Sly Cooper Wiki

Tenbeat Tenbeat 18 January 2019

Migration from Wikia to Fandom

The migration has happened as of January 24th, 2019.

Original blogpost below.

Hey all,

Just a quick and mostly unnecessary news update related to the Wiki itself: As you may see on a banner at the top of any given page, the Sly Cooper Wiki will be migrating from the Wikia domain to the Fandom domain in the coming weeks (the change will happen by February 4th). This means that the website name will change from to

As far as I can tell from visiting other wikis that already have migrated, going to will still bring you to the Fandom site, but a redirect will occur.

We don't have any choice in the matter; Wikia rebranded itself to Fandom several years ago, and this is an i…

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Tenbeat Tenbeat 17 March 2018

The Sly Cooper Wiki is 10 Years Old

I'm not gonna be speaking for everyone here, but I just wanted to acknowledge that as of March 11, 2018, the Sly Cooper Wiki is ten years old. Pretty crazy, right?

At this time 10 years ago, Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves was two and half years old. Rumors of a PSP game were still on people's minds. Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time wouldn't be teased for another two and half years when The Sly Collection released, marking the first time Sly Cooper and the Gang had made the jump to the PS3. Fan fiction and those weird music videos were in their heyday. inFAMOUS had been revealed and was slated to release that year (though it didn't, not til 2009). I'm sure Sucker Punch was getting hundreds of emails a day from little kids like you and me asking "when will Sly 4…

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Tenbeat Tenbeat 23 September 2017

The 15th Anniversary of Sly Cooper

Sly Cooper is fifteen years old today. Crazy, huh? There's no news to speak of, sadly, so I decided that I would tell my Sly Cooper story, and I encourage all to do the same in the comments below.

I remember way back in 2002 getting a PS2 for my birthday and asking for one game and one game only: Sly Fox. Not a thing. Luckily, my mom went to the local GameCrazy (the video game store that was connected to Hollywood Video; two dead companies) and asked for Sly Fox. Whoever was behind the counter at the time was smart enough to realize that I had meant Sly Cooper and that the game wasn't going to be coming out for another 3 and a half months or so. So my first preorder was placed. (It was a small town, and this was a time where digital distribution…

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Tenbeat Tenbeat 2 August 2017

TV Series Announced

I'm a bit late on finally creating a news post for this, but here goes (this post originally appeared here).

It looks like it is really happening. A TV series. Many of us wanted it, and now we are getting it.

Sony Interactive Entertainment is teaming up with Technicolor Animation Productions. They certainly have a track record. How you feel about it is up to you. They worked on the Sonic Boom television series, as well as an Alvin & the Chipmunks television series. They also do games work. It looks like they have worked on the pre-rendered cinematics in games like the 2013 Tomb Raider and Hitman Absolution (if you remember the trailer with the nuns; Technicolor Animation Productions did that).

In charge of global distribution (including merchandising…

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Tenbeat Tenbeat 25 January 2017

Close to Movie News?

Hey Hopeful Sly Pals,

Still no real news. But that doesn't mean we can't make some out of likely nothing. The official Rainmaker Animation YouTube channel uploaded a new Sly Cooper trailer yesterday. Yeah. Wanna see it?

You done watching? Did you notice anything? If not, that's OK. Yes, that trailer is basically the same as the original trailer from January 2014. But not exactly. At the very end, instead of the saying "Breaking Into Theaters In 2016", it says "The Movie". That's it.

Unremarkable, right? Possibly. It doesn't mean anything. Rainmaker is basically saying "we're not releasing the movie in 2016." Duh. But it also says something else. It says "we still care enough about this to make the information accurate." They aren't giving us a …

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