!
(If the cannon overheats)
- Whoa!
- Uh oh!
- Shoot! Gotta be careful with this thing!
- Aw, crud!
(When Murray destroys a cannon tower)
- Don't these guys know that the "Murray", plus a cannon, equals destruction?
- That was too easy!
- Oh yeah! The "Murray" is a cannon crusher!
- Feel the firepower of the "Murray"!
(Murray destroys the cannons)
Murray: The "Murray" is a machine!
Sly Cooper: Way to go, big guy! I'll meet you on the other side.
Murray: Aww nuts! Another one of those annoying, spinny things. I'll have to wait for Sly.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, come in! Over!
Sly Cooper: Bentley! Nice of you to join us.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, are you and Murray alright? Something knocked out communications. Did you take a fall?
Sly Cooper: Sort of. It's a long story… but are you seeing what I'm seeing?
Bentley (binocucom): Yeah. It's amazing isn't it?
Sly Cooper: It sure is. I can't wait to–
Bentley (binocucom): Too bad you can't touch it.
Sly Cooper: Wait, what?!
Bentley (binocucom): Sorry, Sly. If you touch anything, you're going to alert the guards! Just stepping on those coins could do it. You need to leave this treasure alone, and don't forget to use Salim's outfit to navigate the trickier jumps.
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, that priceless treasure is Sinbad's legendary goblet! History tells us it was recovered by your ancestor: Henrietta "One-Eyed" Cooper, the famous female pirate. But not until the year 1616. Taking it now could cause any number of anomalies to the time continuum and the Cooper timeline. You might even prevent yourself from becoming a thief.
Sly Cooper: Woah! Point taken.
(Sly finds another gear and destroys it)
Sly Cooper: Murray should be good to go!
Murray: Sweet, sweet destruction!
Bentley (binocucom): Murray, you never cease to amaze me.
Murray: Alright!
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, you should have a direct path at this point. We need to move fast after all this commotion. You get to the Tiger, and I'll find Murray a route out of these caverns.
Bentley (binocucom): Uh, Sly, that ship looks very unstable.
Sly Cooper:
- Easy. You don't wanna become shark bait, Sly.
- Jeez. Those sharks look as hungry as Murray.
- Well, at least these sharks don't have laser beams.
Bentley (binocucom): I think you better step on it, Sly! That ship is starting to sink!
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, that ship is definitely sinking! Get moving!
(Sly makes it to the Tiger)
Sly Cooper: Man. This guy looks like Murray that time he won that burrito eating contest. That's a bad memory.
Bentley (binocucom): Ugh! I couldn't ride in the van for months. Although this is reminding me more of the time when Murray was brainwashed by The Contessa. However, this machine is using some kind of music to adjust his brainwaves and control his behavior! It's fascinating! In a completely obscene bad guy kind of way of course.
Sly Cooper: Well, I wouldn't mind having one of these to control Murray's appetite.
Bentley (binocucom): According to my readings, it's too risky to just disconnect him. He might never come out of the trance. I need you to examine the device, so I can hack it and shut it off.
Bentley (binocucom): Good job, Sly. Time for me to open up a can of whoop-ASCII.
(Bentley hacks and disable the machine)
The Tiger: Oooh. My head is spinning like a dust devil. Who are you?
Sly Cooper: Relax, pal. I'm a friend of Salim's.
The Tiger: Ah Salim. Did he give you anything for me? Like all the money he owes me for betting on the camel races?
Sly Cooper: Uh, sorry. You'll have to take that up with him.
The Tiger: I most certainly will!
Up in Smoke[]
Bentley: Sly, this is going to get dicey. Security has definitely been beefed up! Those turrets are too well protected to attack directly. Ordinarily I'd hack the security system, but that might take some time and we need to hurry! There's no telling when Miss Decibel might move "the Lion" again. This may be our only chance!
Sly Cooper: So, what are you thinking Bentley?
Bentley: I think we need to use some smoke and mirrors. Uh minus the mirrors.
Sly Cooper: Meaning...
Bentley: I'll use the RC Chopper to drop smoke bombs at strategic points. Which should keep the turrets from seeing you. Then since Salim knows this city like the back of his hand, he can guide you to a secure location.
Sly Cooper: Hopefully, he's had his nap today.
Bentley: Just make sure you get to a safe spot before the smoke clears. Otherwise, you're gonna be missile bait!
(Bentley launches the RC Chopper)
Bentley: I can drop smoke bombs with the Button and boost my speed with the
(The first turret launches missiles)
Sly Cooper: Alright, Bentley. Bombs away.
(If the chopper gets hit by a missile)
- They're all over me!
- Don't these guys ever run out of ammo?
- Yikes! Didn't see that one!
- Ouch! These things are fast!
- Stay on target, Bentley!
- Come one baby, hold together!
- Dang it!
- Gotta turn faster!
- I hate mines.
- OH!!!
(When Bentley drops a smoke bomb)
- Right on target!
- Talk about a smoke break!
- How do you like them smoke signals?
- Bombs away!
- Nailed it!
- Direct hit!
- Air bail!
- Look out below!
- Oh yeah! Right on the button!
- That'll smoke 'em out!
Sly Cooper: Good job, Bentley.
Bentley (binocucom): Okay Sly, it's all you!
Sly Cooper: Okay, Salim, we're on.
Salim Al-Kupar: Follow me closely and don't fall behind.
Sly Cooper: Don't worry about me. I'll be right on your tail.
Bentley: The speed boost will get me out of trouble and away from enemy attacks.
Sly Cooper: Give me some cover, pal!
Bentley (binocucom): Alright, it's go time, Sly!
Sly Cooper: Age before beauty.
Salim Al-Kupar: No, no, no. You mean wisdom before youth.
Bentley (binocucom): Would you two get going?!
Sly Cooper: Just waiting on the wise guy, Bentley.
Sly Cooper: Time for the smoke, buddy!
Bentley (binocucom): This is it, Sly! The Lion's just ahead!
Sly Cooper: Open sesame!
