Sly Cooper Wiki

Wall hooks are small loops of metal or other materials that are attached to walls, buildings, mountainsides and other surfaces; they are used in a wall hook technique that allows Sly to latch onto a hook and launch himself into the air. They originally appeared in Sly 2: Band of Thieves, and have appeared in every game since. In Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, most of Sly's ancestors can also perform this move, but since Bob Cooper uses his bone club instead of his cane in the game, he cannot perform this move. Even when Bob does use his cane, every available place to perform this move is out of reach for him.


It is unknown who invented the use of the wall hook, but Sir Galleth Cooper is most likely the one who did it. This is evidenced by the fact that he had invented the Catapult Crash technique, which was an ability that allowed him to grab onto a hook, then launch himself to great heights while destroying anything that was in his path.[1] This move was neither placed in the Thievius Raccoonus nor had any challenges relating to it in the Cooper Vault, as it goes higher than the normal wall hook.[2]

Sly Cooper learned to use wall hooks in the "He Who Tames the Iron Horse" episode of Sly 2. They were climbing hooks left behind when Jean Bison took over Nunavut Bay.[3] They have appeared in almost every area that the Cooper Gang has traveled to since.


When near a wall hook, the player presses circle to attach to it, and then pulls left analog stick in the opposite direction that they want to go, before pressing x to launch upwards.


