Sly Cooper Wiki

Murray: Great snakes on a stick! I don't believe it!
Penelope: What, you found the signal?
Murray: It's the team van! Last time I saw it, it was floating away on a block of ice in Canada... and now it's here.
― After finding the Cooper Van[src]

"Tearful Reunion" is a job for Murray, Penelope and the Panda King in "A Cold Alliance" of Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves.


While looking for a mysterious signal, Murray spots the Cooper Van frozen in ice. Get it back to the safe house.


The mysterious signal is in fact the Cooper Van, trapped within a block of ice. The first step is taking it out of the water, by using the RC chopper, avoiding guards and missiles. Then, Murray breaks the ice, but there is no way they can carry the van to the safehouse. So, Murray attaches himself to the van and it is up to Penelope to protect him from the environment threats, such as guards and traps. Unfortunately, she runs out of fuel as spikes block Murray's path. Despite his predicament, he refuses to abandon the van again. His determination touches the Panda King and he decides to help Murray using a turret. Once he returns to the safe house, it's job completed.


  • In real life, it would actually be impossible for the van to float to the Kunlun Mountains. The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers both originate in that mountain chain and empty into the Pacific Ocean, but in order for the van to float to the mountains, it would have to emit enough force to let it and the ice sheet flow upstream.
  • This job was foreshadowed in "King of Fire" where Murray mentions he misses the Cooper Van after saying he got tired from the walk up to the Panda King.