Salim Al-Kupar: That outfit makes you a better thief, Sly, not a genie. Now why don't you help me with this door?
Sly Cooper: Close sesame!
Salim Al-Kupar: Eh. So you got lucky.
Sly Cooper: Whew! The stench in here is making my eyes water! I feel sorry for your friend. That Decibel is really cruel.
Salim Al-Kupar: Well, unfortunately, that might be the Lion's socks. He always hated doing laundry.
Sly Cooper: Oh! Well, maybe she was just protecting her sense of smell.
Bentley (binocucom):
- Okay Sly. Get to that device so I can free this guy.
- Let me in, Sly. Time to drop some ones and zeros on that thing.
- Sly, link me to the device! I'm about to explode some code!
Bentley (binocucom): OK, Sly. stand back and watch me work my hacking magic.
(The last device is turned off)
The Lion: Whoa. I had a terrible nightmare. I was being charmed, like a snake, and could not break free.
Salim Al-Kupar: That was no nightmare. my friend.
The Lion: Salim. You were in my dream too. You brought me many delicious snacks.
Sly Cooper: What is with you guys and all the food?
The Lion: Salim, who is this insolent pup?
Salim Al-Kupar: Don't worry about him. He is a friend who helped rescue you. in fact, He... is my assistant.
Sly Cooper: Assistant? What are you talking about?
Bentley (binocucom): Psst. Sly, play along. It's better if less people know what's going on anyway.
Sly Cooper: Great. It's going to be a long day.
Bentley (binocucom): Oh! And don't forget what's left of that device Sly. I'm almost done with a little invention of my own.
Heavy Metal Meltdown[]
Bentley (binocucom): Alright Salim. I've disabled the security system in the village, but Miss Decibel has retreated to her private office above the library. We need to get in there so we can plant a bug and find out what's going on. However, my schematics show the building is heavily secured, and it appears someone only with your climbing ability can gain access.
Salim Al-Kupar: I do not understand. How will putting an insect in there tells us anything? At most, it will just annoy her!
Bentley (binocucom): No, not that kind of bug! This is a small device that can transmit sound, so we can listen to her conversations.
Salim Al-Kupar: Oh! Does it also bite?
Bentley (binocucom): Look, don't worry about the bug! Right now, I need you to find a way into that study so you can let me in. I'll take over from there.
Salim Al-Kupar: Alright Bentley. I will find a way inside while you play with your bug.
(Salim enters the office through a window)
Bentley: Okay Salim. I need you to plant that bug in Miss Decibel's office, but first we need to get her out of there. I've reprogrammed those transmitters she was using on your friends with some new music. Once you place them around the room and I activate them, she's gonna come running.
Salim Al-Kupar: How do you know this?
Bentley: Because she happens to be a music snob. And I'm about to give her a dose of something she can't stand: Good old rock and roll!
Salim Al-Kupar: I do not care for rocks and rolling either.
Bentley: No it's... never mind. Just get those transmitters in place.
Salim Al-Kupar:
- First bugs, now transmitters. Why do I have to carry all of these things? Do I look like a camel?
- Who stacked these books? This place needs a new librarian.
- How could anyone read this many books? Just thinking about it gives me a headache.
- What is that racket? She calls that music?
- I wonder if they have any good cookbooks in here?
Salim Al-Kupar: Why did my skill have to be climbing? Why not sleeping?
Bentley (binocucom): Good job, Salim. One down, two to go!
Salim Al-Kupar: All this climbing is going to turn me into a monkey.
Salim Al-Kupar: Gaah! These chains would not hold a meerkat!
Bentley (binocucom): Alright! Just one more transmitter!
Salim Al-Kupar: Yes, yes! There is always one more thing! Is there not?
Salim Al-Kupar: These chains break so easily. Maybe I need to go on a diet. Unthinkable.
Bentley (binocucom): Perfect, Salim! I'll take it from here.
Salim Al-Kupar: There! I hope you are happy! Please, just tell me there are no snakes involved?
Bentley: Once I activate those transmitters with my darts, Miss Decibel will be dancing to a different tune!
Bentley: Okay, the old dart gun is ready for action!
- Bingo! Right on target.
- Yes! A direct hit!
Bentley: Scorpions? Get back, you pests!
Bentley: The transmitter's in that corner, but it's blocked. I need to find a spot where I can see it.
(When Decibel hears a bomb)
Miss Decibel:
- Cyrille? Cyrille, is that you?
- What was that noise?
- I can hear something scurrying around!
- Now what was that?
- I definitely heard something!
- I know you're there, whoever you are!
- If someone is there, you come out this instant!
(When sees nothing)
Miss Decibel:
- I do wish Cyrille would hurry back.
- My ears must be playing tricks on me.
- Oh. It must be this creaky old building.
- Oh bother! I'm probably just being paranoid.
- I'm so jumpy lately. I need a...a cup of tea.
- I certainly hope it wasn't a...mouse!
- That wretched Cooper gang is fraying my nerves.
(If Salim or Bentley get caught)
Miss Decibel: I should've known it was you hideous hoodlums!
Bentley: I better be careful. Decibel is right there.
Bentley: Slow and steady, Bentley.
Bentley: I need to get to that corner shelf to have a clear shot at that transmitter.
Bentley: Nailed it! Time to turn up the volume!
Bentley: Alright, now I just have to activate those transmitters and get this party started.
(Bentley on the playing rock n roll music)
Miss Decibel: My goodness, that awful screeching! It can't be... rock and roll! (screaming) Must destroy!
Bentley: Okay Salim, shake a leg! Plant that bug!
Salim Al-Kupar: By the desert winds! She is making the ground shake like an earthquake!
Salim Al-Kupar: I hope your plan will work. Otherwise, I will be flattened like pita bread!
Miss Decibel:
- Intolerable trash!
- Revolting rubbish!
- Noise pollution!
- Nauseating refuse!
- Horrendous hogwash!
Bentley: Great work! She'll never guess there's a bug in that statue of her boyfriend.
Bentley (binocucom): Okay Salim, the bug is active! Now make tracks and fast!
