Sly Cooper Wiki

"Know Your Enemy" was a job for Sly Cooper in "A Tangled Web" of Sly 2: Band of Thieves.



Take recon photos around the castle grounds and inside the Contessa's re-education tower.

The mission[]

The first set of recon photos are of the following:

  • Boat – Patrolling the canal. This can be used as an alternative means of reaching the castle instead of crossing the bridge guarded by spotlights.
  • Blimp – Constantly circling around the area. It is also the same blimp the Contessa used to escape in.
  • Assault Tank – One of the Contessa's tanks, ready to attack any intruder it sees.
  • Neyla's HQ – Neyla has used an old bank near the safe house as her headquarters.

After taking four photos outside, head to the re-education tower, which is a tall structure located to the left of the castle's front entrance. With the front door locked, you will need to sneak in through the balcony. Inside the tower, five photos need to be taken.

  • Old Terminal – An inactive terminal that is supposedly hardwired to the systems in the tower.
  • Mind Shuffler – A device Bentley was not sure existed or not. Made of equal parts science and black magic, it is indestructible to modern weapons. This is being used to power the Clockwerk eyes.
  • Clockwerk Eyes – The eyes are being used by the Contessa to brainwash Carmelita.
  • Carmelita Fox – She is restrained and attempting to resist being brainwashed.
  • Shadow Guard – One of the Contessa's elite guards.

Once all the photos have been taken, the job is complete.



Sly 2 Band of Thieves - A Tangled Web - Know Your Enemy
