Sly Cooper Wiki

Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus has two different trophy lists: one for PlayStation 3 (PS3) and PlayStation Vita, and another for PlayStation 4 (PS4) and PlayStation 5 (PS5).

For the original PS3/Vita trophy list, every trophy can be obtained by simply progressing through the story while collecting every clue bottle and opening every vault. For clue bottle locations, refer to the individual walkthroughs for each level. The PS4/PS5 trophy list contains similar requirements, with the addition of several technique-specific and level-specific trophies. Completing Master Thief Sprints is also required for this list's platinum trophy, which was not required for the original list.

All story-related trophies are marked with * in the lists below. Because every level is replayable, there are no missable trophies.

PS3 & Vita trophies[]

Image Name Requirement
Trophy - True Thievius Raccoonus True Thievius Raccoonus Unlock all trophies for Sly Cooper's first outing.
Trophy - Foxy Lady Foxy Lady* Collect a police file from Carmelita.
Trophy - Coin Collector Coin Collector Collect a single coin.
Trophy - Coin Recycler Coin Recycler Collect 60 coins.
Trophy - Coins, Coins Everywhere! Coins, Coins Everywhere! Collect 99 coins.
Trophy - Snowy Blueprints Snowy Blueprints Collect some snowy blueprints.
Trophy - Programmers Can Do Anything Programmers Can Do Anything Collect some watery blueprints.
Trophy - French Bulldog Style French Bulldog Style Collect a blueprint from Muggshot.
Trophy - Top Of The Morning Top of the Morning Learn Rob McCooper's Explosive Hat technique.
Trophy - Sucker Punched! Sucker Punched!* Enter the world of Sly Cooper!
Trophy - Slytunkhamen Approves Slytunkhamen Approves Upgrade your shadow.
Trophy - Run Like An Egyptian Run Like an Egyptian* Learn Slytunkhamen's secret move.
Trophy - Dive Bomb Dive Bomb Learn Drake Cooper's Fast Attack Dive.
Trophy - Slow Slacker Slow Slacker Upgrade your slow motion technique.
Trophy - Take It Slow Take It Slow Learn Dev Cooperinda's Slow Motion Jump.
Trophy - Now Ya See Me Now Ya See Me Learn Sir Andrew Cooper's Thief Replica technique.
Trophy - Coin Sucker Coin Sucker Learn Karin Coopergiwa's Coin Magnet technique.
Trophy - Spikes Suck Spikes Suck Learn Sir Augustine of Cooper's Briefly Defy Gravity technique.
Trophy - Singing Gator Singing Gator Collect a voodoo blueprint.
Trophy - Freeze, You're It Freeze, You're It Learn B.F. Cooper's Speed Up the Clock technique.
Trophy - Waterlogged Waterlogged Learn Suzanne Cooper's Water Safety technique.
Trophy - Frog Legs Frog Legs* Defeat Sir Raleigh the Frog.
Trophy - Giving The Dog A Bone Giving the Dog a Bone* Defeat Muggshot.
Trophy - Dance, Dance Ruby Dance, Dance Ruby* Defeat Mz. Ruby
Trophy - Pandas Aren't Always Cute Pandas Aren't Always Cute* Defeat Panda King.
Trophy - Time Stopper Time Stopper Max out all Slow Motion techniques.
Trophy - Learn The Ropes Learn the Ropes* Start out on your Cooper adventure.
Trophy - Pug Gambling Pug Gambling* Enter Muggshot's territory.
Trophy - Complete Darkness Complete Darkness Max out all shadow techniques.
Trophy - Bayou Lily Bayou Lily* Enter the voodoo swamp.
Trophy - Meeting The Ancestors Meeting the Ancestors Find all the blueprints.
Trophy - Clash of the Clockwerk Clash of the Clockwerk* Track down Clockwerk.
Trophy - Greedy Raccoon Greedy Raccoon
Open all vaults.

Tutorial: The final vault can be opened only after beating the game.
Trophy - Oh No He Didn't Oh No He Didn't* Defeat Clockwerk.
Trophy - Bottle Hoarder Bottle Hoarder Collect all clue bottles in any level.
Trophy - Nimble Like A Thief Nimble Like a Thief Find all the Dive moves.