All Rolled Up[]
- Bentley Chalk-Talk
Bentley: Okay! Thanks to our bug in Miss Decibel's office, we now have all the information we need! It appears she has been producing counterfeit documents for Le Paradox, creating a false family history that will make him an esteemed member of royalty in the present day! I've managed to inspect some of the documentation, and believe me, if we allow him to get away with this, his wealth and power will make him untouchable! I believe he is planning this to be his last and greatest caper! The key to stopping him begins with us getting through that security door in the lamp shop. I haven't been able to discover what's behind it, but we know that's where Decibel will deliver the papers to Le Paradox. However, since we don't want to announce our presence, we need a diversion for the guards. So, I've taken the liberty of fashioning an outfit for Carmelita, who will use it to lure the guards away from their posts by, uh... performing a belly dance.
Carmelita Fox: What?
Sly Cooper: Possibly your best plan ever Bentley.
Bentley: I'm sorry I didn't ask, Carmelita, but you're the only one who can pull this off.
Murray: Uh, Bentley, I-I can do it.
Carmelita Fox: I am not getting into that outfit.
Bentley: I realize it's a bit revealing, but think of it as going undercover.
Carmelita Fox: Bentley...!
Murray: I'm positive the "Murray" could squeeze into that thing.
Sly Cooper: Hey, Carmelita, you should model that outfit for us, to make sure it fits.
Carmelita Fox: Shut up, Ringtail! I'm only doing this for the team.
Murray: Listen, silk is very elastic.
Bentley: Alright, let's move out! We don't have any time to waste!
- End of Chalk-Talk
Bentley: Okay, Carmelita. We need you to distract those guards and get them away from that door!
Sly Cooper: Yeah! Bust a move, Carmelita!
Carmelita Fox: How about I bust your face, Cooper?
Bentley: We're counting on you, Carmelita. Meet us inside once you can lose the guards.
Carmelita Fox: Bentley, you owe me BIG TIME for this one...
Carmelita Fox: Hey, you big apes!
Carmelita Fox: Yoo-hoo! Over here! You dumb knuckle draggers!
("Moovin' Out" plays.)
(While the guards watch Carmelita, Murray goes up to the door)
Carmelita Fox: This is the worst undercover assignment ever.
(Sly then goes to the door)
Carmelita Fox: Thank goodness Interpol will never know about this.
(Bentley then goes to the door)
Carmelita Fox: Someday, I will get Bentley back for this.
Carmelita Fox: Aye. These baboons need a bath, maybe two baths.
(Finally, Salim goes to the door)
Carmelita Fox: Come on! How many Cooper Gang members does it take to open a door?
(Randomly said during the dance.)
Carmelita Fox:
- I guess that wasn't too bad.
- Okay, baboons. Don't turn around. Keep looking this way.
- I am still not letting Bentley off the hook.
- Great! Looks like it worked.
- Yes! I can't wait to get out of this costume.
(If Carmelita fails shaking her belly)
Carmelita Fox:
- Come on, Carmelita. Concentrate!
(Sly, Bentley, Murray and Salim manage to open the door.)
Salim Al-Kupar: Sly, I am thinking I should go no further. I have passed my greatest wisdom onto you, the last of my friends are now retired, and I have had enough snakes and scorpions and climbing for three lifetimes. Besides, I was thinking someone should watch over Carmelita to make sure she is safe.
Sly Cooper: Alright, Salim. We couldn't have made it this far without you, but I think we can handle it from here. You've definitely earned your retirement. Go enjoy it... and the belly dancing.
Salim Al-Kupar: Thank you. I will!
Murray: (groaning and sighs) Whoa...
Sly Cooper: You said it, pal.
Bentley: This is definitely... more than I was expecting... an underground docking station for Le Paradox's blimp. No wonder we haven't seen that thing flying around.
Sly Cooper: So, what's our next move, Bentley?
Bentley: Well, we first need something to distract those guards so I can get to that control room! I whipped up a surprise for Miss Decibel with the leftover material from Carmelita's outfit, but I think it might work better here.
Murray: Finally! Just point me in the direction of the changing room and... What the...?!
Bentley: Perfect. I can use the security cameras to guide the RC car.
(When driving the RC car towards the guards.)
Bentley (binocucom): Go mouse, go!
(When luring the guards to the vents.)
Bentley (binocucom):
- I can't let those goons catch me!
- I just need to stay ahead of these guys.
- C'mon, little mouse car!
- The vent's just ahead!
(Once inside the vents.)
Bentley (binocucom): So long, slowpoke! Now, where is that power source?
Bentley (binocucom): Geez! Even the vents have security?
Bentley (binocucom): Scorpions, too? This is ridiculous!
Bentley (binocucom): Yikes! I'll need to take out those fans to keep going!
Bentley (binocucom): That's one fan down!
Bentley (binocucom): I should use the boost to get past these lasers.
Bentley (binocucom): Scratch another fan!
Bentley (binocucom): Sheesh! Who puts lasers in an air vent?
Bentley (binocucom): The boost would really come in handy here.
Bentley (binocucom): This vent is no match for the mouse mobile!
Bentley (binocucom): Are these scorpions immune to lasers?
Bentley (binocucom): That power source must be close by.
Bentley (binocucom): There it is! Time to shut it down!
Bentley (binocucom): Stay on target, Bentley! Stay on target!
Bentley (binocucom): And that's goodbye, power supply!
(End of RC car segment.)
Bentley: Alright! The coast is clear to the control room!
(Before reaching the control room.)
- I'll have to hack the controls to open that gate.
- I should head to the control room to turn off that gate.
(When Bentley comes across a guard still stuck in an air vent)
Bentley: Oh, looks like he won't be bothering us.
Bentley: Time to show this security system who's boss.
(After the hack is complete.)
Bentley: Password, way too easy, overwriting security, power grid, rerouting, accessing laser network, pc load letter... Shut down in 3, 2, 1... Yes!
(The laser gate turns off, but suddenly comes back on)
Sly Cooper: Uh, Bentley, what just happened?
