Sly Cooper Wiki

This page documents the Sly Cooper Wiki's image guideline. Images may be added to a page to make it more presentable, easy to use or explain things that words cannot.

General guidelines[]

  • Content: All uploaded images must be appropriate and legal. This means that no adult content, pornography, illegal images or images promoting illegal activity should be uploaded.
  • Relevance: Images used must be relevant to the article they are added to. If there is a section in an article that is related to something else, an image relevant to that may be used.
  • Amount: Although images can be used in an article with great effect, they should not appear in an excessive amount. Generally, in a short article, only one image is needed. In longer articles, more images may be used, so long as they are relevant and do not crowd the page. On shorter articles with an infobox, additional images are not always necessary.
  • Placement and size: Images may either be aligned to the left or the right. The editor should use his or her own discretion in determining the placement of images best suited for the article. The size of a placed image should not exceed 250 pixels.

Image usage[]


The name of an image can be changed on the upload form. The image's filename should be a brief description of the scene or character that the image is showcasing.

Examples of a good filename:

  • Dimitri in his gear.png
  • Rioichi making sushi.png
  • Police Headquarters gameplay 1.png

Examples of a bad filename:

  • Sly-Cooper-1813129.jpg
  • Tumblr inline mpw7tvUe3c1qz4rgp.png
  • Screenshot 2016-06-01 at 5.10.01 PM.png

File format[]

There are several file extensions that can be uploaded, with the most common being .jpg and .png. Due to its lossless data compression, .png files are generally preferable. Animated .gif images are disallowed due to their distracting quality.

Personal images and fan-art[]

Personal images and fan art are allowed only on user pages or user sub-pages. Be sure to tag them all with Category:User images.

Replacing images[]

Replacing (overwriting) an image can take place when the original file is of low resolution or quality. In this case, the original picture must be replaced by exactly the same version with better quality.


Some articles may have a gallery. A gallery should only be used if there are many relevant pictures that do not fit comfortably in the main text of the article. Pictures added to a gallery must remain relevant to the article. Simply having multiple images of the same object does not constitute contributing to the article; every image must have a purpose.
