Sly Cooper Wiki

"Boat Hack" was a job for Bentley and Murray in Menace from the North, eh! of Sly 2: Band of Thieves.


Sly and Murray aid Bentley in draining the Northern Light battery, so it won't recharge.


You play as Bentley, who activates the mission. You will then go to the first docked boat so you can hack it's computer. After hacking that boat, it will move near the silo, in which you have to shoot the grappling hook at the top of the silo, where Sly is. Once you do that, Murray will join you, who will throw you to the next boat. You will hack that computer as well. Like the first boat, it will move next to the silo, and you will use its grappling hook and launch it at Sly on top of the silo.

You will then go to the last boat, and hack that boat as well. Then launch the grappling hook at Sly, completing the mission.