Bentley (binocucom): I'm not sure! I must've tripped some kind of fail-safe backup! Hold on a sec!
Sly Cooper: Murray, we can't wait on Bentley! We won't get past those security cannons, and those rat troopers look serious!
Sly Cooper: Murray, remember to use the Button to stomp and pick up things! Use the
Button to toss those rats, pal!
Murray: All right! Time to kick some rodent butt!
(When a cannon is damaged)
Sly Cooper:
- You nailed it, big guy!
- Great, Murray! Keep it up!
- Nice arm, Murray!
- Eat that, cannon thingy!
(Just then, Le Paradox shows)
Cyrille Le Paradox: Ah, the three musketeers! One step behind as usual. May you never change!
Sly Cooper: And may you always stay downwind.
Cyrille Le Paradox: Ah Cooper. You're so pathetic. You don't even realize you've already lost!
Sly Cooper: We haven't lost yet, Le Paradox!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Oh no? Bonjour, my large friend! What took you so long?
(We see Miss Decible carrying an unconscious Salim)
Bentley: Oh drat...
Sly Cooper: Salim!
Miss Decibel: Hello, Cyrille. I found this filthy, old scoundrel unconscious outside.
Cyrille Le Paradox: Actually, he's yesterday's trash, precisely why I threw him away.
Miss Decibel: But I don't understand. I thought... you were after him.
Cyrille Le Paradox: You're right. You don't understand. I don't care about that old bag of bones, just his cane! Which as you can see, I already have!
Murray: Uh-oh...
Bentley: Double drat!
Miss Decibel: Well... good. Then our deal is complete! I'm coming aboard. Hold that blimp!
Cyrille Le Paradox: So sorry, Chérie, but with monsieur Cooper here, I'm afraid the schedule has changed, and I must make my exit now. I cannot risk that flea-bitten rat ruining my plans!
(Le Paradox's prepares to take off)
Miss Decibel: Wait! Cyrille, wait for me!
Murray: He's got the cane!
Bentley: He's got the documents! Sly, if they return to the present and Le Paradox establishes a royal ancestry for himself, all of our futures are in peril! You've got to stop them!
Sly Cooper: How's Salim?
Salim Al-Kupar: I tried... to stop him.
Bentley: He'll be fine, Sly! Right now, you've got to stop that pachyderm!
Sly Cooper: I'm on it!, like stink on a skunk!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Hello, Cooper. How do you like my new toy?
Sly Cooper: Well, the face is just as ugly, but at least it doesn't smell.
Miss Decibel: Don't leave yet! This is your fault, Cooper!
Miss Decibel: I will orchestrate your demise!
(During the fight.)
Bentley (binocucom): Sly, those containers look fragile. You'll need to find a way to across before they break!
Sly Cooper:
- I can't tell if she's playing badly or having a seizure.
- Hey, blow harder! You might get the thing out of your trunk!
- So, this is classical music. Classically bad.
- This reminds me of the time Murray took up opera singing.
- Wow! This sounds worse than Murray's snoring.
- This is definitely the worst concert I've ever been to.
- What's that? I can't hear you over this horrible racket!
- This takes tone deaf to a whole new level.
- Look out! You're gonna sprain your trunk!
- How can you stand to listen to yourself with those ears?
- I'm gonna need an eardrum transplant after this.
- I hope she never decides to release an album.
- She really puts the "harm" in harmony.
- Doesn't she ever run out of wind?
- Was your music teacher deaf by any chance?
(When Decibel jumps in the air and prepares to slam down.)
Miss Decibel: This is your funeral march!
Bentley (binocucom):
- You better slow things down! It looks like she's going to jump!
- Look out! She's gonna jump!
- Watch it! She's jumping!
(Sly lands a few hits on her and she flees too the next platform)
Miss Decibel: Try dancing to this!
Bentley (binocucom): Those energy chords are deadly, Sly! Stay away from them!
(When Sly is on the first musical ribbon.)
Cyrille Le Paradox:
- The melody is so catching! Heh heh.
- Watch out! This song is really killer!
- She's quite a musician, isn't she?
- And the band plays on! Eh, Cooper?
- Look at the time! I don't think either of you is going to make this flight!
- How do you like this tune, Cooper?
- Keep dancing! (laughs)
- You'll never make it, Cooper!
- Time to face the music, Cooper! (laughs)
(Sly lands some more hits then she moves to the next platform)
Miss Decibel:
- I'm coming, my pet.
- Wait for me!
- I'm almost there!
- Oh, just hold on!
- Yoo-hoo! Cyrille!
- I'll be there shortly!
Cyrille Le Paradox:
- How amusing. The tiny rat is chasing the big cheese.
- Cherie! If you want a ride, you need to defeat that little rodent!
- Please stop this fooling around and smash that raccoon!
- Crush Cooper, and end this now!
- I might wait, if you hurry up and destroy that raccoon!
- Cherie, stop flapping your arms like a goose and get Cooper!
- I hear you, Cherie! But I can't help you with Cooper still around!
- Sorry, Cooper. You're out of time!
- Destroy that raccoon!
- Crush him!
- Exterminate the rat!
- Stop that swine once and for all!
- Smash him!
- Squash him!
- Defeat is inevitable, Cooper!
- Get that pathetic pest!
- You're finished, Cooper!
- Just sit on it, Cherie!
- Could you not hurry this up a bit my dear?
Bentley (binocucom):
- Sly, try cutting that chain!
- Use the sword, Sly!
Cyrille Le Paradox: I love the sword! When you're dead, I'm going to add it to my collection.
Sly Cooper: Why don't you come and face me, and I can deliver it personally.
Cyrille Le Paradox: I can hardly wait to get my hands on your cane too, Cooper!
Sly Cooper: Dream on, pal!
Cyrille Le Paradox:
- Why is it so hard to find good help? And can't anyone get the job done?! I really need to start hiring a better class of criminals.
- Aggh, this is so annoying. Why are we still here? I knew I should have gotten an early start today. Stupid blimp takes too long to warm up!
Cyrille Le Paradox:
- Oops! Looks like they're breaking!
