"Brains Over Brawn" was a job and continuation of "Operation: Canada Games" in Menace from the North, eh! of Sly 2: Band of Thieves.
Defeat Jean Bison and stow away inside the Northern Light battery.
After the gang wakes up from the result of the Lumberjack Games, Bentley goes through an hole and encounters Jean Bison. After a brief interaction, the boss battle will begin where the player is in control of Bentley. Controls are different than normal:
do nothing, even if they are assigned to gadgets.
does nothing, as Bentley is already running.
is for activating the flames.
is for activating the sawblades.
is for dropping the logs.
Controls not listed above act as normal. Be sure to avoid your own attacks as you command them, as they do significant damage to you as well. Bison's basic attack is to charge at you when he gets close. Other attacks occur at certain health amounts:
- When Bison is at 3/4ths of his health, he will call on geese guards to accompany him.
- When Bison is at 2/5ths of his health, he will start throwing dynamite at you.
- When Bison is at 1/4ths of his health, he will again call on geese guards, while still throwing dynamite.
Once Bison is down, you will be informed of the arrival of Arpeggio's blimp. As Bentley, lead the gang to the silo and you will finish the job and the episode.