Sly Cooper Wiki

"Water Bug Run" was a job for Sly Cooper in The Predator Awakes of Sly 2: Band of Thieves.


Place a water bug into Rajan's office.


The bug in the pool in front of you will become agitated if it is out of water for too long (signified by glowing antennae and a red aura coming from it), alerting any nearby guards, so it must be dropped off at several pools along the way to Rajan's office. If any guards knock the bug off of Sly, the mission will fail.

Scout around the area before picking up the bug, looking for nearby water pools, which can be easily spotted because they have a cloud of white steam floating above them. Pick up the bug by pressing circle, then head to the next pool, and drop the bug off by pressing circle, which will reset the timer before it becomes agitated, and repeat the process. Head towards the mission marker, which can be activated by clicking left analog stick.

Enter the office by pressing circle. Once inside, walk forward. Attack the cobra that comes out of the pot on the left, then head into the room. Avoid the lasers on the ground, and place the bug in the water pool that is in the top right corner of the room, on the other side of Rajan's desk. Mission complete.



Sly 2 Band of Thieves Walkthrough - Episode 3 - Water Bug Run