- Careful, Cooper! It's a long way down! (laughs)
- Watch your step, Cooper!
- Ah-hah! You're hopping around like a stupid insect!
- What will you do now?
- Sooner or later, your luck is going to run out, Cooper!
Cyrille Le Paradox:
- Blasted Cooper imbeciles. Can't they just accept defeat gracefully? No matter. Once I get back to Paris, they'll all be in for a nasty surprise. (laughs then coughs)
- I should have known better than to work with an elephant. They have to remember everything. Everything! Never again!
- These two are so slow. It's like watching wihinige! Why can't they just both fall and save me the trouble?
Bentley (binocucom): Careful, Sly! That song can kill!
Miss Decibel: Oh, why won't you leave us alone?!
Miss Decibel: You little fleabag!
Miss Decibel: I'll squash you like a hairy bug!
Bentley (binocucom):
- Sly, those towers are electrifying! Use them.
- Sly, use those radar dishes!
- Get her to charge into the dishes, Sly!
- Use the radar dishes to zap her, Sly!
- Use her charge to take out those towers!
(When Decibel is about to charge)
Bentley (binocucom):
- Look out, Sly! She's charging!
- Sly, It looks like she's going to charge!
- I didn't think an elephant can move that fast!
(When an antenna is destroyed)
Cyrille Le Paradox:
- No! You're damaging my blimp!
- Get Cooper, you incompetent fool!
- Are you blind?! Watch your big feet!
- Ahh! This is unbelievable! Are you a complete idiot?!
- This is ridiculous! He's right in front of you!
- Watch where you're going, you stupid elephant!
(After the fight ends.)
Cyrille Le Paradox: Well, it would seem this game is finished. How boring!
(Le Paradox pushes a button, causing the platform on the blimp to close and Decibel slides of the blimp, hanging on a rope)
Miss Decibel: Cyrille! Open the hatch! Let me in!
Cyrille Le Paradox: I... don't think so. You see, we have already reached maximum weight capacity. Perhaps due to my beautiful new guest!
(We see Le Paradox has kidnapped Carmelita)
Sly Cooper: Carmelita!
Carmelita Fox: Get your paws off me, you noxious windbag!
Miss Decibel: But we had a deal! I made you the documents, and you promised me the lost masterpieces! Mozart! Beethoven! Romantic nights on the Rivera!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Yes, well, thank you so much for my papers, but it wouldn't have worked out between us. I'm just not into big noses, and as for your music... Hmm, how can I put this? It stinks worse than I do! (laughs)
Miss Decibel: Why, you filthy, backstabbing, two-timing scoundrel!!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Haha, flattery will get you nowhere. And as for you, Cooper, don't even think about trying anything. Otherwise, we're going to find out if your girlfriend can fly. I don't see any wings, do you?
Carmelita Fox: Touch me again, and I'll break both your arms! Sly!
Sly Cooper: Don't worry, Carmelita. This isn't over.
Cyrille Le Paradox: Isn't it? In fact, I believe there is a perfect saying for this situation... The fat lady, she has sung. Hahahahahaha! Au revoir, Sly Cooper!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Ah well. C'est la vie.
Hold... That... Blimp! (The Getaway)[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): We may have stopped Miss Decibel, but it meant absolutely nothing. We were on the ropes. Le Paradox had beaten us every step of the way, and he held all the cards. Carmelita, my ancestors' canes and now his fake pedigree. I couldn't remember a time since we've teamed up that we felt so defeated. And talking to Dimitri didn't help. He was freaked out and yelling about having to "Boogie down in Skunktown." So as usual, his words made little sense. But the message was clear: we had to get back home fast. We may have been down, but we definitely weren't out. There was too much writing on this: The lives of everyone we care about, not to mention the very future of our existence. No matter how, we would make things right. So, as we roared back through time to Paris, I knew we were in for the fight of our lives.
Family Misfortunes (The Setup)[]
Sly Cooper (narrating): We've finally made it home to Paris, only to find a place we hardly recognize. It was obvious Le Paradox was now in control since his face covered the city like a bad rash. The only positive was that Bentley was able to dig up a lot of dirt, including the fact that Le Paradox was from a family of thieves himself. And then we made a major discovery. I knew that my dad's heist of the World's Largest Diamond had made him a legendary thief, but what I never knew was that Le Paradox's father had planned to steal it first, and frame my dad for the crime! Only, he was a little too slow. He got himself caught instead. With his father gone, Le Paradox had no one to teach him the family business, and after a string of failed jobs, he wound up in prison too. It was here ironically that he finally got his criminal education. After his release, Le Paradox maintained the appearance of a law abiding citizen. In reality, he used his prison contacts to form his own syndicate and began masterminding heists worldwide. These days, he traveled the globe as a billionaire art collector while his real business was the trafficking of priceless stolen treasures. Clearly, he blamed the Coopers for his family's past misfortunes and his plan was to wipe us out completely. I had to find a way to stop him. But first, I had to rescue Carmelita.
Deja Vu All Over Again![]
Bentley Chalk Talk
Bentley: Alright, we all know this is our last shot at stopping Le Paradox and rescuing Carmelita. Currently, his blimp is docked outside the museum. I can't pinpoint Carmelita's exact position, but I believe she's being held somewhere near the loading bay. Sly, there appears to be a utility hatch on the blimp's underside that will get you inside. You can use one of the mooring lines to reach it. Once you're in, try to gather as much information as you can. But remember, we'll be right behind you. So don't do anything rash. Murray, I need you to get the van ready. We're gonna need backup for this one. So first, you and I are going on a little recruiting trip. Then we'll rendezvous with Sly inside the blimp and figure out our next move. Okay, I realize it's not the most elaborate plan, but it's the best we've got. So everybody watch your backs and let's go take that skunk down once and for all!
Sly Cooper: Okay Bentley, I'm in. I can see Carmelita.
Bentley (binocucom): Just hold on Sly! We're almost there! You know it's a set up!
Sly Cooper: I know, pal. But I don't have a choice. Just get here as fast as you can!
