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Sly Cooper Wiki

That did it, Murray! With the aqua pump out of commission, they'll be forced to root water through the old pipe tower. Those fools! They're playing right into our hands!
― Bentley after Murray destroys the aqua pump[src]

"Waterpump Destruction" was a job for Murray in "The Black Chateau" of Sly 2: Band of Thieves. This is the first time the player takes control of Murray, and it acts as a tutorial to learn his controls.


Murray needed to destroy a waterpump in order to force Dimitri to root water from the water tower that stood outside, which is an integral part of Bentley's plan.


Murray entered the waterpump room using the code that Sly saw Dimitri enter.[1] By making his way past the security in the hallway, he was able to make it to the final room where the aquapump was. There, he needed to toss five rat guards into the open water main to plug up the pipes. Doing so caused the machine to burst. With it out of commission, Bentley's plan was bound to work.

