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What Dimitri plans to do with the Clockwerk part is beyond me, but those plans end tonight.
― Sly Cooper, from the episode's introduction[src]

"The Black Chateau" is the first episode of Sly 2: Band of Thieves. It was set in Paris, France, and the main antagonist is Dimitri Lousteau.


The Setup[]

The Cooper Gang goes back home to Paris to track down Dimitri Lousteau, who is described by Sly as an underworld celebrity, equally at home in high-class art circles and shady back-alley crimes.

Dimitri was once a passionate, young art student, whose art techniques and visionary style were rejected by the art world. He then turned to a life of crime and began forging old masterpieces. He then becomes the owner of a nightclub on the west side of Paris, which will lure chic, young patrons from far and wide.

Somewhere in the nightclub are Clockwerk's first body part, his tail feathers. While the gang have no idea what Dimitri was planning, they vow tonight they will put an end to them.


Job name Completed by
"Satellite Sabotage" Sly
Sly was tasked with re-positioning three of Dimitri's satellite dishes, that way Bentley could access his information.
"Breaking and Entering" Sly
Sly snuck through a wine cellar to break into Dimitri's nightclub. Once inside, he took some recon photos of the Clockwerk tail feathers.
"Bug Dimitri's Office" Sly
Sly had to carry a bugged painting to Dimitri's office so that the gang would be able to listen in on his conversations.
"Follow Dimitri" Sly
Sly had to tail Dimitri, without being seen, to find out what he was hiding.
"Waterpump Destruction" Murray
Murray had to venture into the nightclub's aquapump room to sabotage it.
"Silence the Alarms" Murray
Murray had to destroy Dimitri's three alarm horns, that way the gang could avoid any complications during their heist.
"Theater Pickpocketing" Sly
Sly snuck into the theater, where he had to shut down the security in Dimitri's printing press room.
"Moonlight Rendezvous" Sly
Sly encountered Constable Neyla again, and she led Sly to the back door of Dimitri's discothèque.
"Disco Demolitions" Bentley
Bentley entered the discothèque to destroy the disco ball and weaken the moorings on the nightclub's peacock sign.
"Operation: Thunder Beak" Bentley, Murray, Sly
The gang worked together to bring down the giant peacock sign and retrieve the Clockwerk tail feathers.
"Printing Press Duel" Sly
Sly confronted Dimitri in his printing press room, where he defeated him and retrieved the tail feathers.

The Getaway[]

The gang successfully thwarts Dimitri's counterfeiting operation and makes off with Clockwerk's tail feathers. The gang's escape got tricky due to Carmelita arriving with Neyla on scene to arrest Dimitri. His nightclub gets shut down and he gets thrown behind bars. In celebration of a successful heist, the gang spends a week in Monaco, where Bentley wanted to practice his new card counting formula and the trio deserves a break.


The safe is located in Dimitri's office and is opened with the combination 2-3-1.[note 1] Upon opening it, Sly receives the Knockout Dive.


Trophy RiseAndShine
Sly! Come in! Sly! Do you read me?
This article or section is missing a video.

Behind the scenes[]

Since this is an episode in Sly 2 where the main antagonist is defeated, if one hovers over the episode in the episode list, an INTERPOL symbol appears in the bottom left-hand corner. By pressing square upon seeing the icon, the player can watch a bonus video of a cinematic heist pulled off by the Cooper Gang.

In the PAL version of the game, the gambling scene was removed from the getaway cutscene. As The Sly Collection was likely a port of the PAL version of the game (due to the tendency for these later released versions to have minor bug fixes and faster load times), it also is missing the gambling scene.

Trophies earned in Episode[]

PS3/PS Vita[]

Image Name Requirement
Trophy ArtSnob Art Snob Replace a painting undercover. (Complete "Bug Dimitri's Office")
Trophy ReptilianRobber Reptilian Robber Defeat Dimitri.
Trophy HeadsOrTails Heads or Tails Collect 500 coins.
Trophy HeIsFlaming He Is Flaming Purchase the Fists of Flame from ThiefNet.
Trophy GottaFindUmAll Gotta Find Um All! Collect 15 clue bottles.
Trophy BottleCapped Bottle Capped Collect 20 clue bottles.
Trophy SodaPopped Soda Popped Collect 30 clue bottles.
Trophy ExactChange Exact Change Collect 1,000 coins.
Trophy Loot Loot! Collect 1,500 coins.
Trophy RemoteTrigger Remote Trigger Purchase the Trigger Bomb from ThiefNet.


Image Name Requirement
Knock Them Out Knock Them Out Open the vault in this episode.
Let Me Shine You Let Me Shine You Listen to Dimitri's Greasy Sweet remix.
One and Done One and Done As Murray, defeat 5 guards with the Fists of Flame.
Don't You Love When a Plan Comes Together Don't You Love When a Plan Comes Together? Complete all jobs in this episode.
A Monetary Briefing A Monetary Briefing Find 10 cash briefcases.
Slyght of Hand Slyght of Hand As Sly, pickpocket 5 pieces of loot without being detected.


  1. This is the same combination for the vault in the "Duel by the Dragon" level from Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus.