Sly Cooper is an upcoming animated television series being produced by Paris-based Technicolor Animation Productions and Sony Interactive Entertainment. Global distribution will be handled by PGS Entertainment.[2] The series was first announced in June 2017, but its status as of October 2024 is unknown.
Sly Cooper follows the adventures of an irresistibly charismatic raccoon, a modern-day Robin Hood, who restores justice to his city one theft at a time. Sly Cooper is aided by his two best friends, a muscular hippo named Murray and a brainy turtle named Bentley. Hot on Sly's trail is Inspector Carmelita Fox, a morally upright cop with an unfortunate crush on the charming bandit, as well as a band of villains, each one more strange and colorful than the last. Mixing humor, action and a remarkable cast of characters, Sly Cooper promises to be an unforgettable series.[1]
The series was announced on June 14, 2017.[2] It was the 11th most watched at MIPJunior 2017,[3] and its first script received five stars from pre-buyers around the world.[4] In July 2018, the official website for the series was updated with a release date: October 2019 for the first half of the season (episodes 1-26) and July 2020 for the second half of the season (episodes 27-52). Within several days of this update being discovered, the dates were removed from the page.[5] The series has since been removed from both the Technicolor and PGS Entertainment websites, and its status is unknown as of October 2024.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Sly Cooper product page on Technicolor Animation Production's website (archive)
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 PlayStation and Technicolor working on Sly Cooper TV series (archive)
- ↑ 'Magic Adventures,' '44 Cats' Most Watched Shows at MIP Jr. (archive)
- ↑ 2017 Recap Highlights (archive image)
- ↑ PGS Entertainment (archive, image)