Sly Cooper Wiki

"Operation: Canada Games" was the heist job for Bentley, Murray and Sly Cooper in Menace from the North, eh! of Sly 2: Band of Thieves.


Take down Jean Bison in the Lumberjack Games and obtain the Clockwerk talons.


  • Achieve a perfect score in each challenge
  • Sabotage Jean Bison during his turns
  • Defeat the judges and take their posts


Part 1 - Log chopping[]

Murray is up for the first challenge, Power Log Chopping. Simply, press the x to swing your axe. You must time your swings carefully by paying attention to the meter at the top of the screen. When the cursor hovers over the log icon, that's a sweet spot. Once you successfully finish, you'll receive a perfect score.

Jean Bison will then begin his turn and control will switch to Bentley. Carrying the eagle egg, you must carefully make your way around to Bison and sneak the egg into his trousers before time runs out. Watch out for the Canadian eagles that swoop down on you, and take precautions when crossing the ice floats, as you cannot jump while holding the egg. Once that's successfully done, the Ice Wall Climbing challenge will begin.

Part 2 - Ice Wall Climbing[]

Sly is up for this challenge. You must utilize your twin canes to climb up the ice wall before time runs out. Once successfully complete, you'll receive a perfect score and Bison will go up next. Control will switch to Murray. You must shoot three cables at him, in order to pull him down before he reaches the top.

Part 3 - Log Rolling[]

The third and final challenge is the Log Rolling challenge. If you stay on the logs for the time allowed, you win. This challenge requires precise timing and jumping. Pay attention to when the logs begin to sink and quickly jump to another. Once done successfully, Bison will go up and control will switch to Sly. For this final part, you must use your Alarm Clock (or the TOM gadget) to lure the judges into the cave, that way the gang can take their posts. Once done successfully, the Lumberjack Games are over and you'll move on to the next part of the heist.

Note: Do not fight the judges, or else the job will fail. When luring the judges into the cave, the job will also fail if Bison or the judges catch Sly red-handed.