(Sly runs over to Carmelita)
Sly Cooper: Carmelita!
Carmelita Fox: Sly, no! Aaahh!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Ha ha! Two rats in one trap! I knew you could not resist Cooper! You are so predictable.
Sly Cooper: Oh yeah? Well how's this for a prediction: I'm gonna kick that stripe right off your tail!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Yes, yes. And now come the big threats from the little man. As I said, predictable.
Carmelita Fox: Let us out! You afraid of a fair fight coward?
Cyrille Le Paradox: No, no, no. I don't think so. I have something special planned for you two. It is how do you say? A going away party.
(Le Paradox take the two with him. Meanwhile, Bentley and Murray arrive along with the ancestors)
Bentley: Okay, listen up! You all know why you're here! We have to find your canes and get you back where you belong, now! If we don't, we'll never be able to repair the damage Le Paradox has done!
Murray: What about Sly?
Bentley: He's on his own for now, Murray. But I'm sure he'll be fine. It's Sly. Rioichi, you're up first. My readings show your cane is somewhere in this room.
Rioichi Cooper: I can sense it too, Bentley-san.
Bentley: If you want to fight, Rioichi, you'd better find your cane!
Cyrille Le Paradox (speaker):
- Engineers, report to the bridge. It is time to calibrate the machine.
- Security, I want this ship secure now! Any more slip ups and there will be no cheese rations for a month!
- Guards! Rid this blimp of raccoons!
- Why don't you come find me, Coopers. So I can eliminate you in person!
- Guards! Rid this blimp of the Cooper gang!
- You know I find your optimism quite charming.
- Finally I have triumphed! This one is for you, papa.
- All crew on full alert! I want our little problem taken care of now!
- Engineering, where are you? If you're not here in thirty seconds, it's your tails!
- Security, set the lock! No one gets to the bridge.
- Yes! Do hurry, Coopers! You don't want to miss the final act!
- It is too late, Coopers! Your legacy ends tonight! (laughs)
- Attention, crew. Keep your beady eyes open. We can't afford any screwups!
- Attention, kitchen. Begin preparations. And no, I don't want a cheese cake.
Bentley: Rat troopers at twelve o'clock!
Cyrille Le Paradox (speaker): This is Le Paradox. After I dispose of the trash, we will be having a celebration party. Attending is mandatory!
Murray: What does it all mean, Bentley?
Bentley: Murray, it means we're about to crash someone's party!
Bentley: No time for a break, guys! We have to keep moving!
Bentley: There's Bob's cane! Looks like this one is all you, Rioichi.
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: Thanks for the help!
Rioichi Cooper: It is my pleasure, my most hairy ancestor.
Cyrille Le Paradox (speaker): Can you hear me, turtle? You and your vermin friends are too late! (laughs)
Bentley: Okay, Le Paradox is gearing up for something! We need to hurry! Keep moving, Rioichi!
Rioichi Cooper: If the problem has a solution, then worrying is pointless. It will be solved.
(Rioichi reaches Bob's cane)
Bentley: Great! Wait. Rioichi, I'm picking up an energy field shift. Centered on you.
Rioichi Cooper: Yes. I sense it is my time to go. It has been an honor meeting all of you. Sayonara.
Bentley: It's working! The temporal abnormality is correcting itself! Bob, we need you to get Salim's cane!
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: No problem! I'll get it as fast I can!
Cyrille Le Paradox (speaker): Why do you persist in playing a game, which you have already lost?
Carmelita Fox (speaker): You'll never win, Le Paradox!
Cyrille Le Paradox (speaker): I've already won! This is just the frosting!
Cyrille Le Paradox (speaker): Your determination is impressive, but ultimately pointless, Coopers.
Murray: What can we do, Bentley?
Bentley: We can help the ancestors get their canes, Murray! As fast as we can! Don't slow down, Bob!
(Bob reaches Salim's cane)
Bentley: Outstanding, Bob! Looks like you're heading home now! Watch out for those penguins!
Caveman "Bob" Cooper: Goodbye everyone! Take care my brothers!
Bentley: This is going well! But we're not out of the woods yet!
Cyrille Le Paradox (speaker): Le Paradox here. It's come to my attention that we have a pest infestation. Exterminate them immediately!
Bentley: We have to keep pushing!
Bentley: Salim, you're the only one who can reach Galleth's cane!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Forsooth! I would entrust this to no other!
Salim Al-Kupar: Ugh. Again with the climbing?
Bentley: Get going, Salim. We've got some planning to do.
Cyrille Le Paradox (speaker): Engineering, get me more power! I need to move up the schedule.
Bentley: What are you up to, Le Paradox? Salim, no time for napping! We need to step it up!
Salim Al-Kupar: Oh, more climbing! How nice.
(Salim reaches Galleth's cane)
Bentley: Very nice, Salim! You've definitely earned your retirement.
Sir Galleth Cooper: I salute your excellence, Sir Salim!
Bentley: Alright. Now that we got Mister Crankypants home safely, we need to press on!
Bentley: Galleth, we need your skills to get Tennessee's cane.
Sir Galleth Cooper: Verily shall it be in thine command hence and forthwith!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Uh, ya talk funnier than a two-headed jackalope, but thanks amigo.
Bentley: Galleth! Break those fuses to disable that laser grid!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Hmmph. These pitiful obstacles are but minor irritations.
Cyrille Le Paradox (speaker): Pathetic. Give up now while you still have some shred of dignity!
Carmelita Fox (speaker): You're going back to jail where you belong, Le Paradox!
Murray: That sounds bad, Bentley. You think it has anything to do with Sly?
Bentley: I don't know. But it doesn't sound good. We need to get to the bridge. Sir Galleth, time is definitely of the essence!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Forsooth! Shall I venture forward!
Bentley: More fuses, Galleth! Take them out and the path should be clear!
Sir Galleth Cooper: Fortune favors the bold. So boldly shall I attack!
Cyrille Le Paradox (speaker): Why are those thieves still on my airship? This is unacceptable! Have I mentioned this entire crew can be replaced?!