PS4 & PS5 trophies[]

Image Name Requirement
Trophy - True Thievius Raccoonus A Cooper's Pride Unlock all trophies in Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus.
Stopping the Storm Stopping the Storm* Complete all jobs in Tide of Terror.
Plundered Treasures Plundered Treasures Open all vaults in Tide of Terror.
Croaking Crook Croaking Crook* Defeat Sir Raleigh.
Bringing Down the House Bringing Down the House* Complete all jobs in Sunset Snake Eyes.
Sly's Hot Streak Sly's Hot Streak Open all vaults in Sunset Snake Eyes.
Blinding Blaster Blinding Blaster* Defeat Muggshot.
Cauldron Disaster Cauldron Disaster* Complete all jobs in Vicious Voodoo.
Swampy Secrets Swampy Secrets Open all vaults in Vicious Voodoo.
Bayou Boogie Bayou Boogie* Defeat Mz. Ruby.
Production Blocker Production Blocker* Complete all jobs in Fire in the Sky.
Safecracker Safecracker Open all vaults in the Fire in the Sky.
Panda Pummeler Panda Pummeler* Defeat Panda King.
Death Ray Destruction Death Ray Destruction* Foil Clockwerk's plans in The Cold Heart of Hate.
Eternal Enemy Eternal Enemy* Defeat Clockwerk.
A Thief Heeds No Warning A Thief Heeds No Warning Destroy 4 signs in A Stealthy Approach.
Nimble Solutions Nimble Solutions Complete The Fire Down Below without grabbing any hooks.
Charming the Library Charming the Library Complete A Cunning Disguise without using the barrel.
Through the Fire and Planks Through the Fire and Planks Take a shortcut over flaming debris in The Gunboat Graveyard by using the crow's nest.
What a Pane What a Pane Destroy 7 panes of glass in Back Alley Heist.
Look Out Below! Look Out Below! Drop 5 cars in Straight to the Top.
Sleight of Hand Sleight of Hand Defeat all 4 Casino Enforcers at the start of Boneyard Casino without being detected. [Show/hide tutorial]
Tutorial: This can be done slowly by throwing a mine near each enemy and detonating it. Alternatively, you can sneak as close as you can to a guard where your cane swing will make contact; doing so will avoid the guard from being alerted before you kill him.
The Perfect Date The Perfect Date Complete Two to Tango without taking damage or falling.
Must Have Been the Ghosts Must Have Been the Ghosts Defeat all Voodoo Guards in The Dread Swamp Path without being detected.
Ectoplasmic Slasher Ectoplasmic Slasher Defeat 5 ghosts in a single attack in A Grave Undertaking.
Sly Be Nimble Sly Be Quick Sly Be Nimble Sly Be Quick Jump over all candles during the chase in The Lair of the Beast. [Show/hide tutorial]
Tutorial: Avoid double-jumping while navigating the path, as this will slow you down and risk the Beast catching up to you. Having the water safety technique can also help because by falling into the water in a pinch, you will always be returned to a spot further up along the path, some distance from the Beast.
Slytly Pacifist Slytly Pacifist Complete Descent Into Danger without defeating any enemies or destroying any alarms.
Get a Clue Get a Clue Collect 5 clue bottles.
Seen and Wanted Seen and Wanted Alert every flashlight guard and set off every alarm in The Unseen Foe.
This Session's Over This Session's Over Defeat all the training Moo Goo monkeys in Flaming Temple of Flame.
Setting the Mood Setting the Mood Launch 2 pink fireworks in Duel by the Dragon. [Show/hide tutorial]
Tutorial: At the beginning of the level, before meeting Carmelita, you will encounter an enemy on a rooftop. Behind him are the two fireworks.
Share What's Mine Share What's Mine Defeat two or more enemies with the same mine. [Show/hide tutorial]
Tutorial: The easiest place to do this is at the beginning of "Boneyard Casino." Place a mine in the path between the slot machines and detonate it when both patrolling enemies walk through together.
Knowing Is Half the Battle Knowing Is Half the Battle Learn the names of 10 enemies through the Binoc-u-com.
No More Beaches for Sly No More Beaches for Sly Discover the Water Safety technique.
Super Cooper Super Cooper Discover the Briefly Defy Gravity technique.
Oh No He Didn't! Oh No He Didn't!* Steal a kiss.
Speedius Thievius Speedius Thievius Complete 10 Master Thief Sprints.