My friends are locked up somewhere in the clinic and are slated for the Contessa's "Good Samaritan" -brainwashing.
― Bentley
The Contessa's prison was a maximum security criminal rehabilitation center located in Prague. Its warden was The Contessa who also served as its main criminal psychologist. The facility was heavily guarded and housed a large number of criminals whom the Contessa had imprisoned over time.
The prison was originally an estate owned by the Contessa's husband. While studying criminal psychology the Contessa married him. A few weeks after the wedding he "suspiciously" passed away leaving the estate to his widowed wife. The Contessa put her education to work by transforming the estate into a prison. Although INTERPOL believed her to be using the facility as a location to reform criminals through hypnosis, she really took them there and hypnotized them into revealing the location of their fortunes.
After Neyla betrayed Sly Cooper and Murray to the Contessa, the Contessa sent them to her prison. Sly was placed in the "hole" and Murray in Cell Block D. Bentley was able to free Sly, and the duo began working to free Murray. One part of the plan involved Murray causing trouble within Cell Block D to get placed in solitary confinement. Sly and Bentley sabotaged the prison's security systems before sneaking into the prison, where they finally freed Murray. When the Contessa saw the entire Cooper Gang reunited and out of captivity she fled from the prison on her blimp, leaving the group to pursue her. After this, the prison was abandoned and later shut down.[1]
Layout and description[]

The entrance to the prison.
The prison was enclosed within large stone walls that could be scaled only by climbing via pipes. The only other way into the prison was through an entrance blocked by a huge gate that was guarded by patrols and spotlights constantly. Guards equipped with motion sensors were often seen on the walls keeping watch over both the inside and outside of the prison grounds. The Contessa also used an artificial means of security: a giant attack robot. To protect the robot and the prison in general, several lightning rods were erected on top of the many guard towers.
A small town existed immediately outside of the prison which the Contessa's grip had apparently reached to, as there were guards seen patrolling throughout. Bentley established an abandoned building in the town as a safe house.[1]
The Prison grounds and the surrounding district consisted of various locations:
Cell Block D[]

Cell Block D
One of the buildings within the prison. It was here where Murray was initially imprisoned and later where he was also placed into solitary confinement after fighting with the Contessa's guards. It consisted of multiple floors of prison cells, as seen during the heist. One cell in particular could be accessed from outside the prison walls through a drainage pipe. This allowed Sly to sneak through an air vent and to Murray's cell.[1]
The Hole[]

The Hole
A small containment unit that the Contessa used to imprison her worst criminals. There were 7 guards equipped with motion sensors keeping watch over the cell at all times. The main objective of the "hole" was to break the criminal's spirit, which would eventually happen after being imprisoned in there week after week with no contact to the rest of the prison. Sly was jailed in the "hole" but was later freed by Bentley.[1]
Contessa's house[]
Contessa's main residence located outside the prison walls which also served as the prison's HQ. It was constantly patrolled by one of her tanks and the path leading up to the door of her house was guarded by spikes. At the bottom of her house was a small opening that, when crawled through, led to a vault that held the Long Toss gadget.[1]

The Bridge
A large bridge located in front of the Contessa's house. Many of her guards hid in statues on the bridge to frighten unsuspecting passersby. Under the bridge were pipes that fed power to the prison's security system. While Sly and Bentley worked to free Murray, the former posed as a statue on the bridge to keep guards away from the latter while he planted bombs, which destroyed the pipes and weakened the security.[1]
Giant attack robot[]

The Giant Attack Robot
Contessa had a Giant Attack Robot disguised as a water tower inside the prison walls. To make the Robot inoperative, so it wouldn't cause any trouble when they free Murray, Sly and Bentley disabled the prison lightning rods, allowing lightning to strike the robot and destroy it.
- Vultures (Flashlight guard)
- Wolves (Rooftop guard)
- Bats (Rooftop guard)
- Explosive spiders (Miscellaneous guard)
- Purple spiders (Miscellaneous guard)
- Tanks (Vehicle)