(Galleth reaches Tennessee's cane)
Bentley: Truly remarkable Galleth! This looks like farewell
Sir Galleth Cooper: Indeed! Once more unto the breach go I! Fare thee well, you all!
Bentley: More vermin, dead ahead!
Cyrille Le Paradox (speaker): Attention, crew. You rats had better do your job! Failure is not an option!
Carmelita Fox (speaker): Your time is up, Le Paradox!
Cyrille Le Paradox (speaker): But I control time! For me, it is never up!
Bentley: We're getting close guys!
Bentley: Those switches are completely out of our reach! Tennessee, this looks like a job for you!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Just what I was hopin' for, Bentley! I've been itchin' to get in on the action too!
Bentley: Come on, Kid! This is for all the marvels!
Bentley: Those platforms must have a switch somewhere.
Cyrille Le Paradox (speaker): Prepare yourselves for failure, Coopers.
Carmelita Fox (speaker): You should prepare yourself for prison!
Bentley: Those platforms appear to be on some kind of timer! You better move it!
Bentley: Hurry, Tennessee! It's all up to you now!
Cyrille Le Paradox (speaker):
- You may have gotten the canes, turtle, but it doesn't matter anymore!
- Yes! Soon Sly Cooper will be nothing but a bad memory. (laughs)
- I don't have time for this! Help me adjust the controls. Everything must be perfect for monsieur Cooper and his lady friend. (laughs)
- I'm sorry, Coopers. I can't wait any longer! Your friends die now!
- What are you doing? You rats are cretins! Get out there and get them now!
- Good. Increase power to maximum! We are going to need it all.
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Whoa!
Bentley (binocucom): Pay attention, Tennessee. You need to figure out that lock sequence.
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Reckon I oughta break out the ol' Crackshot here.
(Tennessee opens the door)
Bentley: Nice shooting! Now let's find Sly.
Cyrille Le Paradox: Ah! Alone at last. How cozy.
Carmelita Fox: You want cozy? I'm going to throw you and all your friends into the same prison cell!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Ah but no. It is the two of you of whom I am thinking, to be together. Forever. Just think of it as the most romantic coffin ever. (laughs)
Sly Cooper: Don't count on it Le Paradox! We've beaten all your other plans!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Ah but not this time I think. Look at this, my marvelous contraption: The Time Tunnel. Something else I had your little friend Penelope develop before her unfortunate failure. It's very much like the time machine no? With one important difference. From here, I have the control over where you go. And it's programed to send you and your Interpol shrew on an endless honeymoon...free of charge! Bouncing through time, for all eternity. That's if you survive the trip. But either way, I will never have to see your irritating faces again!
Carmelita Fox: You think this thing can hold me? Just wait until I get out of here!
Sly Cooper: Why'd you do it, Le Paradox? Why the ancestors? Why not just come after me?! What's the deal?
Cyrille Le Paradox: The deal?! The deal is you Coopers! You destroyed my father and you almost got me! But not quite. And when I rebuilt myself, I swore I would erase the Cooper name from history completely! And so today, my revenge will be complete! It is time now for you to go! Bon voyage!
Carmelita Fox: Sly?
(Tennessee shoots that the case freeing them)
Cyrille Le Paradox: Cooper you filthy vermin!
Tennessee "Kid" Cooper: Hoo-wee! Cut that closer than a ten dollar shave. Reckon my time here is up.
Bentley: Take care Tennessee!
Cyrille Le Paradox: I will crush you!
(Le Paradox tries to crush them, but destroys a piece of the Time Tunnel)
Cyrille Le Paradox: Noooooo!
Sly Cooper: Take Carmelita and get off this thing!
Bentley: We all need to leave right now! That maniac just tore a hole in timespace!
Sly Cooper: I need to finish this fight here and now. For the whole Cooper clan! And I'm the only one who can glide out of here.
Bentley: This whole blimp could disappear any second!
Sly Cooper: Right, so there's no time to argue! Just go!
Carmelita Fox: Sly. I-
Sly Cooper: I know. Me too.
(At the fight with Le Paradox)
Cyrille Le Paradox: Come, Cooper. I will teach you to fight like a gentleman.
Sly Cooper: And how would you know?
Cyrille Le Paradox: Ha! I'm going to save that Cooper tongue for last...after I cut the rest of you to pieces!
Cyrille Le Paradox and Sly Cooper:
- Your cane work is pitiful!/Not as pitiful as that mustache.
- It's too bad you didn't work for me. I could've used a thief like you./It wouldn't have worked out! I'm allergic to morons!
- You know, Cooper? When I'm done with you, I'm going to crush the rest of your little gang!/Only thing that's gonna get crushed is your ego!
Cyrille Le Paradox: What? You cheated!
Sly Cooper: What the?!
Cyrille Le Paradox: A lucky break, Cooper!
Sly Cooper: You'll be lucky if I only break your neck!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Come on, little monkey! I'm waiting for you!
Cyrille Le Paradox and Sly Cooper:
- Why don't you just give me your cane? And I'll make it painless for you./Why don't you come over here and take it!
- You can't win, Cooper. Deep down you know I'm superior./Wait, did you say "posterior"?
- You insolent worm! I'll teach you a lesson!/Uh-oh! Looks like somebody just lost his temper!
Cyrille Le Paradox: There is something wrong with this stupid sword!
Bentley: Sly, do you read me? Get out of there, Sly!
Sly Cooper: Where is that little weasel?
Cyrille Le Paradox: I know it's difficult, Cooper, but try to keep up!
Sly Cooper: This thing is coming apart at the seams!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Don't fall! Then I won't get the chance to kill you myself!
Sly Cooper: So before we finish this, let me get one thing straight! You came after the Coopers because of what happened to your father?!
Cyrille Le Paradox: No, you imbecile! I came after the Coopers to prove that Le Paradox is the greatest thief who has ever lived! Is there any doubt? Ask yourself this: If the Coopers were truly the greatest thieves in history, and I have stolen their most valued possessions, then what does that make me?
Sly Cooper: Um, an idiot! You had it made! You could have been the biggest thief of all time, but you had to target my ancestors and blow your own cover! You exposed your operation because of your ego! No Cooper would've done that! And for the record, can you really say you stole the canes? Seems like your "friends" did all the real work!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Enjoy your words, Cooper. Because they will be your last!
Cyrille Le Paradox and Sly Cooper:
- I detest you, Cooper! The very sight of you fills me with rage!/I thought we were gonna be pals!
- I tire of this charade, Cooper. There's just no point in this./Sure there is! It's right there on top of your head!
- Blasted imbecile! I'll run you through! /Now, now! Think of your blood pressure, Cyrille!
- Ready to meet your doom? It's time to end this!/I agree! But I'm not the one who's going down here!
Cyrille Le Paradox: This is not right! My plan was perfect!
Sly Cooper: Sorry, pal! You just can't plan for a Cooper!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Just... please! Help me...!
Sly Cooper: Why should I?
Cyrille Le Paradox: I do not wish to die!
Sly Cooper: I guess you won't be doing any harm in a prison cell.
(Sly pulls Le Paradox up, but steals Sly's backpack)
Cyrille Le Paradox: As I said, so predictable!
Sly Cooper: You won't get away with this! I'll find you!
Cyrille Le Paradox: Au contraire, Sly Cooper. I do not think we will meet again. (laughs)
(Le Paradox jumps off the blimp with Sly's Paraglider but hits a jet plane and falls in the water)
Where is Sly? (The Getaway / Ending)[]
Bentley (narrating): It's been a while since that night, but there's still no sign of Sly or that cursed blimp. The skunk can barely tread water. So by the time they picked him up, he was happy to see them. Word is, he earned a special cell in solitary confinement where the only thing he'll be collecting from now on is grey hair.
Bentley (narrating): Both Paris and the Thievius Raccoonus were back to normal, but that hardly made us feel any better. At first, we just waited, assuming Sly would show up the way he always did. But as the days stretched into weeks, we had to face the fact that he was truly lost. We've stopped talking about it all the time, but I know it's all we're thinking about. Even if we show it in different ways. Murray seems like his usual cheerful self, but I can tell there's a new level of seriousness underneath it all. He's on the professional wrestling circuit now and he's really been pushing himself. I know he's doing it to keep his fighting skills sharp. Like all of us, he wants to be ready for action the minute we locate Sly. Carmelita returned to Interpol where she threw herself into her work, busting criminals at a record pace. She's been so busy, I haven't seen her for a while now. My sources tell me, she's conducting her own investigation into Sly's whereabouts. Out of everyone, I think she took his disappearance the hardest. Even if she never shows it. At least not in public.
Bentley (narrating): As for myself, I continue to search. Even using all of my technology, I haven't got a clue. The time machine is no help since we need to know where Sly was for that to work. I get discouraged sometimes, but I'll never give up. Because I know Sly's out there and I know that wherever he is, we will find him.
(Sword slash and Asian music)
Bentley (narrating): Rioichi Cooper continued to refine his master ninja techniques as well as his sushi. And while his thefts were never detected, his sushi restaurant was recognized as the finest in Japan.
(Tiger growl)
Bentley (narrating): El Jefe remains behind bars. He was transferred to a South American prison where he now works rolling cigars. Unfortunately for him, there's no smoking allowed.
(Gunshot and Western music)
Bentley (narrating): Tennessee "Kid" Cooper recovered his gold and his place in history as "the Greatest Outlaw of the Old West". His legend grew even bigger when he began stealing from crooked lawmen exclusively.
Bentley (narrating): Toothpick was arrested and became part of a chain gang working on the railroads. He eventually went deaf and faded into obscurity.
(Burping and Prehistoric Music)
Bentley (narrating): Caveman Cooper kept up his physical training and returned to his role as egg thief extraordinaire. Perhaps most importantly, he pioneered the use of his cane as a tool for thieving.
(Cell closing)
Bentley (narrating): The Grizz received a lengthy prison sentence and began a new career as a rap artist. In his spare time, he paints portraits of his fellow inmates.
(Sheathing sword and England music)
Bentley (narrating): Sir Galleth Cooper return to his heroic adventures and went on to form the Knights of the Cooper Order, a gallant group that stole from corrupt nobility. He also became a successful, if overly dramatic, actor.
(Cell closing)
Bentley (narrating): Penelope was sent to Europe's highest security prison, where she promptly escaped. She remains at large and the police have no clue as to her whereabouts. Recently however, I've been receiving some mysterious postcards.
(Snoring and Arabic music)
Bentley (narrating): Salim Al-Kupar finally retired from thieving and took a long nap. Then he dreamed of a lucrative new business. Parking his camel around town, he sold snacks to hungry customers. It was highly successful.
Bentley (narrating): After being locked up, Miss Decibel decided to make some changes. She had the horn removed from her trunk, enrolled in anger-management classes, and began teaching music to other prisoners. With continued good behavior, she might get an early parole.
(Whip and Jazzy music)
Bentley (narrating): Dimitri returned to his globe-trotting ways as a celebrity scuba diver. And even launched a new line of fashionwear. He's so successful, there's a new reality TV show chronicling his adventures. It's called Disco Diver.
Bentley (narrating): Le Paradox had all his assets seized, including his art collection. And everything was donated to the city of Paris. I'm told his cell was modified to be completely Odor-Proof. I suppose that's good for the guards, since he's going to be living there for a very long time.
(When Sly approaches a large container.)
Bentley (binocucom): You can probably move that container if you hit it hard enough, Sly.
System Cracker[]
Alter Ego[]
Spark Runner[]
Ping Pong[]
- Boars
- Bulls
- Oh, you're runnin' like a little coward?
- Now where'd you get off to?
- You there!
- Hold up, you!
- Oh, when I get my hands on you, you're done!
- I'll ventilate you!
- I know you're still here!
- Huh?
- Oh, it's a slippery one, this one.
- Get back here!
- Woolly Mammoths
- I'll put you on ice!
- Mech wolves
- What was that?
- Mandrills
- I have you now!
- You're mine!